Awesome weekend having a pleasure to collaborate with @bremenwong master , thank u for having me 🖤🖤. Using @armanibeauty LIP MAESTRO LIQUID LIPSTICK CODE 400/401/405 to create the color texture of the lip .
The designer mask is incredible , it could be cover on top of your normal face mask and match with your outfit or style . For enquries , feel free to contact @bremenwong .
Feeling myself again , holding my makeup brush .
#makeupartistlife #makeupacademyKL #makeup_miracle #makeupdesigner #muakl #headgearartist #mcokl #mco #stayhome #artist #facemask #facemaskdesigner #armanibeauty #armanibeautymy #colors #red #armani400 #weekend #art #lipstickaddict #lips #liquidlipstick #armaniliquidlipstick #beautyMY #mybeauty #raya #facemaskhomemade #facemaskselfie #facemaskmakeup @ My Home