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Daoko's "Musuhi Musubi Exhibition" produced by LatiJapo will be held!!
With Daoko in the center, a team of up-and-coming talented creators and photographers will be gathering in Harajuku, Shibuya.
There will be an exhibition of artworks inspired by Kojiki!
Please take the opportunity to visit us!☀️
Details▶︎ https://daoko.jp/news/2514/
"Musuhi Musubi Exhibition".
The exhibition will be held simultaneously in Shibuya and Harajuku in September.
Please come and see the works that we have created together!
Venue A>Sept. 11 (Sat) - Sept. 23 (Thu), 2021 Shibuya
Art Space shibuya-san on the 1st floor of FUKURAS. Free admission.
Venue B>Sept. 17 (Fri) - Sept. 22 (Wed), 2021
At UNKNOWN HARAJUKU. Free admission.
*Please note that the schedule and content of the event may change rapidly depending on the response to the corona infection.
Inspired by the Kojiki, the oldest book of Japanese history, which tells us about our roots, artist Daoko will lead us to question the importance of a deep appreciation of Japan's unique culture and nature in today's technologically advanced society. The "Musuhi", the trigger for everything to be born and develop, will be launched from this "Musuhi Musubi" exhibition.
The picture of the rocky beach with waves is Ame-no-zume
And the picture of the profile with hair ornaments is Amaterasu Omikami.
We made this picture with the motif of the Yatagarasu. (Many-clawed crow) ☀️
There are many other motifs and pictures in the exhibition 👘
(picture 1-3)
And this person(?) is Musuhi-chan, a character I created based on the image of the exhibition.
(picture 4)
¡La “Exhibición Musuhi Musubi” de Daoko producida por LatiJapo tomará lugar!
Con Daoko en el centro, un equipo de prometedores y talentosos creadores y fotógrafos se reunirán en Harajuku, Shibuya en septiembre. ¡Por favor ven y ve los trabajos que hemos creado juntos!☀️
Lugar del evento A > Septiembre 11 (sábado) – Septiembre 23 (Jueves) 2021, Shibuya Art Space en el primer piso de FUKURAS. Sin costo de admisión.
Lugar del evento B > Septiembre 17 (viernes) – Septiembre 22 (miércoles) 2021, en UNKNOWN HARAJUKU. Sin costo de admisión. *Por favor ten en cuenta que el horarioy el contenido del evento puede cambiar rápidamente dependiendo de la respuesta a la infección del coronavirus.
Inspirada por Kojiki, el libro más viejo de la historia japonesa, el cual nos habla sobre nuestras raíces, Daoko como artista nos llevará a cuestionar la importancia de la apreciación profunda sobre la cultura única de Japón y la naturaleza en la sociedad tecnológicamente avanzada de la actualidad. El “Musuhi”, que provoca que todo nazca y se desarrolle, será lanzado desde esta exhibición “Musuhi Musubi”.
La imagen de la playa rocosa con olas es Ame-no-zime y la foto de perfil con ornamentos en el cabello es Amaterasu Omikami. Hemos hecho esta imagen con el motivo de Yatagarasu (El cuervo de muchas garras) ☀️ Hay muchos otros motivos e imágenes en la exhibición 👘 (imagen 1-3)
Y esta persona(¿) es musuhi-chan, un personaje que creé basada en la imagen de la exhibición ❤️❤️❤️ (imagen 4) (daoko official)
Daokos "Musuhi Musubi Exhibition" von LatiJapo wird stattfinden!!
Mit Daoko im Mittelpunkt wird sich ein Team aufstrebender talentierter Kreativer und Fotografen in Harajuku und Shibuya treffen.
Es wird eine Ausstellung von Kunstwerken geben, die von Kojiki inspiriert wurden! Bitte nutze die Gelegenheit uns zu besuchen☀️
Details▶︎ https://daoko.jp/news/2514/
"Musuhi Musubi-Ausstellung".
Die Ausstellung findet im September gleichzeitig in Shibuya und Harajuku statt.
Komme und schau dir die Werke an, die wir gemeinsam geschaffen haben!
Veranstaltungsort A>11. Sept. (Sa) - 23. Sept. (Do), 2021 Shibuya
Kunstraum shibuya-san im 1. Stock von FUKURAS. Freier Eintritt.
Veranstaltungsort B>17. Sept. (Fr) - 22. Sept. (Mi), 2021
*Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich Zeitplan und Inhalt der Veranstaltung je nach Reaktion auf die Corona-Infektion schnell ändern können.
Inspiriert vom Kojiki, dem ältesten Buch der japanischen Geschichte, das uns von unseren Wurzeln erzählt, führt uns die Künstlerin Daoko dazu, die Bedeutung einer tiefen Wertschätzung der einzigartigen Kultur und Natur Japans in der heutigen technologisch fortschrittlichen Gesellschaft zu hinterfragen. Der "Musuhi", der Auslöser für alles, was geboren und entwickelt wird, wird von dieser "Musuhi Musubi"-Ausstellung aus gestartet.
Das Bild des felsigen Strandes mit Wellen ist Ame-no-zume
Und das Bild des Profils mit Haarschmuck ist Amaterasu Omikami.
Dieses Bild haben wir mit dem Motive von Yatagarasu (vielklauige Krähe) gemacht.☀️
Es gibt noch viele weitere Motive und Bilder in der Ausstellung 👘
(Bild 1-3)
Und diese Person(?) ist Musuhi-chan, eine Figur, die ich basierend auf dem Bild der Ausstellung geschaffen habe.
(Bild 4)
Daoko “むすひむすび展” produced by LatiJapo の開催が決定!!
詳細▶︎ https://daoko.jp/news/2514/
みんなであたためた作品たち、 是非みてほしいです
く会場A>2021年9月11日 (土)~9月23日 (木 祝) 渋谷
フクラス1階アートスペース shibuya-san にて。 入場無料。
く会場B>2021年9月17日 (金) ~9月22日 (水)
*コロナ感染拉大の対応等により、 スケジュールや内容が急速変
更される可能性があります。 ご了承ください。
アーティストDaokoが中心となり、 私たちのルーツを語る古事 記にインスピレーションを得ながら、 テクノロジーの発達した現代社会に、 改めて日本ならではの文化 や自然を深く感じることの重要さを問います。 すべてが生まれ、 発展するきっかけとなる「むすひ」 が、 こ の"むすひむすび展"から立ち上がります。
波打つ岩場の写真がアメノウズメ 髪飾りの横顔の写真が天照大御神
展示では他にも色んなモチーフ、 写真があります👘
(picture 1-3)
あとこのひと(?)は 私が展示をイメージして作った キャラクターのむすひちゃん
(picture 4)
@daoko_staff on Twitter
@daoko_official on Instagram
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅So-ju Twins,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?FOLLOW US? Sue's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann Jo's IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash ✨SO-JU TWINS | SEPTEMBER 2018✨ Hey g...
「art appreciation book」的推薦目錄:
art appreciation book 在 Aleff : ART Facebook 的最佳解答
Mugshot photo and short interview by The Sun Daily: Given the interest that he has displayed for art ever since he was a child, no one was surprised that Aleff, grew up to be an artist. Almost always seen with a smile on his face, he is an optimist known for being quiet, but sociable. I met him in his studio atop two flights of stairs, on the third floor of an unmarked building in Kuala Lumpur. All around us lay his artwork, both completed works and those in progress. The space is undeniably home to an artist – and a passionate one at that. He sat down on the floor, popped open a can of industrial paint, grabbed a paintbrush, continued his work, and we started talking.
How did you know you wanted to take up fine arts? “My dad used to tell me that when I was small, he would buy colouring book and a box of Staedtler Luna colour pencils. “When he went to work, I would start colouring. All in one day. At the end of the day, I would go to him and say: ‘Dad, I finished. Can I have another?’ “From there, I realised that my interest [in art] was in my blood. It started with small things. “My artistic side came from my mother. She’s not an artist, but she used to sew clothes and do embroidery. From there, I think the appreciation for art [transferred] to me. “The perfectionism comes from my father’s side. My dad is a mechanic, and to be a good mechanic, you must pay attention to detail. So I think it’s the combination of both [traits] that makes me the artist I am today.” Did you study fine arts? “Yes. I have a diploma and degree in fine arts from UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak. I studied fine arts for five years. For my degree, I majored in painting and minored in graphic design. “So that’s why you see my work has more illustrative concepts and ideas. Most of my concepts play with colours and composition. “Some pieces look like runners (the frame) from a plastic model kit. A lot of them are inspired by toys. When you insert random shapes and geometric shapes, it becomes more interesting.” What was your first significant achievement? “My friend was studying in Australia. At the time, I was already busy doing art. He saw one of my art pieces on Facebook.“ Text by: Azizul R.I
art appreciation book 在 พ่อบ้านเยอรมัน Facebook 的最佳貼文
เป็น Reaktion(Reaction) ที่ดีมากจากสถานทูตไทยในเยอรมันครับ
สืบเนื่องจากการเผยแพร่ข่าวของ ProSiebenSat.1 Digital GmbH สถานเอกอัครราชทูตฯ ได้มีหนังสือตอบโต้ไปยังผู้บริหารสื่อดังกล่าว มีข้อความดังนี้
“am 3. Mai 2019 strahlte ProSiebenSat.1 Digital GmbH im SAT 1 Frühstücksfernsehen einen Beitrag über die Hochzeit Seiner Majestät König Maha Vajiralongkorn mit Königin Suthida, die am 1. Mai 2019 stattfand, aus. Hierzu möchte ich folgendermaßen Stellung nehmen:
Gegen die Sendung, in der die Hochzeitszeremonie des thailändischen Königspaares, insbesondere die würdigende Huldigung der Königin, in unwürdiger und ironisierender Weise nachgestellt wurde, möchte ich im Namen aller Thailänder Widerspruch einlegen. Die genannte Huldigung, in der eine Person auf dem Boden vor der anderen Person liegt, ist in Thailand ein Zeichen der Hochachtung und Würdigung in höchster Form. Diese Tradition wird von Thais bis heute bei Eltern, Vorfahren oder bei hochgeachteten Menschen bewusst ausgeübt. Es ist uns sehr wichtig, diese wertvolle Tradition fortzuführen und der Welt mit vollem Stolz zu zeigen. Tradition und Kultur sind zu respektierende Elemente, die nicht mit einer anderen Kultur verglichen oder beurteilt werden sollten. Weiterhin verletzt diese Tradition niemanden, weder körperlich noch seelisch.
Wir Thailänder haben die Deutschen immer für ihre Toleranz und ihren Respekt anderen Menschen gegenüber bewundert. Den Link zu dieser Sendung aber hat die Königlich Thailändische Botschaft jetzt von zahlreichen tief verletzten Landsleuten zugeschickt bekommen, mit der Bitte, diesen Sachverhalt mit Ihnen unverzüglich zu klären. Wir sind zutiefst enttäuscht, dass in diesem weltoffenen Land eine andere Tradition und Kultur dermaßen lächerlich gemacht wird und dies sogar im Fernsehen verbreitet wird. Seit mehr als 150 Jahren pflegen Deutschland und Thailand diplomatische Beziehungen, die von großem Verständnis und großer Hochachtung beider Länder einander gegenüber gekennzeichnet sind. Deshalb können wir nicht nachvollziehen, wieso eine Kritik ohne Hintergrundwissen und Würdigung ausgesprochen und in dieser Art verbreitet werden konnte. Dass Sie sich über eine so tief verwurzelte Tradition lustig machen, sie ohne Respekt und Verständnis kritisieren, empfinden wir sehr unangemessen. Diesen Vorfall können wir Thailänder auf keinen Fall akzeptieren. Es ist nicht auszuschließen, dass die deutsch-thailändischen Beziehungen durch die Sendung Schaden nehmen könnten.
Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Sie sowie Ihre beiden Moderatoren im Namen aller Thailänder auffordern, sich für diese Äußerungen öffentlich und in aller Form, insbesondere im Frühstücksfernsehen, zu entschuldigen. Kritik an Traditionen anderer Länder sollte in der heutigen Welt von Respekt und Toleranz gekennzeichnet sein. Thailand verwahrt sich gegen eine solche Verunglimpfung seiner wertvollen Traditionen.”
Investigating due to prosiebenSat news. 1 Digital GmbH. The Embassy has a book to respond to the media executives as follows.
" on May 3., 2019 ProSiebenSat radiated. 1 Digital GmbH on SAT 1 Breakfast TV a post about His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn's wedding with Queen Suthida, which took place on May 1., 2019 I would like to comment on this as follows:
I would like to object to the show, on behalf of all Thai royal couple's wedding ceremony, in particular the dignified homage of the Queen, in an unworthy and ironising manner. The said homage, in which one person lies on the ground in front of the other person, is a sign of respect and appreciation in Thailand. This tradition is consciously practised by Thais to this day with parents, ancestors or among highly respected people. It is very important to us to continue this precious tradition and to show the world with full pride. Tradition and culture are elements to be respected that should not be compared or judged to another culture. Further, this tradition doesn't hurt anyone, either physically or mentally.
We Thais have always admired the Germans for their tolerance and respect for other people. The Royal Thai Embassy has now received the link to this show from numerous deeply injured compatriots, asking that this situation be resolved with you immediately. We are deeply disappointed that in this cosmopolitan country, another tradition and culture is being made so ridiculous and that this is even being spread on television. For more than 150 years, Germany and Thailand have maintained diplomatic relations, characterized by great understanding and respect for both countries. Therefore, we cannot understand why a criticism could be expressed without background knowledge and recognition and spread in this kind. We feel very inappropriate that you make fun of such a deeply rooted tradition, criticize it without respect and understanding. There's no way we Thai can accept this incident. It cannot be ruled out that the German-Thai relations could be damaged by the broadcast.
For this reason, I would like to urge you and your two moderators on behalf of all Thai, to apologize publicly and in all forms, especially on breakfast television. Criticism of other countrie s' traditions should be characterized by respect and tolerance in today's world. Thailand is holding itself against such a denigration of its valuable traditions."Translated
art appreciation book 在 So-ju Twins Youtube 的最讚貼文
Sue's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cheongsueann
Jo's IG: https://www.instagram.com/joannwithadash
Hey guys,
Here are our August Favourites. We are actually loving a lot of things this month HAHA but these are our top of the top of the top favourites ?♀ And we're so excited to share these with you guys~
What are your August favourites? ?
Checked Dress, Illo http://bit.ly/2MdUHxh
White Dress, HeyItsFriday http://bit.ly/heyitsfriday_soju
Brown Bag, Shoploooh http://bit.ly/2nxpfMo
White Fanny Pack, Blaqmagik http://www.blaqmagiklvrs.com
Volare Rose Gold Watch, Klasse14 http://bit.ly/2oBAlAq
Rich Moist Soothing Cream , Klairs
Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask, Klairs
Deoderant, Smelly-No-More
If you're staying in Malaysia, you can get it from Guardian or Watson. Not sure with other pharmacies~
Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
The Subtle Are of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson
Kaizen Coffee x Avgust Cafe @ Subang Jaya
73A, Jalan SS15/8A, Subang Jaya, Selangor.
"Keeping up is easier than catching up" -Gretchen Rubin
"You will have a growing appreciation for life’s basic experiences;
the pleasures of simple friendship, creating something, helping a person
in need, reading a good book, laughing with someone you care about.
Sounds boring, doesn’t it? That’s because these things are ordinary.
But maybe for a reason: because they are what actually matters."
-Mark Manson
Jo's Top: http://bit.ly/2w8os8H
Jo's Bottom: Monki
Sue's Top: http://bit.ly/fameboutique_soju
Sue's Bottom: Monki
Dear Dahlia: https://www.instagram.com/g.eonni_kor...
Lipsticks Colour: Carmen 807 & Megan 808
[No Copyright Music] Longing - Joakim Karud
LAKEY INSPIRED - Chill Day (Vlog No Copyright Music)

art appreciation book 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
Don’t get left behind in today’s uncertain times! Let Dan Lok show you the exact high-income skills he’s used to generate millions of dollars and how you can start immediately: http://www.highticketcloserwebinar.com
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://clearvision.danlok.link
Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PlgDZSSo-gxM8ahZ9RtNQE
2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46NufVkPfYhpUJAD1OBoQEEd
3.) Millionaire Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46O591glMGzRMoHaIJB-bQiq
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).
Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
This video is about: Closing Sales: "Gained Clear Vision And Confidence" - HTC Testimonial

art appreciation book 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
Don’t get left behind in today’s uncertain times! Let Dan Lok show you the exact high-income skills he’s used to generate millions of dollars and how you can start immediately: http://www.highticketcloserwebinar.com
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://lifestyle.danlok.link
Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PlgDZSSo-gxM8ahZ9RtNQE
2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46NufVkPfYhpUJAD1OBoQEEd
3.) Millionaire Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46O591glMGzRMoHaIJB-bQiq
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).
Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
This video is about: Sales Training: "Closing Is A Lifestyle, Not Just A Technique" - HTC Testimonial