#雪地新聞 #TravisRice
今天晚上,美國即將進行再一次的總統侯選人辯論會,而職業滑雪選手Travis Rice,為鼓勵美國國民投票,只要去投票後,取得一張貼紙後拍照上傳Instagram,就有機會獲得Lib Tech的最新限量滑雪板
Excited to see who is the Master Debater tonight? #masterdebater16
Want a chance to win one? Vote and see below.
With Lib Tech #LiberaceTechnologies- Where do you think Lib Came from!? (In cooperation with the Liberace Foundation for the Performing and Creative Arts) We present to you my Limited Yahnker Edition. What’s a Yahnker board you ask? Well it’s my collaboration with visual artist Eric Yahnker Eric Yahnker a seminal satirical pop culture artist. Yahnker juxtaposes powerful iconography breaking down barriers using humor and beauty to create a healthy discourse. Such is the power of art in all it’s forms whether it be the art of beautiful pop imagery on canvas or the art of flight when you get the perfect pop off the lip or even the art of the political debate where polarizing titans of American communication butt heads on important issues until eventually spiraling down in to an endless feedback loop of middle school “your mamas fat” jokes. You gotta just take it in, laugh a little and form your own opinion. My Pro Yahnker Edition might be just what you need to stay engaged and keep it fun. Featuring two of Yahnker’s iconic pieces of satire the “Honorable Discharge” on the 157 with blunt shape and the “Soaked Statue” on the 161.5 pointy. Both with a base graphic featuring our master of ceremonies Liberace himself seemingly amused at the current brand of American circus.
THERE’S VERY LIMITED QUANTITIES OF THESE BAD BOYS AND THEY ARE FOR 'MERICA (USA) ONLY! at Lib Tech and select dealers! Pre-order here: lib-tech.com/masterdebater16
The election is just around the corner and the choice is yours. Blunt or pointy? All terrain freestyle or big mountain freestyle? Pants suit or toupee? Your vote is part of your voice and we want to hear you! So much so that we’re giving away a set of these the limited edition T. Rice Pro Yahnker boards to one lucky voter!
All you have to do is:
1. Vote.
2. Get the “I Voted” sticker.
3. Take a RADICAL picture of you with your sticker.
4. Post it to Instagram with the hashtag #masterdebater16.
I will select tasteful winners on election day! So get to voting and you too can be a master debater!