#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
—— James Bond
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到上個週末為止,疫情後首部好萊塢片廠大片《Tenet 天能》全球票房已經累積近三億美元,距離回收拍片成本只剩下約一億美元票房左右的距離。加上下一個競爭對手《Black Widow 黑寡婦》已經撤退至遠方,預計《天能》這幾天很快就能在電影院通路打平並開始賺錢。
要命的是美國票房。直到上個週末為止目前仍是平庸的4120萬美元。Warner 仍在苦等向來對 Christopher Nolan 電影比較有感的紐約、洛杉磯和舊金山等大城市的電影院開門營業(舊金山市政府近日已傳出態度鬆動)。此外,原本 Nolan 堅持如果傳統電影院無法開門營業,將不會讓當地的汽車電影院放映《天能》(藉以捍衛傳統電影院的生存),但最終仍然妥協。他的妥協立刻呈現在票房上,包含洛杉磯的一家和舊金山的兩家汽車電影院相繼闖入全加州票房前三名。
「如果不現在出手,最終將沒有任何東西倖存下來讓我們去拯救(If we don't do this there will be nothing left to save)」《No Time To Die 007:生死交戰》預告中的龐德這麼說。這句話大概是目前全世界電影院最希望向龐德本人說的話。因為他們迫切需要這部續集電影吸引觀眾回流。
無奈的是發行商 MGM 最終仍決定將該片檔期從11月再度延後到明年4月。畢竟不像其他大片廠/養雞場有太多雞可以讓他們砸鍋,龐德電影是MGM唯一隻會下金雞蛋的金雞母。
作為2020年終的《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人》之前僅存的好萊塢大片,這部遠比複雜難懂的《天能》更容易推銷給影迷的龐德電影毅然決定撤守,等於給岌岌可危的全球電影院產業的一記重拳。
然而那句龐德台詞同樣也適用在危機中的發行業身上,因為《天能》的票房不如預期已經使發行業人人自危。「電影院發行模式已經深陷疫情的漩渦中,此時此刻沒有任何大片有辦法在市場中生還。這就是為什麼每個人都在往2021年移動」產業分析師 Jeff Bock 說。
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這位英國情報機關 MI6 的雇員的臨陣脫逃,在24小時內迅速引發連鎖效應。
英國最大連鎖電影院經營者 Cineworld 今天發佈了令全世界電影從業者錯愕的消息:該集團預計在週一開始陸續關閉所有在英國、愛爾蘭和美國所經營的電影院據點。
Cineworld是英國最大連鎖電影院,在全英國共有127個營業據點,僱用5500人。他們三年前併購美國的第二大連鎖電影院品牌 Regal 則有令人咂舌的543個營業據點,共計僱用37000人。一口氣關閉近七百家電影院後,該集團將只剩下歐洲及以色列市場的123家電影院。而且所有電影院員工都是從報紙上看到電影院將再度停業的消息,顯然這個重大決定並沒有事先諮詢員工或者至少提供讓員工更心安的說明。
Cineworld 對外的說法是面對疫情的不確定因素因此必須延長暫停營業的時間。然而Variety掌握的知情人士說法是最快也要2021年之後才有可能恢復營業。也就是說他們將和龐德一起向2020年揮手告別。
在此之前,另一家娛樂產業媒體 Hollywood Reporter 也曾報導美國三大連鎖電影院品牌AMC Theatres、Regal和Cinemark已經開始計畫縮短營業時間來減少損失。
NATO 美國電影院經營者協會因此在日前聯合美國導演工會和 MPA 美國電影協會發表聲明,呼籲美國國會對電影院產業提供進一步的紓困方案,否則電影院體驗可能面臨全面滅絕。
NATO 向兩黨國會議員提出警告說美國中小型電影院有69%將面臨破產或永久關閉,66%從業人員可能面臨失業。他們在聲明中強調電影院的生存與否還影響了上游的製作和發行的相關就業機會,以及圍繞著電影院周邊的其他行業比如餐廳和零售商店等。
在該聲明中連署的電影人包含了:Pedro Almodovar、James Cameron、Clint Eastwood、Sofia Coppola、 Alfonso Cuarón、Christopher Nolan、Martin Scorsese、Denis Villeneuve、Taika Waititi、溫子仁和李安等人。
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Disney 家的另外一隻金雞母——主題樂園,上週也經歷了難熬的一週。
加州州政府原訂上週要提出姍姍來遲的主題樂園產業重啟營業防疫準則。顯然包含 Disney 在內的幾家業者沒有得到州政府的諮詢(或是已預知州政府將提出讓他們難以接受的防疫準則),過去兩週各家業者動作頻頻。先有Diisney 近乎苦苦哀求的公開喊話,希望州政府儘速協助他們重啟營業。Disney 還動員了多名加州州議員向州政府施壓,並聯合 Universal Studios 一起用 California Attractions and Parks Association 協會的名義發表公開聲明呼籲州政府儘速諮詢業者,制定重啟標準。
州政府的另外一個巨大壓力是美國以及加州疫情都沒有放緩的明確跡象,而且太早重啟經濟也造成美國大量確診案例是來自工作場所。比如上週另外一則驚悚的新聞:在疫情中幾乎完全照常運作的美國零售巨人 Amazon 已經有近2萬名員工確診。
Disney Park 主席 Josh D’Amaro 終於不得不在上週丟出震撼彈:宣佈主題樂園部門將裁員 2.8萬人(其中約有三分之二是非全職的員工)。
除了加州 Disneyland 還沒獲得州政府准許重啟之外,其他 Disney 的主題樂園就算已經重新開放,也被要求實施容量管制,而且實際來客數也低於預期。D’Amaro 說 Disney 先前努力透過無薪假等做法來保住員工,但嚴峻的疫情終究使他們得走到裁員這一步。
早先對於重啟營業的防疫標準,Disney 和工會已經有不少摩擦。Disney 說他們會開始約談受影響的員工,並跟工會密切討論下一步要怎麼應對。
主題樂園業務原本是 Disney 整個集團的重要支柱。2019年全集團近70億美元營收中有超過37%來自主題樂園業務。然而今年到第三季為止,疫情為Disney 的主題樂園業務帶來的損失已經直逼35億美元。下不了蛋的時候,就算是金雞母也會失去農場主人的寵愛。
裁員消息發佈的第二天,還傳出 Disney 的董事長 Bob Iger 隨即不留情面地退出加州振興經濟小組,和加州政府劃清界線。
早先4月的時候,加州州長 Gavin Newsom 開出了108位重量級產業人物組成的振興經濟小組名單,希望藉此展現加州政府全力擺脫疫情、拚經濟的決心。這份包含 Apple 的 Tim Cook 、Disney 的 Bob Iger 等加州經濟要角的名單當時還引來批評,認為完全只有白人雇主觀點,並沒有顧及加州經濟中的非裔和拉丁裔企業以及眾多勞工的經濟正義觀點。如今振興經濟小組至少派上一點用場,讓Bob Iger 可以藉由退出小組運作來對州長釋出不滿訊息。
Disney 一連串大動作總算驚動州政府,緊急喊停原本上週要發佈的主題樂園產業重啟營業防疫準則。加州官員說他們會再和業者繼續針對防疫準則內容進行磋商。
2020年的微薄心願也只能求 die another day。
Top Filmmakers Warn Congress That Movie Theaters Face Extinction(https://bit.ly/3cNxIUy)
Box Office: 'Tenet' Limps to $41M in the U.S. But Nears $300M Globally(https://bit.ly/2GdfwHN)
‘No Time to Die’ Delay Spells Disaster for Struggling Movie Theaters(https://bit.ly/36thvTm)
Indian Cinema Halls To Reopen From October 15, Theatre-Owners Hope Normal Business By April 2021(https://bit.ly/3iBfcQE)
Cineworld to Close All Regal Cinemas, U.K. Venues in Response to ‘No Time to Die’ Delay(https://bit.ly/30wuFeh)
Cineworld to close all UK and US venues putting thousands of jobs at risk(https://bit.ly/2HVCKD3)
Asian Cinemas Reduce COVID-Safe Restrictions, Expand Seating Capacity(https://bit.ly/3ihOOuS)
Movie Theaters Reduce Hours as Hollywood Delays Fall Tentpoles(https://bit.ly/3ji5vaC)
Disney Parks to Lay Off 28,000 U.S. Employees Due to Pandemic Impact on Disneyland, Walt Disney World(https://bit.ly/2SbfPW3
Bob Iger Resigns From Gavin Newsom’s Recovery Task Days After Disney Announced 28,000 Layoffs(https://bit.ly/3ncqUV1)
Governor Gavin Newsom Postponing Release of Theme Park Reopening Guidelines Due To Backlash from Disneyland and Other California Theme Parks(https://bit.ly/34rGgwo)
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅飽妮,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新聞參考片段: https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202105050006 https://abc7ny.com/75-year-old-asian-woman-christian-batista-punched-in-face-hate-crime-investiga...
「asian woman face」的推薦目錄:
asian woman face 在 Nymphia Wind 妮妃雅 Facebook 的最佳貼文
If only I could wake up like this that would be ace
Full face using @nyxcosmetics makeup ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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詳盡整理!分享 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 抓出來的搭配詞~
【小英總統哥倫比亞大學演講 • 英語搭配詞篇】原來總統英語搭配詞那麼厲害,一起來學學她用了哪些!
1. Being back on a New York campus brings back many memories.
⚑ 搭配: bring back memories 勾起回憶 (不是 hook memories 喔)
2. passed the New York Bar examination
原文: Later on, I passed the New York Bar examination here, and visited the city from time to time, sometimes on my way to Washington DC for trade negotiations.
3. trade negotiations 貿易談判
4. political transition 政治轉型
5. Taiwan is now home to a thriving democratic society and political system.
⚑ 搭配:a thriving society
6. trade partner 貿易夥伴
7. Some said progressive values could not take root in East Asian society.
⚑ 搭配:take root 生根
原文: Some said progressive values could not take root in East Asian society. Yet I stand here before you as Taiwan’s first woman president, and this year we became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
8. take to the streets 上街頭抗議 (片語)
9. sow dissent 製造對立
10. Authoritarian governments seek to exploit press freedoms unique to democratic societies to sow dissent among us. They hope to make us question our political systems and lose faith in democracy.
⚑ 搭配: lose faith in 對~失去信心
11. But democracy faces other challenges as well, especially in the form of economic enticements with hidden strings attached.
⚑ 搭配: face challenges 面臨挑戰
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asian woman face 在 飽妮 Youtube 的最佳解答
Email : boni@pressplay.cc
Follow Me On Social Media
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bonibaobao/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/movieandprejudice/

asian woman face 在 themblan Youtube 的精選貼文
You see overt racism all the time on the news. Someone has been shot or people say words with racist connotations. A lot of racism, however, is subtle, and only sensitive people can pick it up. Perhaps I am a bit too sensitive, but these subtle racist interactions have bothered me for a long time, and I wanted to share them, both for my own personal sanity, and also for the possibility of helping someone else out there.
The only store I regularly go to is the supermarket (in this case Whole Foods Market), and so that is where I get the majority of my face-to-face human interaction with strangers. Sometimes I leave the store happy, with a pleasant check-out experience. Other times, though, I leave the store in disarray and confusion. "What the **** just happened in there?" I ask myself.
Why do some cashiers just stare at me and not say anything? Do they assume that I don't know any English because of the way I look?
Please don't get it twisted. I don't care if no one talks to me. I do not believe I am entitled to a "Hello. How are you?" That would be a silly disposition to have. The problem I have, however, is the unequal treatment that I get. A middle-aged woman of European genetics will get a warm, friendly greeting; while I, of Asian genetics, often just get stared at.
I know it can be hard, but I think it would be better to treat all your customers equally, even if you have to be fake.
Thank you for watching, and have a great day.
The song in my intro and outro was done by Hyper Potions, and it is called Time Trials. You can check out the full song here: https://youtu.be/mnfNWe-HHsI.
My Socials:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/themblan1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themblan1

asian woman face 在 Titan Tyra Youtube 的精選貼文
This video is dedicated to my oily skin babies, high five! Oil is great because it prevents wrinkles... but when your face can fry an egg, this video will help you! Help share to your oily skin buddies ♥
Wonder Woman bags sold exclusively at Walgreens and Walgreens.com. Available now thru July. Prices range from $8- $12.
Special thanks to Ivan Saputra for filming and editing the intros! He's amazingly talented so check out his profiles!
Thanks to https://www.instagram.com/jmmyylee/ for assisting with filming!
☆ P R O D U C T S
➫ White Luminaire Revital Fluid Essential Toner - NOTS
➫ C-Firma™ Day Serum - Drunk Elephant
➫ H2O Skindrink – Pixi Beauty
➫ Photo Finish Foundation Primer - Smashbox
➫ De-slick Makeup Setting Spray - Urban Decay
➫ Translucent Powder - Laura Mercier
➫ Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette - Too Faced
➫ MAC Studio Fix Powder NC35
➫ Micellar Water - NYX
☆ S O C I A L M E D I A
☆ F A Q
What ARE you?
I’m Chinese-Indonesian from Jakarta, living in both Indonesia and Singapore. I make beauty and lifestyle videos and I upload every weekend. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss any of my silly videos. You don’t have to, though. But just do it because it’s free anyway :D
How old are you?
I’m 22 years young.
What camera, lens, and software do you use?
I use Sony A5100, with just the normal kit lens, and I use Final Cut Pro X.
☆ S P O N S O R S H I P
This video was sponsored by Walgreens and all opinions are my own honest thoughts.
For Business & PR opportunities, please email: titantyra@gmail.com
☆ M U S I C
DVBBS & CMC$ – Not Going Home
Zeper - What You Need
Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You