#茱蒂絲_希爾_JudithHill是第二代且為終身職的諮詢占星家,至今已解析超過9,000張星盤,她同時也是一位占星研究者、教師、演講者、出版者,以及 #十三本著作的得獎作家_她的暢銷著作包括:
“The Astrological Body Types”(暫譯:占星體型/1997);“Vocational Astrology” (暫譯:職業占星學/1997),本書榮獲AFA美國占星家聯合會1999年最佳書籍獎;“Medical Astrology: Your Guide to Planetary Pathology”( 暫譯:醫學占星學—行星病理指南/2004);“The Lunar Nodes: Your Key to Excellent Chart Interpretation”(暫譯:月交點—星盤最佳詮釋的關鍵/2009);” Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life’s Hidden Tides”(暫譯:蝕與你—如何順應生命中的暗潮/2013);“Astrology & Your Vital Force: Healing with Cosmic Rays and DNA Resonance”(暫譯:占星學與你的生命力:宇宙射線與DNA的共振/2017);“Medical Astrology for Health Practitioners: A Healer’s Guide”(暫譯:給健康實踐家的醫學占星學:療癒者指南/2019) ;
#她曾擔任美國NCGR占星研究協會舊金山分會教育董事,期間獲得「意識研究所」(The Institute for the Study of Consciousness」的經費資助,#也曾擔任加州著名物理學家ArthurYoung的研究助理_從事占星統計研究工作十年,製作了兩本廣受好評的研究綱要:與 Jacalyn Thompson 合作的“The Mars-Redhead Files”(暫譯:火星—熾熱檔案),以及與 Mark Polit 合作的“Astro-Seismology”(星象地震學);
#茱蒂絲_希爾是多明尼恩草藥學院DominionHerbalCollege的特許草藥師,#在美國率先將醫學占星學與草藥煉金術研討會結合起來,於俄勒岡州波特蘭市舉辦年度「文藝復興時期醫學占星學研討會」(Renaissance Medicine Conference )©;她與馬修‧伍德(Matthew Wood)合作,創建了「占星醫學和文藝復興草藥學」的網絡研討會課程;爾後她為個人學員創設了「醫學占星學 101」(Medical Astrology 101)© 課程,於2017-2018年間向中國四川學員介紹了西方古典醫學占星學。
近期,「醫學占星學實務:讓我們閱讀星盤吧!」(Medical Astrology in Action: Let’s Read Charts!)© ,以及「占星草藥學解碼」(Astrological Herbalism Decoded )©等課程即將在她的#Academy for Astrological Medicine (https://www.academyforastrologicalmedicine.com/)陸續開課。
賀!Judith Hill古典醫學占星學願開校!
「astrological chart」的推薦目錄:
astrological chart 在 瑞公子,占星 Facebook 的最佳貼文
這本書不是給初學者的,所以畏懼解讀星盤的人受益不大。但如果你平時會看盤,卻沒有完整的 SOP 可以應用在所有本命盤的解讀的話,這本對你幫助就很大。
astrological chart 在 喬寶寶 Qbobo Facebook 的最佳貼文
#喬寶寶 2016 is year of the Red Monkey Male FireMonkey. The Chinese name of 2016 in the Chinese Horoscope calendar is Male Fire Monkey. Chinese apply Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) into the Chinese calendar. Male Fire is in the Fire group. The color of Fire is connected to Red. Monkey is the calendar character corresponding to Monkey. Therefore, 2016 is the Red Fire Monkey year.
2016 is the 4713th Chinese Year. According to Chinese Horoscope calendar, the first day of Red Monkey is on February 4, 2016. This day is not the Chinese New Year Day. Most of Internet Chinese horoscope sites use Chinese New Year Day to determine the Chinese zodiac sign, which is wrong. Chinese New Year Day of Red Monkey Year is on February 8, 2016. This is the reason that some people confuse their Chinese zodiac signs.
The first day of the Chinese astrological year is the first day of the Tiger Month (Start of Spring). The Tiger Month begins around February 4, each year. If you were born before February 4, then you should check Your Chinese Zodiac Sign first before reading your 2016 Chinese zodiac forecast.
Monkey is the 9th animal in 12 zodiac signs. Monkey is after 8th Sheep and before 10th Chicken. Monkey is the animal in the first of Metal Cycle. Monkey, Chicken and Dog are in the cycle of Metal. Our Chinese horoscope prediction combines the theory of Five Elements, the relationships betweens animal signs and the image meaning of I-Ching hexagram.
The prediction for 2016 Year of Monkey is based on your birth year, the Chinese zodiac signs. We have different forecasting method for 2016 using your entire Chinese astrology birth chart, which is required your birthday and birth time. You can find the hyperlink in the end of the prediction.