材料: Spinach 菠菜,Peas 豌豆, Sweet Potato 地瓜/甘薯
I make my baby solids food since she's turning 6months old..here's some receipi..#momlife #babypuree #babyfood
Step 1: If using fresh Peas, open the pods and scrape out the peas from the pod. Place fresh peas into a steamer basket in a pan with a just enough water to slightly show through in the basket and steam until very tender(about 3-5minutes)
Step 2: Steam spinach until tender (about 5minutes). Drain, rinse with cool water for three minutes to stop the cooking process.
Step 3: Peel sweet potatoes and cut into small chunks. Place chunks into a pan with just enough water to slightly cover potato, steam boil until tender (about 15-20minutes)
Reserve any left over water to use for thinning out the sweet potatoes if desired.
Step 4: Puree peas, Spinach & Sweet potato in a food processor or blender until smooth. Add water as needed to reach desired consistency.