欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
在這張不簡單的「致敬」專輯中,充滿來自亞洲各國家地區、不可思議的厲害人物,共同對某個時代致意的驚人能量!從第一首《中國痛China Reggaeton》以雷鬼搭配中國傳統樂器,找來香港影帝黃秋生合唱合演就讓許多聽眾嚇到下巴脫臼!《我們的海闊天空》用激情搖滾加上饒舌,找來中國歌手富九毫無違和感致敬香港傳奇樂隊Beyond,更是讓許多香港聽眾熱淚盈眶連聽三百次!《你是我的青春》鄭重邀請到當年憑藉彈奏一首《Canon Rock》爆紅國際的音樂家JerryC 跨刀合作並合演音樂錄影帶,致敬黃明志與他共同經歷的Youtube 草創那自由的時代;最驚人的創意是:黃明志連對成人色情片都可以致敬!《不小心》這首遊走在愛情與色情邊緣的歌曲,竟然邀請到無人不知無人不曉的日本當紅女優三上悠亞攜手出演,讓許多宅男在電腦前(因為痛哭)而消耗掉好幾噸的衛生紙;而90 年代的復古電音一直是許多聽眾念念不忘的音樂情懷,黃明志大膽攜手台灣電音教父DJ Jerry 羅百吉,兩人合作新曲《不要去Club》,反諷幽默又好笑,瞬間帶領聽眾回到90 年代的夜店七彩旋轉球下!
2020 是全球因疫情而陷入絕望的一年,但黃明志回到自己對音樂最「粗」的熱情,最「深」的感動,和最「大」的敬意,邀請了無數亞洲重要的音樂人與各領域工作者,挑戰種種極端而不可能的工作模式,耗費幾萬小時的努力,終於完成了“亞洲通”系列的最終也是最重要的一張專輯《亞洲通才》。
「通才」二字,泛指什麼都會的人才,黃明志一直相信每一個人都有獨特的才華跟天份,不論是很會演戲的影帝、讓人們開心的AV 女優、努力練習的辣妹舞者,只要願意努力,都能在各自的領域中發揮驚人的才華!以「想要跟亞洲各個有才華的人們一起合作」為出發,不論國家、地區、思想、語言、政治、種族和文化,只用初衷、熱情、執著、努力、合作和感動去完成,這就是《亞洲通才》這張專輯。
《Asian Polymath》 Music Album Introduction
Asian Polymath is the biggest project Namewee has ever put on, the wholly self-written album transcends the concepts of time and dimensions, it reimagines the afterlife and bestows a whole new meaning for life and death. Asian Polymath is a cognition collectives of all the previous albums, it congregates the essence from the last generation’s works. Asian Polymath is a wish from the author to honor the greats.
From 10,000 Reasons To Make Me Happy, Stop Clubbing, Our Love Is Over, Beyond The Edge and Five Hundred. These very Namewee-ish song titles have definitely got people to burst into laughters and their interest piqued. However when it comes to ‘Honoring’, the word has put Namewee into serious thoughts. To hammer the album into perfection, Namewee has had a few excursions to countries and places such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and India’s Bollywood. Through his research and mid-night grinding, he discovered the musical element which could have an ever-lasting impact on a culture’s growth. By utilizing the historical sampling and referencing techniques, Namewee inducted the element into his most recent works to woo the industry once again.
As the opening title, China Reggaeton fuses the Chinese sound with Reggae to create a unique blend of flavours yet what attracts most is the fact that Anthony Perry, the HKFA laureate being invited to feature in the song. Beyond The Edge is a song which the Hong Kong people love the most, Fu Jiu from China has a voice that strongly resembles the legendary rock band main vocals from Hong Kong – Beyond, hats off to the legends! Canon Rock 2020 is blessed to feature the song’s original creator – JerryC, the song commemorates the first wave YouTube content creators and a backstory of how Namewee rose to prominence. I Shot You shows that Namewee has limitless creativity, he wants to honour the Adult Video actresses and particularly JAV for accompanying him during his loneliest hours. Besides that, the appearance of Yua Mikami has garnered the music video a lot of unwanted attention. Do you still remember the 90s retro disco music? Stop Clubbing is a song that discourages young adults to go to such places. Head figure of Taiwan’s EDM, DJ Jerry collaborates with Namewee to rewind time back to the 90s happiest hours.
To complete the Asian Polymath formula, the finale of the ‘Asia’ albums. Unprecedented guest invitations and collaborations in the album far exceeds the industry’s common standard, in addition to the vast music genres such as Rock,R&B, Rap, Reggae, Ancient Chinese, Hindustani, Modern Pop, EDM and Disco. Nonetheless, sampling techniques, piano, guitars and strings, ancient instruments, Kompang, Sitar, Sape and countless instruments were used. Namewee greatly expanded the instrument capabilities and infused them with his creativity. During each stage of the process, the artiste was always brimming with ideas, the artist even exclaimed: ‘This project has my brain wrenched! My most time-consuming project ever!’
As a perfectionist, Namewee would always need to delve into his massive sound libraries to rummage a voicing that could match the corresponding time period, sometimes it could take weeks to filter a suitable candidate. Namewee would even go to the extreme by attempting to contact the original song producer to locate the most accurate sound but that’s just the first baby footsteps. Then, he would discuss with his arranger for ways to make the sound more modern, to fit the old blood in a new body. Asian Polymath is amazing for its preservation of the retro elements but still modern sounding aspect.
To differ ‘Honouring’ and ‘Imitating’ has its difficulties, the fine line between the 2 is ambivalent and blurry. Hence, Namewee has his own answer to such a question, he believes that by paying homage to the classics, their people and legacies would be the huge difference maker. Long story short, Namewee was already a backpacker in his college years, while he was travelling with a very tight budget in Asia, it was the classics that kept reminding him to be diligent and stoic.
The Corona-pandemic has ravaged 2020 into pieces, many were despair and despondent but Namewee persevered, thus giving birth to Asian Polymath. The word ‘Polymath’ means a person who possesses wide knowledge and talent, Namewee believes that everyone is born with talent yet true success is only granted to the most hardworking genius. Asian Polymath is Namewee’s desire for working with every talented person he came across in Asia, with burning passion comes unparalleled talent, that’s the last calling of Asian Polymath.
#黃明志 #Namewee #亞洲通才 #AsianPolymath
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過694的網紅may sum,也在其Youtube影片中提到,事先聲明......本人是文科生,我真係唔太肯定以下講個隻濾網可唔可以幫到手(我昨天email問官方3M 但未有回覆), 因為有朋友話糧盡了,就快無口罩要DIY, 問我有一番手藝既會唔會識整..... 我只能用我既手藝去整個樣出來, 會實淨同靚仔D,個鼻位都可以LOCK到既。 我只能...
「band stop filter」的推薦目錄:
- 關於band stop filter 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於band stop filter 在 Maysum藝術家/飄眉化妝師 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於band stop filter 在 Maysum藝術家/飄眉化妝師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於band stop filter 在 may sum Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於band stop filter 在 Rayner Teo Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於band stop filter 在 How to design a narrow band stop filter in MATLAB - Stack ... 的評價
band stop filter 在 Maysum藝術家/飄眉化妝師 Facebook 的精選貼文
《 救急不專業口罩DIY -希望大家唔好用及唔駛學 》
事先聲明......本人是文科生,我真係唔太肯定以下講個隻濾網可唔可以幫到手(我昨天email問官方3M 但未有回覆),
-3M 冷氣濾網(3M的濾網大家都知勁啦!所以我簡佢filter,它不只能對付PM2.5,對更細小的懸浮微粒也能一併濾除,PM2.5是指大氣中直徑不多於2.5微米的顆粒物,也稱為「可入肺顆粒物」,其直徑還不到頭髮絲的二十分之一. )或任何有效濾網
2-head band 加工
-一個粗的兩層head band
-3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
- 棉布/T-shirt做
- 3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
其實日本有D filter直頭又薄又可以隔到菌,我之前都買左 D filter,當然而家無啦~~:(
【楽天市場】ホワイトビューティー マスクフィルター 花粉対策 FURAHA ふらは 黄砂対策 ウィルス対策 PM2.5対策マスク 0.1ミクロン捕集 高機能マスクフィルター:【 UVの木陰 】紫外線対策グッズ
但我更希望疫情不會社區爆發,快D stop呀!!
band stop filter 在 Maysum藝術家/飄眉化妝師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
《 救急不專業口罩DIY -希望大家唔好用及唔駛學 》
事先聲明......本人是文科生,我真係唔太肯定以下講個隻濾網可唔可以幫到手(我昨天email問官方3M 但未有回覆),
-3M 冷氣濾網(3M的濾網大家都知勁啦!所以我簡佢filter,它不只能對付PM2.5,對更細小的懸浮微粒也能一併濾除,PM2.5是指大氣中直徑不多於2.5微米的顆粒物,也稱為「可入肺顆粒物」,其直徑還不到頭髮絲的二十分之一. )或任何有效濾網
2-head band 加工
-一個粗的兩層head band
-3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
- 棉布/T-shirt做
- 3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
其實日本有D filter直頭又薄又可以隔到菌,我之前都買左 D filter,當然而家無啦~~:(
【楽天市場】ホワイトビューティー マスクフィルター 花粉対策 FURAHA ふらは 黄砂対策 ウィルス対策 PM2.5対策マスク 0.1ミクロン捕集 高機能マスクフィルター:【 UVの木陰 】紫外線対策グッズ
但我更希望疫情不會社區爆發,快D stop呀!!
band stop filter 在 may sum Youtube 的最佳貼文
事先聲明......本人是文科生,我真係唔太肯定以下講個隻濾網可唔可以幫到手(我昨天email問官方3M 但未有回覆),
-3M 冷氣濾網(3M的濾網大家都知勁啦!所以我簡佢filter,它不只能對付PM2.5,對更細小的懸浮微粒也能一併濾除,PM2.5是指大氣中直徑不多於2.5微米的顆粒物,也稱為「可入肺顆粒物」,其直徑還不到頭髮絲的二十分之一. )或任何有效濾網
2-head band 加工
-一個粗的兩層head band
-3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
- 棉布/T-shirt做
- 3M 冷氣濾網/有效濾網
其實日本有D filter直頭又薄又可以隔到菌,我之前都買左 D filter,當然而家無啦~~:(
【楽天市場】ホワイトビューティー マスクフィルター 花粉対策 FURAHA ふらは 黄砂対策 ウィルス対策 PM2.5対策マスク 0.1ミクロン捕集 高機能マスクフィルター:【 UVの木陰 】紫外線対策グッズ
但我更希望疫情不會社區爆發,快D stop呀!!
band stop filter 在 Rayner Teo Youtube 的精選貼文
Use the Donchian Channel to time your entries, filter high-probability setups and ride massive trends.
SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2MsGjRR
If you want more actionable trading tips and strategies, go to https://www.tradingwithrayner.com
First and foremost, what is a Donchian Channel? How do I get this indicator on my chart? If you're using TradingView just go down to the Indicator Tab, search for Donchian, and you click this one over here, and here's what you see on your chart, the Donchian Channel. It comes with the default 20-period setting.
Tips for Trading with Donchian Channel #1
The first tip is that you can use Donchian Channel to help you filter for high-probability trading setups. It can help you to trade with the trend. Here's how. Let's say you want to buy with the trend. What you'll do is pay attention to the middle band and where the price is relative to the middle band. If the price is below the middle band, then you look for short trading opportunities. Means you look to sell. If the price is above the middle band, then you look for long trading opportunities, meaning you look to buy. This is a simple filter that will keep you on the right side of the markets more often than not.
Tips for Trading with Donchian Channel #2
The second thing a Donchian Channel can do for you is to help you time your entries. What you can do is you can look to trade the breakdown or the breakup. Can see that over here this candle over here pretty much made a new 20-day low. You can look to short the market, as the price made a new 20-day low. Alternatively, this candle over here made a new 20-day high, so you can look to buy the market as the price makes a new 20-day high. This is only to serve as an entry trigger. This is not a strategy but just an entry trigger.
Tips for Trading with Donchian Channel #3
The third thing a Donchian Channel can do for you is to help you ride massive trends. Here's how it works. You can see, right? Let's say, for example, you are short this market, this crude-oil market. Let's say the market breaks this low over here, this 20-day low, you go short. Let's say your stop-loss; it's above this swing high, let's say you put it somewhere here, one ATR above it, somewhere here. You can trail your stop-loss using this middle band over here. This means if the price doesn't break above the middle band, you will stay short, you will hold onto your short position.
Tips for Trading with Donchian Channel #4
The fourth tip is that the Donchian Channel works very well with the Average-True-Range indicator. Let me pull out this ATR indicator. We'll use the default settings, as well. I don't have to be too fancy on this. I like to look at the weekly chart. The thing that I like to look for is to see low volatility in the markets. I want to see that the ATR value is at multiyear lows. This means that the ATR value over the last two or three years, this is the lowest level. This is what I'm looking for.
If you want to learn more, you can go down to my website TradingWithRayner.com, and scroll down to the bottom, and you can see these two trading guides: The Ultimate Trend Following Guide and The Ultimate Guide to Price-Action Trading. If you want to learn how to ride massive trends in a market, go and download this guide over here, the trend-following guide, because I'll share with you practical trading strategies and techniques to ride massive trends.
If you want to learn more about price-action trading to better time your entries and exits you can download this Ultimate Guide to Price-Action Trading. Both of them are completely free. Just come down to my website, TradingWithRayner.com, click on this blue button, and I'll send it to your email, for free.
Thanks for watching!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/forextradingwithrayner
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/rayner_teo
My YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2EFg5VN
band stop filter 在 How to design a narrow band stop filter in MATLAB - Stack ... 的推薦與評價
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