Sbg org Muslim wajib tahu pasal zakat emas. Emas perhiasan ni ada dua ktegori.
1) Emas yg dipakai
2) emas yg disimpan
Emas yg dipakai dibadan:
‘Uruf emas yg paling banyak dipakai dibadan adalah 150gm. Katalah dia pakai lebih dlm 250gm..yg dia kena bayar adalah 100gm mengikut ‘uruf yg ditetapkan...bukannya 250gm.
Kiraannya adalah:
250gm(pakai) - 150gm(‘uruf) = 100gm
100gm(lebihan pemakaian) x Rm145.12(kiraan emas skrg) x 2.5% (kiraan kadar zakat tetap) = RM362.80 (inilah jumlah kiraan yg kena bayar jika pakai melebihi yg ditetapkan dlm islam)
Bagi emas yg disimpan pula:
Limit simpanan adalah:
85gm - jik melebihi 85gm WAJIBLAH MEMBAYAR ZAKAT EMAS
Contoh simpan gold bar 100gm.
100gm x rm145.12 x 2.5% = RM362.80 wajib dibayar SOLID HARGA BARANG YG DISIMPAN.....
Jdi sbb tu apabila kita nak memilikinya hendaklah kita berilmu.
P/s: ‘uruf tidak melebihi 150gm adalah bagi kwasan KL
Dan (ingatlah) orang-orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak serta tidak membelanjakannya ada jalan Allah, maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan (balasan) azab seksa yang tidak
terperi sakitnya. (Iaitu) pada hari dibakar emas perak (dan harta benda) itu dalam neraka jahanam, lalu diselar dengannya dahi mereka, dan rusuk mereka, serta belakang mereka (sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): ?Inilah apa yang telah kamu simpan untuk diri kamu sendiri, oleh itu rasalah (azab dari) apa yang kamu simpan itu? [At-Taubah (9): 34-35]
Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda melalui hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah RA yang bermaksud:
Siapa sahaja yang menjadi tuan punya emas dan perak dan tidak menunaikan zakatnya, pada hari kiamat nanti akan disediakan kepadanya hamparan api yang dipanaskan oleh neraka. Dengan api itulah akan diselarkan rusuk dan belakangnya?? (Sahih Muslim)
Semoga bermanfaat.
Bagus soalan Fa'izatul Akma Mustafha sbb beliau rsa bertanggungjawab utk mengetahuinya.
Boleh share sbb saya juga dapat ilmu ini dari Ustaz Don Daniyal. Dh faham dan jelaskan? Jangan lupa dalam berhias dan berharta, BERZAKATLAH.tunaikan hak agamamu.
Kredit : Abdullah Mat Saman
Nak viralkan bisnes anda? Sekarang dibuka iklan pakej terendah hanya RM30. Iklan boleh pilih tarikh dan masa sendiri. Whatsapps admin :
Because Muslims must know about gold zakat. This gold has two stories of jewelry.
1) The gold that is worn
2) gold that is kept
Gold worn in the body:
' The most worn gold uruf in the body is 150 gm. He said he used more than 250 gm.. what he had to pay is 100 gm according to the set... not 250 gm.
The count is:
250 gm (use)-150 gm (' uruf)) 100 gm
100 gm (extra usage) x Rm145. 12 (gold count now) x 2.5 % (fixed zakat rate count)) RM362. 80 (this is the total count to be paid if you use more than what is set in Islam)
For gold that is saved too:
Limit of savings is:
85 gm - jik over 85 gm MUST PAY GOLD ZAKAT
Example of saving gold bar 100 gm.
100 gm x rm145. 12 x 2.5 % % RM362. 80 must be paid SOLID PRICE THAT IS SAVED.....
That's why when we want to have it we should be knowledgeable.
P / s: ' uruf not exceeding 150 gm is for KL hardware
And those who save gold and silver and do not spend there is Allah's way, then inform them with the punishment that is not
in pain. On the day when the silver gold will be burned in hell, and will be covered with their foreheads, and their ribs, and their backs (while it is said to them): This is what you kept to yourself, so feel what you kept? [At-Taubah (9): 34-35]
Rasulullah SAW has said through the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah RA which means:
Whoever is the owner of gold and silver and does not pay the zakat, on the Day of Judgment will be prepared for him a expanse of fire heated by hell. With that fire will spread the ribs and back?? (Sahih Muslim)
Hopefully it will be useful.
Good question Fa ' izatul Akma Mustafha because he feels responsible for knowing it.
Can share because I also got this knowledge from Ustaz Don Daniyal. Do you understand and explain? Don't forget to be studied and wealthy, ENJOY. Fulfill your religious rights.
Credit: Abdullah Mat Saman
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Tom Yum with a booze at the same time? While it certainly does not sound like a good match, this new kid on the block nails it perfectly. Housed in a heritage house along Victoria Street at central Georgetown, Charcoal House gives so much wrong impressions to random passerby. The name is not linked to the interior nor the menu- there is no grills on the menu; step in the place and you will find yourself in a well-spaced bar setting with wood finishing on the ceiling. The interior decor resembles the same tranquility and comfortness, with a sense of sophistication. It is noteworthy that the place adopts non-smoking policy so need not worry on the unpleasant cigarette smoke smell. While Charcoal House has a big drink menu, a Thai Chef is hired to add a little spice to the food menu. The food menu is not big but carries an array of carefully selected Thai dishes at pocket-friendly price tags.
Miang Kham- Betel Leaf Wrap (Rm 18.90)
Moo Ping- Thai-styled Pork Skewer (Rm 10.90)
Lime and Garlic Kappa (Rm 25.90)
Pla Kapong Sam Road- Sweet, Sour and Spicy Fried Fish (rm 34.90)
Thai-styled Pork Leg (Rm 34.90)
Tom Yum Seafood (Rm 19.90)
Phat Phet Squid (Rm 12.90)
Address: 103, Victoria Street, 10300, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 5 pm to 1 am (kitchen closes at 11:30 pm). Closed on Tuesdays.
Contact Number: 6018- 972 2105
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