Item Title: BARB WIRE Movie Trading Card Set
Based on the 1996 live action feature film, starring Pamela Anderson, which was adapted from the Dark Horse comic book mini series of the same name.
Price is US$15.00 (excluding shipping) per hand-collated complete set of basic 72 cards.
Additional Shipping Costs:
+ US$12.00 for International Orders
- Item mailed boxed via regular Airmail from Singapore, includes Registered Article (Country-to-country).
+ US$4.00 for Address(es) in Singapore.
- Item mailed boxed via regular Speedpost.
Combined shipping is available. Do let me know what you want and I'll find out a S+H cost for you.
Payable via PAYPAL (I am able to Invoice you, no worries) or via POSB Bank Transfer (in Singapore).
QUANTITY STATUS: Current 2 x complete Sets are available.