Distance is Not An Issue
“For though I am absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, rejoicing and seeing your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.” (Colossians 2:5 WEB)
At that time, there was no Internet technology. There was no way to hop on a Zoom online conference call to speak to the churches. Instead, the apostle Paul saw visions of the churches in his spirit, and that is how he could see their order and steadfastness of faith. Having the Holy Spirit in us is like being connected to the Internet. We are connected to all the knowledge and power that God has.
Nowadays, the local church that I attend is not allowed to hold in-person church services due to government regulations. As a result, all services are held through online broadcast instead.
Although I miss sitting in the physical services, worshipping the Lord together with other believers, I believe that online services are no less powerful than in-person ones.
Many people are more comfortable with ‘the human touch’, such as receiving prayer in person, having a pastor to place his hand upon them while praying, but this physical contact is actually not absolutely necessary.
In His second miracle, Jesus demonstrated that the power of the Holy Spirit is not limited by distance.
“Jesus came therefore again to Cana of Galilee, where he made the water into wine. There was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to him, and begged him that he would come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Jesus therefore said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe.” The nobleman said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your son lives.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. As he was now going down, his servants met him and reported, saying “Your child lives!” So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better. They said therefore to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him.” So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.” He believed, as did his whole house. This is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come out of Judea into Galilee.” (John 4:46-54 WEB)
Jesus was in Cana, while the sick boy was in Capernaum. Just by speaking the words “your son lives” in faith, the power of the Holy Spirit healed the boy from a long distance away. Jesus did not have to lay hands on the child in order for him to be healed.
The nobleman initially thought that Jesus had to go to his house before the son could be healed. However, when Jesus released the words, “Go your way, your son lives,” the nobleman believed, and that was enough to receive the healing in proxy for his son.
We know that the nobleman believed because he met Jesus at the seventh hour (between 1 - 2pm). Cana and Capernaum are about 25 miles apart (about 6 - 8 hours walking distance) so if the nobleman set off immediately, he could be back home the same day at night to check on his son.
However, we see that the nobleman only spoke to his servant the next day. This means that the nobleman stayed at an inn or something for a night, and trusted that his son had been healed. If he had been unbelieving, he would have rushed home right away so as not to miss his son’s last moments, since he was “at the point of death”.
There are other long-distance healing miracles like this one, such as Jesus healing the Roman centurion’s servant, and Jesus healing the Syrophoenician woman’s demon-possessed daughter.
Continue to feed on the rhema word that God is releasing in season. Whether online or in-person, God’s power is still fully effective, and is not limited by the distance or channel.
As long as you hear or read, believing it, you shall experience the manifestation of the rhema word.
In the nobleman’s son’s case, the word in season was “your son lives”.
Earlier this year, I felt like I was coming down with a flu. I was sneezing repeatedly and my nose was dripping. I felt weak and irritable.
As I was praying in tongues and also asking Jesus to heal me and make me well, suddenly I heard these words in my spirit: “he grew strong through faith”.
Instantly, I knew that the Holy Spirit was talking about the apostle Paul’s description of Abraham in “Romans”.
“Yet, looking to the promise of God, he didn’t waver through unbelief, but grew strong through faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what he had promised, he was also able to perform.” (Romans 4:21 WEB)
This was a rhema word for me to be healed. I grabbed it and repeatedly confessed and meditated on this, that I was growing strong through faith.
Abraham grew physically stronger through faith. He was already old and weak, but because he believed in the rhema word which God spoke to him, he and his wife Sarah experienced drastic youth renewal.
Their saggy skin, old internal organs, weak muscles, and dry bones were all renewed miraculously, allowing them to be fit for childbearing and even raising a child.
As I kept confessing “he didn’t consider the deadness of his own body, but he grew strong through faith,” I felt physically better and I did not sneeze or have runny nose anymore.
It was just a few words, but I emphasized on the “grew” and “strong”. Suddenly, each word was pregnant with life-giving power for my situation.
Faith comes through hearing the rhema word of Christ. What is He saying to you? As you are listening to a sermon video online, what is the key message or statement that jumps out at you and makes a strong impression in you heart? Sometimes the Lord whispers a verse or passage to you from within. Grab it and declare it for yourself because it carries the miracle-working power of God to turn your situation around!
Actionable Steps:
1. Get yourself plugged in to a ministry that preaches the Gospel. Listen to the new messages released by the pastor or preacher. If the Holy Spirit led you there, then you will benefit from believing the rhema words that is released through that ministry.
2. Train your mind to believe in the limitless reach of prayer. Pray for people who are far away from you, knowing that God will answer your prayers of faith, regardless of the distance between you and them.
3. When you receive a word in season (rhema word), write it down in your notebook or somewhere so that you do not forget. Revisit these words often and declare them, so long as you are still waiting for the manifestation.
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This teaching is the 5th issue in my new Patreon Bible Study series called “The Way Forward: How to Thrive Amidst Change”. If you want to learn how you can still reign in life amidst lockdowns, strict regulations, and lots of bad news, join us as a “God Every Morning (GEM)” tier or above patron to receive it.
GEM patrons also receive daily devotionals by email, as well as all my eBooks! Become a patron on Patreon at this link: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog
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[翻轉視界] 台灣國際勞工協會成員陳秀蓮
All persons, regardless of their nationality, race, legal or other status, are entitled to fundamental human rights and basic labor protections, including migrant workers and their families.
原文及圖片授權來自於Humans of Taipei和TIWA台灣國際勞工協會
My family was in the candle wholesale business, and since I was little, I would wear an apron with four pockets to sell joss paper with my family. Business was good back then, and we would make millions of NT$ each Lunar New Year. My father would take us everywhere—Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia. When China lifted its travel ban on Taiwan, my family was one of the first groups to go. My parents never cared much about our education, and my mother thought girls ought to work in beauty salons. My first job was a sales clerk at a cosmetics and beauty shop. I left my job later and became a bookstore clerk. Because I felt a calling and wanted to contribute to Taiwanese society, I set my sights on becoming a reporter. I switched majors and was accepted into Chinese Culture University’s Journalism and Communications College.
1. joss paper 金紙
2. lift the ban on travel 解除觀光禁令
3. never care much about 從不太在意
4. beauty salon 美容院
5. sales clerk 櫃姐、售貨員
6. cosmetics shop 美妝店
7. a calling 使命感、強烈願望
8. set your sights on sth 決心;立志*
When I started studying sociology and Marxism, I learned about concepts such as class struggle and the proletariat, and I began to have doubts about the world. When I took Professor Zujun Yang’s Cultural Studies course, she taught us about the Rice Bomber, Ru-Men Yang. Before, I felt that the line between good and evil was clear. Those captured by the police were all ”bad.” However, when I attended Ru-Men Yang ’s trial, he did not seem like a bad person. Parts of his testimony were inadmissible and ignored. For example, even though his bomb “exploded,” it only emitted smoke. Also, he said that he turned himself in outside the police station. However, the prosecution felt that since he did not enter the station, the police were the ones who caught him. Moreover, at the time, most people were apathetic to the plight of farmers under the WTO framework.
9. sociology 社會學
10. Marxism 馬克思主義
11. class struggle/class warfare 階級鬥爭
12. the bourgeoisie (馬克思主義理論中的)資産階級,資本家階級
13. the proletariat 工人階級;無產階級
14. the distinction between good and evil 善與惡之間的區別
15. testimony(尤指法庭上的)證詞,證言
16. inadmissible (在法庭上)不可接受的,不能採信的
17. emit smoke 散發煙霧
18. prosecution (被)起訴;(被)檢舉;訴訟
19. turn sb in 將(某人)送交警方
20. apathetic(尤指對重要事情)不關心的,無動於衷的
21. the plight of... ...的困境,窘境
22. framework(建築物等的)架構,框架
I later protested (Ru-Men Yang’s treatment) everywhere. Ru-Men Yang’s case eventually came to an end, so I returned to my studies. After I got to know the news industry a little better, I felt that I had pretty much learned what being a news reporter was like. So, I wanted to learn something new and began studying at the Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies at Shih Hsin University. There, Professor Te-Pei Huang encouraged us to experience social organizations, so I became a volunteer at the Taiwan International Workers' Association. I've been here since 2007.
23. protest (v.) 抗議
24. come to an end 完結,結束
25. return to 回到
26. encourage us to... 鼓勵我們去作某事
27. social organization 社會組織
Being in this line of work has really opened my eyes to what people are truly like. When I began work at TIWA, I assisted a foreign care worker in transferring to another employer. The grandmother she took care of felt that she was abandoned by her children, so she contracted the worker to care for her. She then thought that her husband cheated on her with the worker, and became quite nasty. She would yell at the worker and once threw leftover bones in her bowl.
28. line of work 行業*
29. open sb’s eyes 使(某人)認清,使(某人)了解
30. foreign care worker 外籍看護
31. transfer to(使)調動;(使)跳槽
32. be abandoned by 被…遺棄
I still remember this mediation session in New Taipei City. It was Christmas at the time, and the “Christmasland” in New Taipei City had these Christmas trees shaped like bamboo shoots. The foreign care worker said to me, “Sister, could I take a photo with you here?” She wiped away her tears and did her best to put on a smile for the photo. She wanted to show her family in Vietnam that she was doing well in Taiwan, even though she was mistreated. Every New Year, she would do her best to send back a box of gifts with toys for the children.
33. a mediation (session) 協調會,調解會
34. bamboo shoots 竹筍
35. put on a smile 露出笑容
36. do well 過得好 ; 做得好
37. be mistreated 虐待
Another thing I cannot accept is that no one cares about foreign workers unless there is news of their maltreatment. The Taiwanese people need to consider them as legitimate workers and not only care about them when there is a human rights violation.
38. cannot accept 無法接受
39. maltreatment 被虐待
40. legitimate 合法的,正當的,法律允許的
41. human rights violation 人權侵害
Six years ago, my father passed away. My brother took over and tried to reinvigorate and transform the family business. He designed specialized joss paper to ward off backstabbers and even joss paper for dead pets. July is the peak season for the business, so I went back home to help out. I hand packed the products and folded paper lotus flowers for the dead. It's funny that we can get along with the dead, but we still attach labels to the living and draw lines between us. It’s quite ridiculous when you think about it.
42. pass away 過世
43. ward sb/sth off 避開;阻止;擋住
44. a backstabber 背後插刀者;背後講壞話的人
45. peak season 旺季
46. fold paper lotus flower 折紙蓮花
47. attach a label to someone 對(人)貼標籤
48. draw a line (between something) 畫界線*
Visit Humans of Taipei for more stories!
如何增進同理心: https://bit.ly/34qSKnC
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JOBBIE GOING BANKRUPT VERY SOON💸💸💸…(A gift at the end for you)
In the midst of all the incoming covid-19☢ chaos, many of you would be wondering how is a small Malaysian peanut butter🥜 brand like us doing. Frankly and thankfully we’re doing much better than a lot of other businesses. We have support from many many many kind Malaysians capable of loving like mother Theresa.👩❤👨🙏😇
Due to the lockdown, all of our suppliers have closed down. Suppliers for the raw peanuts, glass bottles, label stickers, boxes, you named it they closed it. We tried many options and wanted to collaborate and help out all the other desperate SME’s like us. Unfortunately, despair was the only thing we saw in their eyes 👀as some silently count the days to their demise…It made us think, ARE WE NEXT? 💔☠🙈
In all desperation we have come up with a solution, a last resort, the season finale. We will be running a pre-order only for all our peanut butter for the next 45 days 📆
That’s true and we perfectly understand by now if you wish to stop reading and leave, but if you have not…the reason is very simple. As greedy as a fat-well-suited-capitalistic-businessman🐖, we need sales aka money💰 more than ever before. Every dollar and every cent we will have to find a way to get it from anyone we can find. By doing a 45 days preorder it'll help us keep afloat and negotiate better ways to deliver and fulfilling orders faster before we "meet our maker"!
Madihah, Lucas, Hanz, Victor, Debbie, Joseph🧕🧔👱♂🤵🙋♀🙋♂
These 6 people are as human as you are. They…like you go to work every day, punch their cards, finish their jobs, go back home 🏠 to their families 👪, sleep 😴and repeat. You guessed it right, these are the people working in a small company called Jobbie. They; like you, have dreams and fears of their own, they pay their taxes and bills, like you they need money to survive (sorry for being so realistic and materialistic but that’s the brutal truth 😢).
We do not want to 🔥 any of our employees, we do not want to leave this beautiful home of ours called Jobbie. As selfish as it sounds we really need all the help YOU can provide… 🙏
“WELL WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME”? You might ask…💁♀
Sadly speaking were not a big corporation🏢 yet, we can’t give big promos, or raise funds like a IPO company and give you our company shares because it might not be worth anything much at the moment (we don’t even know if we’ll survive the next few weeks). What we can do is provide our most sincerest gratitude and make sure we produce the best high quality peanut butter to you once all these lockdown is over! (Also a small gift from us right at the end of this post) So if you’re up for it, read on!
No matter how many loansharks🦈 the founders have to seek, we’ll definitely return and refund your payment in cash 🤑(online bank transfer) if we can’t fulfill your orders within a maximum wait time of 45days from the time you placed your orders, we’ll refund everything. Your trust and satisfaction is our top priority🙇♂🙇♀, even if we have to lose everything we’ll never betray your faith and compassion for us! In 45 days time.
If you’re not wearing your sarong, eating your freshly ground 100% all-natural peanut butter and watching Netflix in a maximum of 45days, your money will be transferred back to your bank account safely!
If everything ends differently from what we have planned so far and we could not rise from this battle…🔫⚔💪
This year 2020 marks the 6th year since Jobbie was born, we started from 0 selling in a mall that organised weekly small bazaars, stationed in a small booth right in-front of a public toilet🚽 (because the rental for that location was the cheapest). With a humble beginning starting from a 600sf flat, to a 900sf condo, to a 2000sf shop lot.🍻🎉🎊
The point is we do not blame any MakCik Kiah, Doreamon or government bodies. We started this with eyes wide open🤓, understanding its great potential to serve all Malaysian 🇲🇾with the most healthy and delicious peanut butter, together with all the risk and danger that came along with it! If this beautiful dream ends in the next few weeks, the only thing we want to tell you is…
“It has been an amazing ride serving many wonderful people like you (That’s if you’re still listening to our grandpa story up till now) for the past 6 years, we are immensely thankful for each and every one of our customers whom had been with us, allowing us to grow and learn while we improve by making many many mistakes 😄.” Even if you have bought a single bottle from us, we want to say “THANK YOU"! 💞💓
After the MCO, if we survive this you’ll definitely see us using the money you supported us with and putting it back in the product to provide you with the best quality while keeping it as affordable as we can. It will be the best peanut butter ever! #MakePeanutButterGreatAgain
You won’t see any of us driving a big BMW 🚘or wearing a expensive AF Rolex ⌚watches anytime soon. Heck even now the 3 founders are driving a 20 year old proudly made in Malaysia Proton Waja 🐅and a car that makes all dream possible-Myvi ✈️🚀🚢!
Many of you have told us you noticed our peanut butter tastes more potent/rich, our glass jars are getting thicker/heavier, our packaging looks more cantik as the years passed by. It’s all only possible because we reinvested every dime 💰back to thinking ways to make your lives better.
5 years from now we’ll definitely redefine natural 🍃peanut butter together and make our healthy PB that you chose the preferred choice. And commercial peanut butter that are injected💉 full with artificial BS that are harmful will be something everyone should avoid. All these would be possible with the warm hands you have so kindly reached out to us during these cold and unforgiving times! It’s us versus the world and all its cruel odds now! 🇲🇾⚔️🌎
As promise here is the gift 🎁
Promo code : LASTJOBBIE
Discount : RM10 off store-wide (no minimum order)
Period : 7/4/2020- 30/6/2020
Website : www.jobbienutbutter.com