1 前庭系統 (節錄自wiki)
前庭系統(英文:Vestibular system),是負責人體自身平衡感和空間感的感覺系統,對於人的運動和平衡能力起關鍵性的作用。在大部分哺乳動物中,前庭系統和耳蝸(負責聽覺)是內耳最重要的組成部分,二者一起構成了內耳迷路。
而當前庭系統出問題,常見症狀之一是BPPV,全名為良性陣發性姿勢變換性眩暈Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo,發生的原因可能為耳石剝離,其碎屑落入半規管中,大多為後半規管。當頭部轉動至某些位置時,這些碎屑發生位移並改變半規管內淋巴液的流動,而導致頭昏、暈眩以及眼球震顛等症狀。
2 視覺系統
3 本體覺系統
Homunculus 皮質小人
1 本體覺強化
就如同皮質小人的敘述,透過四足支撐類型的練習,我們可以把身體本體感覺受器豐富的部分與地板接觸,不管是靜態的穩定或動態的移動轉換,我們都在刺激身體的本體感覺活化,練習平衡,像是 Animal Flow 類型的練習,其實真的是非常好的開始。
2 站姿穩定
3 視覺的挑戰
#前庭覺 #視覺 #本體覺
「benign paroxysmal positional vertigo」的推薦目錄:
- 關於benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 物理治療師臨床治療手記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 Treating BPPV: The Epley Manuever - Boys Town National ... 的評價
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[CLIL英文詞彙] 你知道你的頭裡有「 耳石」嗎?
I did not know this until I went to the doctor’s today. Let’s not waste the opportunity to turn this into an English lesson.
What is BPPV? 什麼是良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈?
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a disorder arising from a problem in the inner ear. Symptoms are repeated, brief periods of vertigo with movement, that is, of a spinning sensation upon changes in the position of the head. This can occur with turning in bed or changing position. Each episode of vertigo typically lasts less than one minute. Nausea is commonly associated. BPPV is one of the most common causes of vertigo.
1. a disorder 失調
2. arise from 由……引起
3. inner ear 內耳
4. display/show symptoms 出現症狀
5. experience vertigo 感到暈眩
6. a spinning sensation 旋轉的感覺
7. changing position 改變位置
8. an episode of (相關的)一連串事件;一段經歷
9. nausea 噁心
10. be commonly associated with 通常伴隨著
11. be accompanied by 伴隨著
12. common cause of ⋯⋯的常見原因
良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈(Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,簡稱BPPV)為一種內耳誘發的疾病,患者會有重複性短暫眩暈的症狀,頭部移動時會感到天旋地轉,甚至連就寢翻身時都會有暈眩感。每次眩暈通常不會超過一分鐘,患者常會有噁心的症狀。該疾病為導致眩暈的疾病中最常見的一種。
The ear's role 耳朵的角色
Inside your ear is a tiny organ called the vestibular labyrinth. It includes three loop-shaped structures (semicircular canals) that contain fluid and fine, hair-like sensors that monitor the rotation of your head.
13. a tiny organ 微小器官
14. vestibular labyrinth 前庭迷路*
15. loop-shaped structure 環形結構
16. semicircular 半圓的
17. hair-like 及類似頭髮的
18. the rotation of 的旋轉
*labyrinth: 1. 迷宮;曲徑;2. 令人迷惑的東西,迷宮一樣的東西:https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/labyrinth
Other structures (otolith organs) in your ear monitor movements of your head — up and down, right and left, back and forth — and your head's position related to gravity. These otolith organs contain crystals that make you sensitive to gravity.
19. monitor 監測
20. be related to 跟...有聯繫
21. sensitive to 對...敏感
22. otolith organs 耳石器官*
*otolith: oto-,耳朵 + lithos,石頭
For a variety of reasons, these crystals can become dislodged. When they become dislodged, they can move into one of the semicircular canals — especially while you're lying down. This causes the semicircular canal to become sensitive to head position changes it would normally not respond to, which is what makes you feel dizzy.
23. for a variety of reason 出於各種原因
24. be dislodged 被脫落*
25. canal 管,道
26. feel dizzy 感到眩暈
27. dizziness 頭暈目眩; 眩暈
28. a loss of balance or unsteadiness 失去平衡或不穩定
29. vomit 嘔吐
*dislodge: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/dislodge
BPPV can result from a head injury or simply occur among those who are older. A specific cause is often not found. The underlying mechanism involves a small calcified otolith moving around loose in the inner ear. Diagnosis is typically made when the Dix–Hallpike test results in nystagmus (a specific movement pattern of the eyes) and other possible causes have been ruled out. In typical cases, medical imaging is not needed
30. result from 肇因於
31. a head injury 頭部創傷
32. underlying mechanism 潛在機制
33. a small calcified otolith* 一個小的鈣化耳石
34. a balance disorder 平衡障礙
35. diagnosis 診斷
36. result in 導致
37. be ruled out 被排除
38. typical cases 典型案例
39. medical imaging 醫學照影
*otolith: oto-,耳朵 + lithos,石頭
關於BPPV的完整資訊: https://mayocl.in/2JpzZXV
完整文章: https://bit.ly/39zLGGe
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning,是將學科內容和外語學習相結合,用外語教授科學、地理、歷史、藝術等內容,從而促進語言和學科知識的雙重學習: http://bit.ly/2K5l3PM
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benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 物理治療師臨床治療手記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
89. 耳石脫落與復位
【良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, BPPV)】
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 在 Treating BPPV: The Epley Manuever - Boys Town National ... 的推薦與評價
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (or BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo, a false sensation of spinning. Kristen Janky, Au. ... <看更多>