_ 沒有一段關係不會過期,所有感情都有保存期限。
看過一篇網路文章,描述何謂真正的BBF(Best Friend Forever 的縮寫),看過你最慘淡的樣子,失戀、素顏、穿著睡衣頂一頭亂髮,要有對方才懂的私密綽號,生日、鞋號、衣服尺碼倒背如流。具體的內容我記不得,但當時頭一個就分享給 R,閨密稱號她實至名歸。
那陣子碰到公司改組,壓力巨大,偶然滑到一張花蓮慕谷慕魚的照片,溪水在青山翠谷之間繚繞的畫面太美、太安寧了,肯定能治好我的職業倦怠。和 R 約好幾個月後出發,事先申請好入山證,等到星期五下班就直奔台北車站,搭八點多的火車前往花蓮。
沒料到負責訂車票的 R 當天下午突然失聯,原本同行的 H 也找不到她,打了 幾十通電話,簡訊的口氣從著急變成擔心,肯定是有事發生,最後決定不再打擾,等她自己聯絡我。
隔天,在 R 的臉書看到他們躺在碧澄澄的池水裡,兩人遊山玩水不忘自拍,選在慕谷慕魚打卡,走著我們原定的行程,當下看到照片時,內心有核彈等級的爆炸,發訊息給 H 說:「所以你在說謊?」接著刪掉兩位好友,至今都不願再聯絡。
朋友轉述 R 當天晚上心情不好,不想要太多人一起出門,怕影響到別人玩樂的情緒。但想說票都買好,飯店也訂了,還是去好了,很抱歉會把錢退還給我。我說:「謝謝你的好心,會生氣表示還在意,這件事的過分程度已經超越任何情緒,我不想再多做討論。」
電影《重慶森林》用罐頭比喻人際關係,人與人的相遇有著偶然性,所有感情都有保存期限, 愛情是,友情更是。 關於交友,其實沒有標準,臭味相投,也會因臭味而去。情分不等於忍讓的限度,因瞭解而分開的人其實不算少。
本文節錄自「沒有一段關係不會過期, 當我們不再是我們。」完整文章收錄在威廉2020最新作品《絕交不可惜,把良善留給對的人》。
誠 品:https://bit.ly/2xyFGR6
威廉在 #tedtalk:https://bit.ly/2zXCLCS
_《PSYCHO doc. #精神科觀察日記》
#絕交不可惜 #威廉語錄 #威廉金句 #友情語錄 #人際關係 #友情金句
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best friend forever衣服 在 李心潔 Sinje Lee Facebook 的最佳貼文
Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do small things with great love.
1) 感谢所有在疫情期间帮助我们的义工。
2) 小黄花教育基金会聘请新员工,如果你有兴趣可以联络我们 (017-384 4123)。 (只限女性) 😊
Let’s talk about….. Little Yellow Flower
Many years back, I went to Yunnan with my friend. It was a sunny afternoon. Our car was driving along the road, both sides covered in vast fresh and green grassland. The heavy clouds were hanging so low that you will feel as though as it is within reach just by stretching out your hands while tip-toeing. Also, passing through the clouds, were the divine looking crepuscular rays sprinkling over the grasses…. It was really, really beautiful and magnificent.
I just could not help it but to request for the chauffeur to pull up by the roadside, running into the grassland to take a picture. I walked and followed the ray’s directions in the lush green grassland towards a spot where there were just many small little radiant looking yellow flowers. I pointed the long camera lens towards one of the little yellow flower, wanting to keep its brilliances while under the sunshine.
Taking a closer look at the flower, I was suddenly deeply moved. The petals of this little yellow flower are heart-shaped. It seems to be saying “I Love You” to me through the camera lens. Perhaps it was the one who is calling me, letting us meet and bestowing me a sense of powerful love.
In the year 2007, with the initiative from Charlie Young, who is one of my best friends, and together with Gigi Leung and Valen Hsu, we decided to set up an education charity Foundation for the children.
When we were naming the Foundation, I thought of the little yellow flower which was full of love and proposed to use “Little Yellow Flower” as the name of the Foundation.
The little yellow flower is a flower which grows in the wilderness. It has to grow under the harsh environment, experiencing the beating weather like the scorching hot sun, drenching under the rain and bracing itself in the forceful windy storms. Yet it endures and accepts it bravely, growing into a splendid looking little yellow flower, shining radiantly and brightly.
This spirit can be used to encourage the children of poor families and communities. Through the Foundation, it enables us to transmit our love to nourish their soul and become their sunshine.
After deciding to use this name, I gave this picture to my daughter and the Little Yellow Flower logo which you all see today is actually drawn by her who was only 8 years old at that time.
Year 2008, I returned to my homeland. End of 2010, we started to provide free lunch for the children in the slum area and in 2012, we are registered formally in Malaysia.
10 years… from providing free lunch program in the slum areas, and now at present, we have 2 centers known as “Little Yellow Flower Wonderland”; Taking care of more than one hundred children from poor families, providing them free nutritious lunch, education, extra curriculums, fun learning and future planning…..During this pandemic and Movement Control Order period, we have purchased, donated Personal Protection Equipment and goods which are medically treated to the hospitals and also provided essential needs and food for over 600 poor families and individuals.
During this journey, with the original intention of the Foundation, all the staffs in Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation, sensed the deep power of love.
These children have lighten up our innermost compassion, allowing us to realize that love is the nutrient that makes us more powerful. However, this strength is not intensive, not aggressive, not arrogant but rather one that is much gentler, tender and warm.
I have read Mother Teresa’s biography many years ago. Throughout her life, her entire assets consist of only a Jesus statue, 3 sets of clothes and a pair of sandals. She served countless numbers of the poor and cared for the sick who are at the brink of death in India. She devoted her life to the poor, allowing them to be respected, cared for and loved.
She has said: “Love yourself, Love others, Love everything in life that needs to be loved. Even if life is as tiny as a wick, when ignited, it is able to illuminate oneself and also others. So much so that you may even try to light up the whole world.”
The corners of my eyes would easily tear up whenever I look back at Mother Teresa’s achievements or quotes, even though it is just those few simple words.
With the intention of “Must feed these children” from 10 years ago up to today, to be able to combine the strength from the public together to care for these poor, I am forever, over and over again filled with gratefulness.
Many people think that to serve in charitable work is very difficult. Difficult to find like-minded partners in this modern society where it is all about fame and profit. But during these 10 years, ever since engaging in this charitable work, I have met many great and kind-hearted people. It is also because of this work, I am able to meet up with a lot of successful people from various industries (people who are not in the entertainment industry). These people are also actively involved and committed in charitable work. This reminded and gave me a great sense of energy, strength and warmth still exists in the society.
Because of this care and love, it has opened up my mind, heart, eyes and my whole world.
During the Movement Control Order, due to the enormous responses from the fundraising event, all the 5 staffs in Little Yellow Flower were extremely busy.
Every day, they are busy receiving donation, processing documents, responding to the donors’ messages, regularly updating the public about the funds raised and used, finding out about the condition and needs of our local poor families, refugees and migrant workers. Making orders, preparing and delivering out essentials and food to these families in need, handling orders and making arrangements for the medical personal protection equipment.
When the Movement Control Order restrictions were relaxed, they are now busy with visitations to households of special cases and nursing homes to further understand their situation, to be able to provide them long-term support.
They are awfully busy and very tired but they told me this: “We are deeply moved. Never have we thought that there will be a day when the country would be in difficulties and we would be heavily involved, working together with so many kind people whom we have never met before to provide assistance to the people living on the same land as us.”
I love my workmates very, very much. This work is able to continuously grow and develop because of their participation. It is because of their efforts, more poor people are being cared for.
Although Mother Teresa has left this earthly world, her spirit and energy is still exerting powerful influences and guidance. To those of us who are still in this secular world, as she has said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
A) Thank you very much to all volunteers who have helped out during this period of time.
😎 Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation is now hiring. If you are interested to join us, you may contact us at 017-3844123. (FEMALE ONLY) 😊
Little Yellow Flower
best friend forever衣服 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Slow fashion: how to keep your favorite clothes forever
Extending ( ) the life of your wardrobe ( ) is good for the planet and your finances ( ). Experts give their tips on how to make your outfits ( ) last as long as possible.
Unless you plan to wear a suit of armor for the rest of your life ( ), there is no way to make your clothes last forever. You can get close to forever – if you are prepared to darn ( ). As a society, though, we have become less inclined to make do ( ) and mend ( ) because the advent ( ) of fast fashion has made clothes so affordable ( ) that there is no incentive ( ) to repair them. In addition, the acceleration ( ) of trends – where once there were just two seasons, autumn/winter and spring/summer, now there are also resort ( ), cruise ( ) and pre-fall collections – means consumers are continually enticed ( ) to buy new things. It is estimated that, in the UK, the average lifetime ( ) for an item of clothing is 2.2 years.
Extending the lifespan ( ) of our clothes isn’t just good for our finances, but also benefits the environment: the fashion industry is a major global polluter and human rights abuses are rife ( ) in the garment ( ) industries of developing nations.
Not so long ago, people learned basic sewing ( ) skills. The chances are that, if you ask an older friend or relative, they will be able to show you how to patch things. And there is no doubt that, if you want your clothes to last as long as possible, looking after them is the best place to start. But how do you make your clothes last forever?
Check the seams ( ): It sounds obvious, but if you want your clothes to last, you need to invest in well-made garments in good-quality fabric ( ). Don’t assume ( ) that expensive items are best – check for yourself.
Know your fabrics: Every garment will eventually ( ) wear out ( ) after repeated wearing and washing, but the jury is out on which fabrics are the most durable ( ). Some experts prefer the longevity ( ) of synthetic ( ) fibers ( ) such as polyester, while others favor natural fibers such as cotton.
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※ 編輯: Hirajima (, 06/05/2018 15:39:35
還是我眼太殘 QQ
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