[GIVEAWAY✨ in IG] Happiness is seeing your kids happy ✨❤️ If you agree! 😍
.. and PLAY is what gives children a chance to practice what they learn 💯🙏🏻 As a mother, I’ve always believed in learning through play, while sparking creativity through learning with our NEW Klipee set from Little Bearnie - Modern Baby Products & Handmade Accessories 🥰
Klipee is an educational toy designed in Australia for all ages that is fun, hands-on and versatile enough to be individualized just by switching the mini card packs!
Made from BPA free & non-toxic food grade silicone, the Klipee Picture Cards are Polypropylene for sturdiness! Even if it’s wet (from washing or saliva haha) it’s ok! 👌🏻
We use this to encourage sensory and fine motor skills while encouraging the little ones to understand sequences, or simple recognition activities like 1-1 matching skills. 🤗
Im actually surprised that the 4yo had an interest in it so I went ahead to purchase the Numeric card pack for Mathematics Training and the Alphabet pack for letter writing. ☺️ Didi enjoys looking at the animal pictures and of coz.. biting it. 😂
Together with @littlebearnie, we would love for ONE lucky winner to win a Klipee Creative Educational Set with Animals & Sounds (Front & Back Print) x 30 Picture Card Pack as seen here!
To join, simply head over to my IG!
This #giveaway will end on 24th Aug 1159 hours and winner will be picked at random.
For purchases, use ELAINE10 for 10% off all items at @littlebearnie! ✨✨✨
#elaine73sharelobangwithyou #littlebearnie #educationaltoys #learnthroughplay #safeforbaby #teether #flashcards #picturecards #photocards #sensoryplay #sensory #allages #babyofinsta #sgmoms #sgfamily #sgkids #sgkid #motherhood #bestforourbabies #sggiveaway @giveaways.sg