Chinese/English version(有中英版)
Because of the coronavirus, I have being enjoyed the most free time of my life and this” #bestninehairstylechallenge “ idea just suddenly appears in my mind. I am looking for people who share my interest which is recording their best daily hairstyle by posting it on IG. If you are interested, plz try this challenge!
Here’s the steps to join the game:
1. Tag #bestninehairstyleof(your name) in your previous best 9 post.
2. Click into the page of your tag and make a photo capture of it.
3. Post the capture in IG with a tag “ #bestninehairstylechallenge “
4. Done!!!
5. I am looking forward to see how many people who share my interest🤣
忽發其想諗左呢個best9hairstyle challenge.因為小弟平時好鐘意搞唔同既髮型同造型又鐘意影相,所以埃豬草草埋埋都算多唔同既髮型既Post於是想整個collection,比自己J下,同時當搵下有無同我相同興趣既同好,可以一齊share下!男女都得!😼
1. 係自己埃豬最正既9個舊Post到Tag #bestninehairstyleof(自己名)
2. 禁去自己個Tag個Page到cap圖
3. 係caption到打
#bestninehairstylechallenge 同埋post左
4. 好好奇有無人有同我同一鋪既癮😹