🌺Disney’s Bet on Mulan and the Economics of Streaming
🏹In the latest pandemic-inspired Hollywood shake-up, Walt Disney Co. on Tuesday said it would offer its live-action remake of “Mulan” for sale Sept. 4 exclusively on its new streaming service, Disney+, at about $30 a pop, instead of in theaters as planned.
-inspire: 刺激、引發
-remake: 翻拍
-a pop: 一張、一個,意思同 a piece
✍常見用法:tickets at $10 a pop 一張票10美元
🦜Other studios have moved movie premieres online in recent months—winning few friends among theater operators. But none has done so in this particular way, as a premium-priced add-on for streaming customers already paying a monthly fee for otherwise all-you-can-eat entertainment.
-翻譯技巧:“winning few friends among theater operators”
-premium-priced: 高訂價
✍常見用法:add/pay a premium 支付溢價、加價
🏮For now, though, it’s unclear whether Disney’s move was a one-time response to extenuating circumstances created by a global public-health crisis, as Chief Executive Bob Chapek suggested Tuesday on a conference call with Wall Street analysts, or a sign of things to come.
不過,目前尚不清楚迪士尼此舉是對全球公共衛生危機造成的特殊環境所做的一次性反應,還是未來模式的一個訊號。迪士尼首席執行長Bob Chapek 於4日在與華爾街分析師的電話會議上暗示是前者。
-one-time response: 一時反應
-extenuate: 減輕、緩和
-conference call, con-call: 電話會議
🥇Debuting a $200 million movie on a proprietary, premium video-on-demand service is without precedent, so there’s no clear way to estimate how online sales of Disney’s “Mulan” would stack up against a hypothetical run in theaters.
-proprietary: 專用的、專有的
-without precedent: 前無來者、史無前例,同 unprecedented
-stack up:累積、疊高,此處指「推動銷售量」
At $29.99 on Disney+, it would take about 3.3 million ________ to generate $100 million in revenue, which is roughly _____ $200 million at the domestic box office—about average for recent live-action Disney remakes—where ticket sales are split roughly in half between studios and theaters.
A. interactions / amount to
B. actions / translated to
C. transactions / equal to
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⭐️ President Trump is expanding(擴大)the European travel ban(禁令)to include Ireland and the U.K. starting Monday and is considering domestic travel restrictions.
⭐️ Spain became the second country after Italy to go into lockdown(封鎖)and France ordered bars, restaurants and non-essential(非必要)shops to close.
⭐️ The number of people infected(受感染者)topped(超越)162,000. More than 6,000 have died. In Europe and North America, more schools closed and sporting events were postponed(延期). The Boston Marathon and Masters golf tournament(賽事)were postponed.
全球受感染人數達 16 萬 2 千,死亡人數逾 6 千,歐美多所學校停課,體育賽事延期,包括波士頓馬拉松及高球名人賽
⭐️ The House of Representatives(眾議院)passed legislation(立法)that would make coronavirus testing free and provide paid sick leave.
⭐️ U.S. stocks soared on Friday, recovering some ground but still posting one of Wall Street's worst weeks ever.
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⭐️ 聯準會緊急降息趨近 0 並將重啟購債計劃 ⭐️
Fed Cuts Rates to Near Zero and Will Relaunch Bond-Buying Program
The Federal Reserve(聯準會)slashed(砍)its benchmark interest rate(基準利率)to near zero Sunday and said it would buy $700 billion in Treasury(國庫)and mortgage-backed securities(抵押貸款所支持的證券)in an urgent response to the new coronavirus pandemic.
美國聯準會將基準利率調到近乎 0 並宣佈將購買 7 千億美元的美國國債與抵押貸款支持證券,以應對新冠病毒全球傳染
👨🏻🏫 浩爾商英教室:降息是各國央行常見提升市場資金流動率的作法,此次顯然是為阻止美股崩盤之勢,且搭配許多措施,應該是量化寬鬆(QE)的前兆。其實在此之前,加拿大、日本、英國和歐洲央行都已率先降息並延長貸款期限
The Fed’s rate-setting committee delivered an unprecedented(前所未見的)second emergency rate cut(緊急利率調降)in as many weeks.
The Fed, in a series of statements, said it would cut the federal-funds(聯邦基金)rate to a range between 0% and 0.25%, down 1 percentage point, and would buy $700 billion in Treasury and mortgage-backed securities, among other actions.
聯準會在一系列聲明中表示,將把聯邦基金利率下調 1 個百分點,至 0 % - 0.25 % 區間,並將購買 7 千億美元的美國國債與抵押貸款支持證券,還將採取其他行動
“We have responded very strongly not just with interest rates but also with liquidity measures today,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said during a press conference Sunday evening, shortly before Asian markets opened.
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