I sometimes ask myself, what will I do, if I'm caught in a mass disaster?
Will I, like the passengers in United Flight 93, revolt against the 911 terrorists and drive the plane away from their intended target?
Will I do what the 22-year-old Park Ji Young did in the Sewol ferry disaster, refusing to leave the sinking ship as long as there is a passenger onboard?
Or will I just run and flee, and maybe regret for the rest of my life for not doing more to save my fellow humans from dying in vain?
I read reports of the Las Vegas shooting and think about love.
The lack of love that make a person think it is okay to take away the life of another human being.
Leaving behind orphans, broken families, shattered hearts and bloodied bodies.
Few nights ago, a client was lamenting to me.
She couldn't understand why life was happening so badly for her, in her marriage and career.
She was aware of her bad temper but other than that, she didn't think she was that bad a person to deserve such a destiny.
I asked her:
A mother who can murder an innocent child, and have not done any great compensation or repentance for her aborted baby, after 20 years.
Despite me telling her the sins of abortion early this year.
How can a person like this have a good heart?
Just saying that you didn't feel good is not sufficient when you make a deliberate decision to kill.
It's lame.
In the mortal world, murder calls for either lifetime imprisonment or death penalty.
That's just the mortal world.
In the netherworld, when your baby goes screaming and crying to the King of Hades, you pay for your sin with your destiny.
She said I was very blunt to make her understand.
I replied that she has been living in a cloak of self deceit.
Sure I can talk nicely to you, if making money from you is what I care more than your karmic debts.
But I do not see my clients as my ATM machines.
When the notion of self-benefit is non-existent, it is easier to speak the honest truth.
After all, you come to me to change your destiny, not to hear sweet nothings.
Many women aborting doesn't justify it to be a normal or harmless thing to do.
Many people killing senselessly and selfishly doesn't make it right.
It's not easy to be reborn as a human.
In the six realms of reincarnation, the human realm is the most precious as it is most conducive for cultivation towards Buddhahood.
If my memory serves me right, once in a conversation with his disciple, Buddha remarked that the number of sentient beings in this Samsara world is as vast as the number of sand grains in a desert.
With His bare hand, He picked up a handful of sand from the ground.
And said, but the number of people who get to be reborn as humans are only as little as the amount of sand grains in His hand.
Even that little amount is slowly slipping through his fingers as He spoke.
It's even harder to be born as a healthy human who gets a decent education and comprehends what I am writing here.
I like what James Altucher inferred about life: Life is not something given or taken at a whim.
Nobody has the right to take away another person's life.
During CNY this year, Shifu did a Learning Session telling us his world analysis. Which countries we should avoid Travelling to and how there will be many fires around the world, particularly in which countries, that includes bombing and shooting.
I hope the attendees took it to heart.
My Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng has summed the world outlook with a Chinese character "亂" (Messy).
PM Lee has said it's not a matter of whether, but when, a terriost attack may launch in Singapore.
There is darkness in every one of us.
We all had bad thoughts that we never utter.
We all had ugly acts that we don't want others to know about.
But I believe succumbing to darkness never make anyone happy permanently.
In my unhappiest and darkest days, I still hope that someone out there will be happier than me, living a life more fulfilled than mine.
It is so painful that I hope nobody has to go through what I went through.
That is why I take time to write.
While the eventual goal of learning the Dharma is to become a Buddha, there are many ways to start off in a less lofty manner for the uninitiated.
One way would be not to harm others with your words, intent and actions.
That is why our precepts tell us not to kill, not to take what doesn't belong to you, not to deceive, not to engage in sexual misconduct and not to consume intoxicants.
On the surface, it seems we are doing it for ourselves, not wanting more bad karma.
Fact is, we are learning how not to hurt other sentient beings, how to love and live life in a wholesome and meaningful way.
I don't think such thinking is exclusive to Buddhists.
It should be the cornerstone of any human being.
I am an advocate that the good will always triumph over evil.
I always affirm that the Light will prevail over Darkness.
Before we start pointing our fingers at the attackers, let's take an insightful look into ourselves.
Are we acting like a terrorist to our loved ones?
Killing off their happiness and meaning to living by cheating on them or treating them like dirt?
Or killing innocent children we call our flesh and blood?
Are we killing ourselves by living irresponsibly, letting our desires rule over our humanity and never contributing to others?
It is ridiculous to ask love from others when we don't have the capability to love well.
If we have failed before, it is never too late to repent.
This Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish for you to have a heart like the full moon, radiant and bright, dispelling the gloomy clouds of greed, ignorance and hatred.
And wherever or whoever you may be, please be well, kind and happy.
For the ones who died too soon, may you be reborn in a better realm.
bombing meaning 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 同學們,老師這個禮拜幫大家整理了4則即時新聞的關鍵片語,趁假期還未結束,趕快來惡補一下英文和了解世界大事!
I. Comey to Testify Trump Tried to Influence Him
Former FBI Director Comey will publicly testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in a public setting. A report last week said former FBI Comey is expected to testify that he believes Trump was deliberately trying to meddle in the FBI's investigation of Russian interference in the presidential election.
1. FBI Director Comey 美國聯邦調查局局長柯米
2. publicly testify 公開作證
3. in a public setting 在公共場合
4. the Senate Intelligence Committee 美國參議院情報委員會
5. deliberately trying to meddle 故意試圖干涉
Reports claim that Trump called Comey a "nut job" during an Oval Office meeting with Russian officials and told them his firing relieved "great pressure" from the investigation into whether Trump campaign associates colluded with Russian officials to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.
6. a nut job 瘋子,神經病
7. collude with…與...串通
8. influence the outcome 影響結果
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/19/politics/comey-testimony-open-hearing/
II. Taiwan to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
In a historic ruling yesterday, Taiwan's constitutional court clears the way for same-sex marriage. According to the nation's highest court, the inability of existing civil codes to guarantee equal marriage rights for all people, is unconstitutional.
1. historic ruling 歷史性的判決
2. constitutional court 憲法法院
3. clear the way for… 為...開路
4. same-sex marriage 同性婚姻
5. existing civil codes 現行民法
6. guarantee equal marriage rights 保障同性婚姻
7. unconstitutional 違憲
The court gives the government's executive and legislative branches 2 years to legalize same-sex marriage, either by amending existing laws or enacting a new separate law, paving the way for Taiwan to become the first Asian country that recognizes same-sex marriage.
8. executive and legislative branches executive and legislative branches 執行和立法部門
9. legalize same-sex marriage 使同性婚姻合法化
10. amending existing laws 修正或制定
11. pave the way for 為...鋪路,做好準備
Source: http://news.pts.org.tw/article/359626
III. Manchester Arena Bombing
Up to 5,000 soldiers will be deployed on the streets amid fears that the Manchester suicide bomber had accomplices preparing further attacks, Theresa May has announced.
1. soldiers will be deployed 士兵將被部署
2. amid fears 在恐懼中
3. suicide bomber 自殺式爆炸襲擊者
4. accomplice 同夥
For the first time in 10 years, the Prime Minister said the terror threat level had been raised to the highest possible level, from "severe" to "critical", meaning an attack is “expected imminently”.
5. terror threat 怖襲擊威脅等級
6. raise to the highest level 調至最高等級
7. from "severe" to "critical" 由「嚴重」調至「危急」
8. expected imminently 迫在眉睫
Source: http://www.ukipdaily.com/news-review-wednesday-24-may-2017/
IV. World Leaders Lobby Trump on Climate Change
Wrapping up his first foreign trip as commander-in-chief, President Trump left the G-7 summit Saturday amid ongoing international deadlocks over trade, climate change and the fate of a global treaty on restricting heat-trapping carbon emissions.
1. lobby (v.) 遊說
2. wrap up 收尾,結束
3. commander-in-chief 總司令,最高統帥
4. G7 Summit G7峰會 (第42屆七大工業國組織會議)
5. ongoing international deadlocks 持續的國際僵局
6. global treaty 全球條約
7. heat-trapping gas 吸熱的,致溫室效應的
8. carbon emissions 二氧化碳排放
Trump, who received conflicting advice on climate change from aides, tweeted after the G-7 meetings that "I will make my final decision on the Paris Accord next week!"
9. conflicting advice 互有衝突的建議
10. climate change 氣候變化
11. make a final decision on 對…做出最終決定
Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/27/donald-trump-nato-trade-g-7-climate-change-paris/102230296/
時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): http://goo.gl/3EnOO6
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