I am excited to finally announce that I am now an Innovative Percussion Artist!
I never thought I would finally be one of the representing artists for such an amazing company. IP mallets have set the standard for me when choosing exactly what mallets help get my musical voice across and make the instrument truly sing.
I look forward to this partnership with Innovative Percussion, and I hope I can do this company justice with my performances and with my teaching!
很開心的和大家分享,我正式成為美國Innovative Percussion的代言人囉!很感謝一路上的貴人們,也謝謝IP家族的真誠與熱情。我非常期待未來與公司的諸多合作!❤️
#innovativepercussion #IP #percussion #marimba #vibraphone #yunjupan #alicepan #thankyou #artist #buffalomarimba #una #mallets
buffalomarimba 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳解答
新棒袋,姊覺得自己很潮!Buffalo Marimba
Depart to Macao for performance and clinic!!! Excited~~~
#buffalomarimba #vicfirth #
buffalomarimba 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳解答
{4LoKo$' Asia Tour SUCCESS!! }
The last two members of the Four LoKo$' Percussion Quartet have arrive home safely.
『The 4LoKo$'打擊樂四重奏』為期一周的亞洲巡迴演出終於完成了!就在剛剛,最後兩位洋人團圓也順利平安歸國。在過去的幾天裡,我們在兩個不同的國家,三個不同的城市完成了三場意義非凡的演出。接觸了三百多位的觀眾,在一天內教了六十位打擊樂學子,當然還有無止盡的歡笑與美麗的回憶。
We had an amazing week touring around Asia. Played three incredible concerts in three different cities in Taiwan and Japan, reached over 300 audiences, taught around 60 students in one day, lots of laughing and lots of beautiful memory. It was defiantly an memorable week of my life.
自己要策劃完成這樣的一場巡演真的很不容易,受到好多貴人的幫助。真的要感謝我們的老師Gwen Dease教授,Jon Weber博士,密西根州立大學音樂系,密西根州立大學校友會,我們超強的經紀人Studio Legato X Legato 樂聚 Jaimie姊,密西根州立大學帥氣校友學長Wei Chen Lin,雲擊打擊樂團 Beer Wu,安倍圭子老師,桐棚音樂學院,東吳大學音樂系,東吳大學表演藝術中心,卓悅馬林巴木琴,豪聲樂器,vic firth 以及所有所有來看我們給我們鼓勵的觀眾朋友們,真的希望我們的感動你們也感受到了!
Thank our teacher Prof Gwendolyn Dease and Dr. Jon Weber, MSU Percussion Studio, Michigan State University College of Music, our show manager Studio Legato X Legato 樂聚 Jaime Lin , MSU aluminum Wei-Chen Lin, Yun Percussion, Prof. Keiko Abe, Toho Gakuen School of Music, SooZhow University, Buffalo Marimba, HauSen, Vic Firth and all the people who came to our show. Without any of you, we won't be able to make this amazing tour happen.
Last, I want to tell my awesome quartet members - Kathryn Irwin, William Gerald, Alex Smith - WE DID IT. I am so grateful to have all of you to do this cool thing with me. Thank you so much. I learned so much from each of you!! AND I'M SO PROUD OF OURSELVES !! :D
#tour #percussion #marimba #bartok #spartanwill #vicfirth #buffalomarimba #東吳像家一樣 #謝謝黃金隊友 #musicbringustogether #proud