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【World Rickshaw Project In Thiland】
In the two hours since we left Si Racha, we were greeted with food and water in droves as support from the locals poured out. With this encouragement in our hearts we took our first rest stop at a nearby gas station.
It was there that we met a Thai local called Koya Sirsittinam, who recognised us from the news. We took pictures with each other for keeps ^_^ It was there that she suggested that we take a detour to her hometown which was only 4 km away, where her and her husband ran a shop. It was there that we could also fix up our tires. We had a lot of maintenance troubles recently, especially with our tires as well as the rickshaw frame itself (coincidentally an important metal L-fixture broke just as we had that conversation), so we thought that paying Koya a visit would be in our best interests. Along the way the rickshaw rattled and rumbled, but we gladly make it to Koya's shop without incident. As it turns out, they ran a motor dealership and repair shop, specialising in high-end luxury cars, as well as a Japanese-Thai fusion BBQ place just across the road! Meeting such an esteemed businesswoman such as Koya definitely was a rare opportunity.
A friend of Koya's who ran a nearby motorbike repair shop was the most likely candidate who could help us with repairs, so all we had to do was wait until he was back. While we waited we took the chance to have a Japanese BBQ dinner at Koya's restaurant. Later in the evening we even were treated to having a look at all the cars at their dealership! The service was beyond imagination and simply put, we could not have fathomed coming off the road pulling our rickshaw to a heavenly BBQ meal. After we ate, the repair shop owner returned and we got down to business. We firstly repaired the broken metal L-Fitting, and then the damaged rickshaw handles that we accidentally broke in Taiwan. It was truly a world of difference getting all those parts fixed properly, truly a god-send!
Later on Koya's husband joined us for some conversation. This quickly became one of the most valuable talks we've had in a while. She said that what we were doing really had meaning, and that what we were doing was wonderful. Koya herself loved to travel, and often would go abroad. She had herself traveled many times to Japan, and had many Japanese friends in Thailand. "Why are you going around the world in just a rickshaw? Why you three in particular who are doing this?", many questions were posed by her to us.
We tried our best with our English, but we managed to do pretty well in keeping the conversation up. What we managed to agree on saying was that we all only have one shot at life, and if there is something you really want to do, believe in the power you have inside you and others that you work with, and just do it. With what purpose we did all this might have been unclear to some, but by any chance that our drive to push on through all the hardships, fights, conflicts and dramas we have had along the way inspires someone and gives themselves the courage to do the same, that would have been our purpose.
So what made Koya and her friends go this far in accommodating us?
Was it because we were famous? That we were handsome? That might be partially true, but really it was how by their experiences, they were genuinely curious and welcoming of different things and continuously cherished every encounter that has come their way. I think that it was because of this mindset that Koya and her husband started their businesses 6 years ago, and having faced every challenge with open arms that they have arrived to where they are today. It is in this manner that I feel that what we are doing and the challenges Koya faced bear quite a bit of similarity.
While our languages and nationalities may be different, this chance meeting was beyond wonderful. I feel blessed that we were able to meet someone like Koya on our journeys.
Thank you Koyya Srisittinam:)