對於我們許多人來說,當天的震驚,是一個不容抹滅的記憶。在那之後世界一連串的發展,讓許多的事物被賦予特定的色彩。包括國土安全和恐怖主義等等新的詞彙進入主流。中文翻譯成「聖戰」的伊斯蘭吉哈德 (jihad),成了這一串論述背後的壞人。但任何有回教徒朋友的人應該都知道,穆斯林大部分是非常溫和以及愛好和平的。為什麼有這樣大的反差?而在6到10世紀輝煌的伊斯蘭文化,以及後來發揚光大,橫跨近800年的鄂徒曼帝國,在第一次世界大戰之後又是如何發展?這一些問題都是我在選擇這本書的時候想要得到的答案。
這一連串因著堅定意志,和天時地利,與巧合之下,伊斯蘭的世界逐漸擴張在整個阿拉伯地區。到第6世紀開始,更是誕生了輝煌的文化,特別是他們著重翻譯和貿易,更是讓文化交流鼎盛。像是「一千零一夜」故事描述的繁華,還有現在數學基礎的阿拉伯數字和代數 (algebra),以及現代 AI 人工智慧必須由的「演算法」(algorithm) 都是從阿拉伯數學家 al- Khwārizmī 名字衍生的。在當時伊斯蘭文化強調的是對各種宗教信仰的兼容並蓄,社會的平等 (特別是對於窮人,另外伊斯蘭初期,婦女的地位也不低),和整體社會的和平發展。後來因著政治和接班人不明確的因素,什葉派和遜尼派的敵對,讓很多初期的善意開始變質。歷經鄂圖曼帝國百年的傳承後,包括阿富汗,土耳其,和伊朗,都有類似宗教改革的推動。但當時已經是面對20世紀的強大西方世界,因著石油的利益,讓這些改革受到嚴重的干擾。而1948年以色列建國產生的巴勒斯坦問題,更是挑起伊斯蘭世界最敏感的一根神經。
雖然這本書許多可蘭經內容,眾多烏瑪和哈里發的翻譯名字,不是那麼容易閱讀。但不要太在乎這些細節,還是可以掌握到一定的輪廓。冤冤相報的循環,到底要怎樣才能結束?我想引用我最欣賞的作 者,同時也是猶太拉比的Jonathan Sacks,在紐約 911 事件10周年紀念所發表的談話來總結:
“Whenever Me takes precedence over We, and pleasure today over viability tomorrow, a society is in trouble. If so, then the enemy is not radical Islam, it is us and our by now unsustainable self-indulgence. The West has expended much energy and courage fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq abroad and defeating terror at home. It has spent far less, if any, in renewing its own morality and the institutions — families, communities, ethical codes, standards in public life — where it is created and sustained. But if I am right, this is the West’s greatest weakness in the eyes of its enemies as well as its friends. The only way to save the world is to begin with ourselves. Our burden after 9/11 is to renew the moral disciplines of freedom. Some say it can’t be done. They are wrong: it can and must. Surely we owe the dead no less."
📗“Destiny Disrupted” 中文版 「中斷的天命」
📙“Not in God’s s Name” 中文版「毋以神為名」
我2018的top 10 之一,也是我知道惟一一本Jonathan Sacks的中文書。原來宗教戰爭,常常是一種有忌妒衍生出來的兄弟鬩牆? “當宗教將人變為兇手,上帝痛心垂淚”
全文與延伸閱讀的連結在部落格中 👇👇👇
#伊斯蘭帝國的吉哈德 #興亡的世界史
同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,160的網紅官品心Claire Kuan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,好想出國玩,前陣子好不容易開放的帛琉旅遊旅遊泡泡,立刻變成泡沫,無法真的出國的我們,就來聽聽海島達人官心妮的潛水遊記吧!讓你邊玩邊學英文~讓心妮告訴你更多帛琉探險的故事,這次帶大家線上冒險水母湖~兩天的live podcast 大成功,謝謝一起參與的粉絲朋友們!4/14節目英文內容的如下,可以搭配官...
by self中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
「中國世界工廠 + AI 的未來」
China Is Still the World's Factory — And It's Designing the Future With AI
For many years now, China has been the world’s factory. Even in 2020, as other economies struggled with the effects of the pandemic, China’s manufacturing output was $3.854 trillion, up from the previous year, accounting for nearly a third of the global market.
But if you are still thinking of China’s factories as sweatshops, it’s probably time to change your perception. The Chinese economic recovery from its short-lived pandemic blip has been boosted by its world-beating adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). After overtaking the U.S. in 2014, China now has a significant lead over the rest of the world in AI patent applications. In academia, China recently surpassed the U.S. in the number of both AI research publications and journal citations. Commercial applications are flourishing: a new wave of automation and AI infusion is crashing across a swath of sectors, combining software, hardware and robotics.
As a society, we have experienced three distinct industrial revolutions: steam power, electricity and information technology. I believe AI is the engine fueling the fourth industrial revolution globally, digitizing and automating everywhere. China is at the forefront in manifesting this unprecedented change.
Chinese traditional industries are confronting rising labor costs thanks to a declining working population and slowing population growth. The answer is AI, which reduces operational costs, enhances efficiency and productivity, and generates revenue growth.
For example, Guangzhou-based agricultural-technology company XAG, a Sinovation Ventures portfolio company, is sending drones, robots and sensors to rice, wheat and cotton fields, automating seeding, pesticide spraying, crop development and weather monitoring. XAG’s R150 autonomous vehicle, which sprays crops, has recently been deployed in the U.K. to be used on apples, strawberries and blackberries.
Some companies are rolling out robots in new and unexpected sectors. MegaRobo, a Beijing-based life-science automation company also backed by Sinovation Ventures, designs AI and robots to safely perform repetitive and precise laboratory work in universities, pharmaceutical companies and more, reducing to zero the infection risk to lab workers.
It’s not just startups; established market leaders are also leaning into AI. EP Equipment, a manufacturer of lithium-powered warehouse forklifts founded in Hangzhou 28 years ago, has with Sinovation Ventures’ backing launched autonomous models that are able to maneuver themselves in factories and on warehouse floors. Additionally Yutong Group, a leading bus manufacturer with over 50 years’ history, already has a driverless Mini Robobus on the streets of three cities in partnership with autonomous vehicle unicorn WeRide.
Where is all this headed? I can foresee a time when robots and AI will take over the manufacturing, design, delivery and even marketing of most goods—potentially reducing costs to a small increment over the cost of materials. Robots will become self-replicating, self-repairing and even partially self-designing. Houses and apartment buildings will be designed by AI and use prefabricated modules that robots put together like toy blocks. And just-in-time autonomous public transportation, from robo-buses to robo-scooters, will take us anywhere we want to go.
It will be years before these visions of the future enter the mainstream. But China is laying the groundwork right now, setting itself up to be a leader not only in how much it manufactures, but also in how intelligently it does it.
by self中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
祝 開卷有益。
This episode and the previous episode, which video do you prefer?
While these 4 books are written by Grandmaster Lu some 24 years ago, to read them in the year 2021 can still be shocking to some of us. Our society may have progressed but this is a false appearance, as our spiritual self are still lacking and in turmoil. I recommend these four books for your spiritual pursuit:
1) The Incredible Paranormal Stories (in Chinese)
2) Experiences of Spiritual Manifestations (in Chinese)
3) Revelation of the Spiritual World (in Chinese)
4) Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm (in Chinese and English)
You will benefit greatly from the readings.
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博客來 Books.com.tw
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126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xdM22r
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127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/3eiidVI
129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3elUqnZ
129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm
by self中文 在 官品心Claire Kuan Youtube 的最讚貼文
好想出國玩,前陣子好不容易開放的帛琉旅遊旅遊泡泡,立刻變成泡沫,無法真的出國的我們,就來聽聽海島達人官心妮的潛水遊記吧!讓你邊玩邊學英文~讓心妮告訴你更多帛琉探險的故事,這次帶大家線上冒險水母湖~兩天的live podcast 大成功,謝謝一起參與的粉絲朋友們!4/14節目英文內容的如下,可以搭配官式姊妹的音檔一起看喔~
✨4/14 Let’s party in Jellyfish Lake!
Of all the marine lakes in Palau, Jellyfish Lake serves as the most extraordinary natural wonder which attracts tourists from all over the world to witness this spectacle every year. With a short walk through the hiking trail and snorkeling gears in hand , both adults and children can have the ultimate swimming experience with millions of golden jellyfish.
Jellyfish Lake used to be connected to the ocean through tunnels and fissures;However, it gradually become isolated from the open sea owing to tectonic plate movement. Being separated from the sea, the lack of natural predators makes the jellyfish evolve into non-venomous creatures.
As most species of jellyfish in the sea can inject lethal toxins into their prey by using tentacles with lots of stinging cells and jeopardize the life of swimmers, it's self-explanatory that jellyfish lake tour can gain such great popularity among travelers.
Compiled by Sydney Kuan
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by self中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文
英國超模凱倫·艾爾森 (Karen Elson) 分享如何打造經典銅色系眼妝。英國奧爾德姆出生的創作歌手與我們分享如何打造喜氣洋洋的完美閃亮眼妝。
根據傳奇化妝師帕特·麥格拉斯 (Pat McGrath) 的建議,這位紅髮美人會先鋪上一層晶瑩剔透的粉底,再用臉部震動滾輪創造光滑肌膚,她不怕用手指塗抹眼影,並將各種銅色調互相調和,打造出驚艷妝容。
Beauty Credits:
Rose Gold Illuminating Eye Mask by 111SKIN
Gold Sculpting Bar by Jillian Dempsey
‘The Cream’, PPC Cellular Renewal Cream With TFC8™ by Augustinus Bader
Active Botanical Serum™ by Vintner's Daughter
Ultra Le Teint Fluid Foundation by Chanel
Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Cushion Compact by Shiseido
Makeup Blender Sponge, Marble, by Sonia Kashuk™
Phyto-Eye Twist, N°11 Copper, by Sisley
‘Mothership V’: Bronze Seduction Palette Pat McGrath
Hanatsubaki Hake Polishing Face Brush by Shiseido
Le Gel Sourcils Longwear Eyebrow Gel, 360 Blond, by Chanel
Eyebrows Styler, Fling, by M.A.C
Eyelash Curler by Shu Uemura
Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils, 1 High Density Black, by YSL Beauty
Les Beiges Bronzing Cream, 390 Healthy Glow Bronzing Cream, by Chanel
Shade and Illuminate Intensity 02 by Tom Ford
Foundation Brush 02 by Tom Ford
VisionAiry Gel Lipstick Volcanic 218 by Shiseido
Kiss And Blush Lip & Cheek Stain 24 by YSL Beauty
Lip Maestro Liquid Lipstick, 300 Flesh, by Armani Beauty
Labs Lipstick, MatteTrance™ by Supreme™/Pat McGrath
Translucent Loose Setting Powder by Laura Mercier
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by self中文 在 Fingyan Wing Youtube 的最佳貼文
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This video was directed and edited by WingHo (Fingyan Wing).
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