Thank you @cabinzero for Cyber Monday sale, I now own a Adv Dry 11 and a Classic Hip Pack 2L (I redeemed my cabinmiles for this) 🤭
Am so colorful 🌈
My ultimate favorite has gotta be the Adv Pro 32L (everyone should own this, it's so comfortable I didn't feel the weight even when I packed it to over 9kg and has a lot of compartments). And of course one should own a classic, I own a 28L and been contemplating for a bigger size. Soon I hope.
So how many is too many? 🙈 🎒
Can' t wait to bring these around 🌎🏕️🏖️🏞️🏝️✈️
Just in case you wanna get it with 10% off, can click this link (shameless) or wait for the next sale 😁
#cabinzero #cabinzeromy #cabinsize #backpack #travelbackpack #hippack #advdry #ADVPro #classic #travellight #travelwithstyle @ Kota Kinabalu