Lately... banyak kes bayi tersedak susu sehingga menyebabkan kematian... Ingatkan bila anak di sebelah menyusu badan & tertidur terus akan ok.. rupanya tak =(
Semoga kita lebih alert.
Ini... antara tips & cara yang betul buat mommy and daddy utk beri susu kepada anak :
1 Tak kira sama ada anda breastfeed anak ataupun susu botol, pastikan kepala anak lebih tinggi daripada dada dan perutnya.. Botol susu pula mommy/daddy kena pegang dalam kedudukan 45 hingga 60 darjah supaya susu tak tersekat di tekak baby & menjadi penyebab baby lemas..
2. Make sure mommy kerap check saiz lubang pada puting botol anak.. Jangan terlalu besar sampai susu laju ja keluar..
3. Utk baby yg bf, mommy kena make sure yang semua kawasan puting masuk sepenuhnya dalam mulut baby.. pastikan anak mommy selesa....
4.Jangan letak anak di atas lantai semasa menyusu.. Cara terbaik adalah dengan mendakapnya & menyusu.... sambil2 tu mommy berzikir @ minta suami ceritakan kisah2 para nabi buat anak...
5.Haa... yang ni WAJIB buat... Lepas susukan anak... TOLONGLAHHH... sendawakannya.. Utk keluarkan angin dan mengelakkan baby muntah lepas menyusu.. Tengah malam time mommy mengantuk sekalipun, jgn miss sendawakan baby.. ia sgtlah penting mengelak tersedak susu selain memberi keselesaan perut buat anak.
6. Lepas susukan anak.... biar anak tidur mengiring.. jangan biar tidur terlentang apatah lagi biarkan anak tidur dalam buaian tanpa pengawasan.
Mcm mana baby boleh tersedak susu? Kadang2 baby tertidur dgn botol susu dalam mulut atau tidur sambil menyusu susu ibu... susu tu akan terus mengalir & kalau dibiarkan ia akan membuatkan baby tersedak dan susu akan terus masuk ke saluran pernafasan bayi..
Ada jugak parents yg suka lapikkan bantal atau kain utk support botol susu.. Kemudian tinggal baby sorg2...ingat ya.. ia sangat2 BAHAYA!
Semoga Allah pelihara anak2 kita....
COPYRIGHT@9bulan10hari. Tak dibenarkan copy paste. Silakan share.
Lately... many cases of babies choke on milk until it causes death... thought when the child next to breastfeeding & fell asleep will be okay.. apparently not =(
May we be more alert.
Here... among the correct tips & ways for mommy and daddy to give milk to the child:
1 doesn't matter if you're breastfeeding a child or a bottle milk, make sure your child's head is higher than the chest and stomach.. the milk bottle of mommy / daddy has to hold in 45 to 60 degrees so that the milk won't be stuck in the throat Baby & becomes the cause of the baby to drown..
2. Make sure mommy often check the size of the hole on the child's bottle white.. Don't be too big until the milk comes out quickly..
3. for baby who is boyfriend, mommy has to make sure that all the white areas are fully in the baby's mouth.. Make sure mommy's child is comfortable....
4. Don't put your children on the floor while breastfeeding.. the best way is with mendakapnya & breastfeeding.... in the meantime mommy remembers @ ask husband to tell the stories of the prophets to make children...
5. Haa... this is a must-do... after giving a child... please... Sendawakannya.. to remove the wind and prevent the baby from vomiting after breastfeeding.. at midnight when mommy is sleepy, don't miss make Baby.. It's important to avoid choking on milk other than giving the stomach comfort to the child.
6. After making a child.... let the child sleep.. Don't let the child sleep, let alone let the child sleep in the cradle without supervision.
How can a baby choke on milk? Sometimes the baby sleeps with a bottle of milk in the mouth or sleep while breastfeeding mother's milk... the milk will continue to flow & if left it will make the baby choke and the milk will continue to enter the baby's breathing channel..
There are also parents who like to use pillow or cloth to support milk bottles.. then leave the baby alone... remember.. It's really dangerous!
May Allah protect our children....
COPYRIGHT @ 9 months 9 days. Unjustified copy paste. Please share.Translated
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這支影片是黃標嗎?#對這支影片是黃標 如果你覺得它不應該被黃標 歡迎留言 #ItDeservesGreenMark #這應該綠標 和我們一起協助 YouTube 建立一個更完善、更精準的AI判別系統! ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):
causes of choking 在 Professor Chef Zam Facebook 的精選貼文
Foie gras - Produced by forcing metal pipes down the throats of ducks and geese and force-feeding them until their livers become infected with a disease called Hepatic Steatosis, and unnaturally enlarged to up to TEN TMES the natural size.
In many cases, this causes their organs to rupture, scars the oesophagus and makes it painful to move.
Two to three times a day, a worker grabs each bird, shoves a long, thick metal tube all the way down his throat, and an air pump shoots up to two pounds of corn mush into his esophagus.
The industry always refers to the dry weight of the feed, which is about one pound per feeding. Adding oil and water doubles this weight, making it 20-30% of the bird's healthy body weight.
A duck's liver naturally weighs around 50 grams. However, to qualify as foie gras, the industry's own regulations require ducks' livers to weigh an absolute minimum of 300 grams.
The vast amounts of feed pumped down the ducks' throats causes enormous internal pressure, and the pipe sometimes punctures the esophagus, causing many to die from choking on the blood that fills their lungs. Some birds literally burst, choke to death on their own vomit, or become so weak that they are unable to fend off rats from eating them alive. Other ducks die a slow, painful, and premature death by suffocation from inhalation of regurgitated feed.
In fact, because of the massive toll taken on the birds during the force-feeding process, the average pre-slaughter mortality rate is up to twenty times higher than on other duck factory farms, according to the European Union's Scientific Report on the subject.
The livers become so enlarged that the animals must experience unspeakable pain and suffering. Birds have literally exploded from these forced feedings. The results of necropsies on dead birds that have been force-fed reveal ruptured livers, throat damage, esophageal trauma, and food spilling from the dead animals' throats and out of their nostrils.
In addition to enduring force-feeding, the birds also suffer the same neglectful and abusive treatment of other factory-farmed animals: overcrowding, mutilations (their beaks are cut off), all their natural instincts and desires - such as interacting in social groups, mating freely, keeping themselves clean, nurturing their young, exploring their surroundings - thwarted, and eventually being sent to a violent death by slaughter. Throughout the weeks of force-feeding, the birds are kept in either a group pen or an individual cage with only wire or plastic-mesh floors to stand and sleep on. Unable to feel the sun on their backs or ground beneath their feet, the ducks are held in cages so small that they cannot fully stand or stretch their wings.
To make matters worse, the ducks and geese are housed without access to swimming water even though ducks need to be able to immerse themselves in water to remain healthy. Access to water on these farms is so limited that the ducks cannot adequately clean their nostrils and eyes, which can lead to blindness.
causes of choking 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答
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#TikTok #危險挑戰
00:00 前導
01:03 駭人的「停電」挑戰
02:07 義大利政府的行動
03:33 TikTok官方的回應
04:29 TikTok上面的危險挑戰
06:36 病毒式傳播的TikTok挑戰
08:18 我們的觀點
10:28 提問
10:54 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Tik Tok: Italian SA imposes limitation on processing after the death of the girl from Palermo:
→Tik Tok Endangers Children’s Privacy: Italian Dpa Initiates Proceedings Against the Social Network:
→Antonella, morta per una sfida su TikTok. Il papà: «Il web era il suo mondo. Controllarla? Mi fidavo»:
→玩TikTok昏迷挑戰 義大利10歲女童窒息身亡:
→Italy targets TikTok after death of child in 'blackout' challenge:
→Italy blocks TikTok for certain users after death of girl allegedly playing 'choking' game:
→Italy tells TikTok to block users after death of young girl:
→Italy Orders TikTok To Block Users Whose Age It Can’t Verify:
→TikTok has until Friday to respond to Italy’s order to block users it can’t age-verify after girl’s death:
→The Blackout Challenge on TikTok Can Have Deadly Consequences:
→What is the Blackout Challenge? The dangerous TikTok trend explained:
→Mum Finds 4-year-old Hanging Herself In Attempt To Copy TikTok Video:
→2 Plymouth Students Inspired By TikTok Challenge Facing Charges After Shorting Outlet:
→Dangerous TikTok Challenge Sparks Warning From Firefighters:
→The Penny Challenge Is Another TikTok Trend You Definitely Want to Skip:
→FDA Issues Warning Against TikTok's Deadly Benadryl Challenge:
→TikTok skull-breaker challenge danger warning:
→'Skull-breaker challenge': Dangerous TikTok pranks causes child head injuries I ABC7:
→What is the Skull Breaker Challenge? The new TikTok craze left two teens injured:
→The Dark Side of TikTok: Exploring the Dangers Posed to Today’s Teens:
→Is TikTok safe for kids?:
→Have fun. Be smart. Stay safe.:
→TikTok's Top 10 Tips for Parents: