去年三月初,攝影旅者到了靜岡看了盛開的 #河津櫻 ,大約四月初到山陰和關西就看大部分櫻花都花去樹空了!如果,之後櫻花季大致過了,還可以去 #大阪製幣局 賭上一把,還有機會可以看到最後的櫻花喔!而且還是全日本最多種類的區域!順便附上前年一月初,運氣好看到全日本最早開的冲繩 #八重岳櫻!今年時間和資訊已經放在網頁了!
*即將盛開大阪製幣局 http://bit.ly/2U8jV4I
*剛剛凋謝河津櫻 http://bit.ly/2U5vbe8
*早已凋謝八重岳櫻 http://bit.ly/2HPDwQL
#日本 #Japan #櫻花 #CherryBlosson #Sakura #攝影旅者 #PhotoTrekker #文內有記載如何去大阪製幣局 #去年早開害我一路從山陰看花謝到關西
cherryblosson 在 Serena C Facebook 的最佳貼文
I'd been nominated by @sonnysan to post pics of our wonderful nature for 7 days and nominate 1 person daily to participate. Let's flood our timelines with beautiful pics and reflect on how amazing our world is.
Day 6: Cherry Blossom... in Japan. Nuff said
Today, i nominate @romanticprincess who has been to way too many beautiful places to take on the #naturechallenge