茄子 — 為動風發物,性涼,有清熱活血,寬腸通便的功效,適合三高及有痔瘡人士食用。正因其性涼,脾胃虛寒易腹瀉,有皮膚病如濕疹或皮膚過敏、哮喘、癌症、紅斑狼瘡症患者不宜。
竹筍 — 為動風發物,性涼,具清熱化痰、利二便功效,由於筍含豐富纖維,所以具通便效果。惟注意竹筍容易透發或加重皮膚瘡瘍腫毒症狀,皮膚敏感、濕疹患者或容易出風癩者不宜吃。
菇菌 — 為動風食品,一般性平或偏涼,生長在潮濕陰暗處,屬於濕氣重的食物。
南瓜 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性溫,有補中益氣、解毒消腫、潤肺益氣、平喘化痰的功效,對久病後氣虛、乏力、便溏及脾胃虛弱尤其適合。由於屬性溫熱,本身有胃熱、濕熱、氣滯,及易有胃脹的人就要少吃。
芋頭 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性平,能健脾胃及化痰散結,適合淋巴腫大、婦女乳腺增生者服用。脾胃氣虛及有習慣性便秘等人士都適合。
洋蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,具祛風發汗、行氣化痰、降血壓、降血脂功效,特別適合風寒感冒患者食用。便秘、發熱口渴、皮膚瘡癢、濕疹患者等不宜進食。
韭菜 — 為助火發物,性熱,具健胃暖中、溫腎助陽、散瘀活血功效,適合偏寒體質、陽虛怕冷、腰膝酸軟、男士陽事衰弱、尿頻人士;女士陽氣不足以致行經小腹冷痛食用。由於性熱,陰虛火旺者不宜食用。
薑 — 為助火發物,薑性溫,有發汗散寒、溫中止嘔的功效,對於虛寒體質如陽虛的人士尤其適合,可紓緩因風寒感冒而引起的怕冷頭痛、胃寒引起的胃痛,以及虛寒型經痛等症狀。
蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,有發汗解表、健胃殺菌、通陽氣散陰寒的作用,能紓緩初起的風寒感冒、鼻敏感、頭痛、胃寒等症狀。體質偏熱、陰虛火旺人士不宜多吃。
蒜 — 為助火發物,性溫,具暖脾胃、行滯氣、降血脂、殺菌功效,適合感冒病人食用,能舒緩初起的風寒感冒、食滯等症狀。由於屬性溫熱,陰虛火旺、身體有偏熱症狀如口瘡、暗瘡、喉嚨痛者不宜食用。
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Beware of vegetables that are stimulating
The elders will often advise young people not to eat beef, goose, duck, prawn, crab, and fish without scales if they suffer from skin diseases like eczema, scab, scabies, and ringworm. Eating these foods, they believe, can exacerbate the problems.
According to Chinese physicians, these foods can trigger pathogenic factors to react, causing a relapse of a pre-existing condition and, to a certain extent, might worsen the problem. Individuals with acne, eczema, rubella, and sensitive skin or any skin diseases should avoid eating them.
How about vegetables? In fact, there are certain vegetables that can also induce phlegm, stagnate the qi, and lead to heat accumulation in the body, triggering old wounds to relapse. To prevent skin diseases from occurring, we have to be extra mindful.
Common stimulating vegetables:
Eggplant – wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and promote blood circulation, loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, haemorrhoids. Because of its cold nature, those with asthenic and cold spleen and stomach, those prone to diarrhea, skin diseases such as eczema or skin allergies, and those with asthma, cancer, and lupus should not eat.
Bamboo shoots - wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and relieve phlegm and is healthy for urine and bowel movement. The high fibre content can relieve constipation. Please note bamboo shoot is a wind activated stimulant and can trigger skin sores issues so those skin allergy, eczema, and those prone to hives should avoid.
Mushroom - wind activated stimulant. Generally mild or cool in nature. It grows in a humid and dark place, and it has heavy dampness.
Pumpkin - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Warm in nature, can replenish vital energy and strengthen qi, detoxify and relieve swelling, and moisten the lungs. It has healing effects to relieve asthma and decrease phlegm. It is especially suitable for those recovering from chronic illness with qi deficiency, those with loose stool and asthenic spleen and stomach. Although it is full of benefits and nutrients, pumpkins are warm in nature, so those with heat in stomach, damp heat, qi stagnation, or prone to abdominal bloating should avoid pumpkins.
Taro - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and reduce phlegm. It is suitable for those with lymphatic swelling and eccyclomastoma. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach or chronic constipation can also have taro.
Onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can dispel wind and promote perspiration, promote qi circulation and relieve phlegm, lower blood pressure and blood Iipids. It is especially suitable for those with cold-wind flu. Those with constipation, heat and thirst, itchy skin, sores on skin and eczema should avoid.
Chives - fire activated stimulant. Hot in nature, can warm the stomach, warm the kidneys and nourish yang, relieve bruising and promote blood circulation. Suitable for those with cold body types, yang deficiency, aversion to cold, weak and sore lower back and knees, men with frequent urination, insufficient yang qi that leads to abdominal pain. Due to its hot nature, those with asthenic yin should avoid.
Ginger - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, has the effects to promote perspiration and dispel cold, warm the body and relieve vomiting. It is especially suitable for those with asthenic cold body types such as yang deficiency, as it can relieve aversion to cold and headache caused by cold wind flu, stomach pain caused by cold stomach, and asthenic cold type menstrual pain.
Spring onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature. Induces sweating, activates yang qi to dispel yin chill. Relieves early symptoms of wind-chill flu, nasal allergies, headaches, and cold stomach. Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms, with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat.
Garlic - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can warm both the spleen and the stomach, improve qi stagnation, and help relieve cold and flu at the initial stage. Nevertheless, individuals with heat related symptoms should not consume garlic, such as canker sores, acne and sore throat.
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同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅The Official Chris Leong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?You have Thumb injury ❓ Sharing Tit Tar by Master Chris #Tips #Diy ?What's DeQuervain's tenosynovitis ? (Thumb Injury) ● Is inflammation ...
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一覺醒來,覺得口裡有朕苦味?如伴隨口渴但不想喝水、口中黏膩、小便黃且不暢順的問題,就代表你有濕熱問題。常暴飲暴食、嗜吃生冷食物、嗜甜嗜辣、喝酒太多或本身屬痰濕體質人士特別容易出現濕熱症狀,「濕蘊於中,濕鬱化熱」,濕與熱同時結合於脾胃裡阻礙氣機運行,這種口乾口苦,即使喝再多水也無補於事,需要清熱利濕以紓緩症狀。 西洋菜是冬春兩季常食蔬菜之一,從中醫角度看,西洋菜性涼,有清熱潤肺的功效,適合身體有熱像時食用,例如口乾、口苦、便秘、暗瘡等。要注意西洋菜是水生植物,或會藏有水蛭,所以烹煮前必須以清水加鹽反覆浸泡清洗數次。
食材小貼士: 猴頭菇性平,有養胃健脾、助消化的功效,適合胃脹、胃痛、噯氣泛酸、慢性胃炎、胃及十二指腸潰瘍、胃癌人士食用。
1. 所有材料洗淨,西洋菜以清水加鹽反覆浸泡數次瀝乾備用。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。 Watercress soup can clear heat and dispel dampness
Have you ever had a bitter taste in the mouth after waking up? If it comes with other accompanying symptoms such as feeling thirsty but do not want to drink water, sticky feeling in the oral cavity, and yellow urine or urine retention, then your body is experiencing the damp heat condition.
Individuals who binge eat, those who indulge in raw, cold, spicy, and sweet food and alcoholic drinks, and people who have the phlegm-dampness body constitution will develop damp heat symptoms more easily. The combination of dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach can stagnate the circulation of the qi, and this is what causes dryness and bitterness in the mouth.
We cannot solve this problem even by drinking a lot of water. The most effective way to relieve the symptoms is to clear heat and dispel dampness from the body.
Watercress is one of the common vegetables during winter and spring. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, watercress is cool in nature, and it can clear heat and moisten the lungs. It is suitable for individuals to consume when they feel heaty. Some of the common symptoms are dry mouth, bitter taste in the mouth, constipation, and acne. Do note that watercress is an aquatic plant, so leeches might hide in between the leaves. Before cooking them, be sure to wash and submerge them in salted water several times first.
Tip on the ingredients: Monkey head mushroom is mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and aid digestion. It is suitable for those with abdominal bloating, stomach pain, burping, acid reflux, chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and patients with stomach cancer.
Watercress and Monkey head mushroom soup with Fox nut
Effects: Clears heat, strengths the spleen and promotes diuresis. Aids digestion. Relieves bitter mouth and dry mouth, bloating.
Ingredients: 600g watercress, 1 monkey head mushroom, 15g fox nuts, 30g coix seeds, 2 dried figs, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak watercress in salted water, drain and repeat a few times.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to taste.
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common chronic pain 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
前側夾擠的症狀主要出現在腳踝背屈末端角度的時候,脛距關節 (Tibiotalar joint) 前側的組織受到擠壓。腳踝前側的有不少脂肪、滑囊組織,正常情況,這些組織會在腳踝背屈15度過後受到擠壓,但如果在遠端脛骨前側或是距骨頸有增生的骨頭的話,便可能限縮前側的空間,讓組織提早受到壓迫。如果長期在這角度下活動,就可能進一步造成慢性的發炎,或是造成關節囊韌帶的增生。除此之外,如果腳踝曾經扭過傷,造成韌帶或皺襞增厚的話,也是可能造成前側夾擠的原因之一。
後側夾擠的症狀主要出現在腳踝蹠屈到末端角度的時候,脛距關節與距跟關節後側的組織受到擠壓。後側夾擠常出現在需要頻繁把腳踝往下壓的人身上,像是芭蕾舞者、需要頻繁跳躍的運動員等等。與前側夾擠雷同,後側夾擠可能是骨質或是軟組織的夾擠,或是兩者同時存在。距骨後外側 (trigonal process) 的骨質增生是比較常被認為導致後側夾擠的原因。除此之外,頻繁的將腳板大幅度的往下踩,可能會導致後側關節囊、後下脛腓韌帶、三角韌帶的後側韌帶發炎,產生疤痕組織,進而造成組織增厚。另外我們的屈足拇長肌的肌腱經過距骨後側的內、外骨突中間的凹槽,也很容易因為過度使用,或是周遭骨質的增生,造成肌腱病變,像是肌腱或腱鞘炎的問題。
雖然影像檢查出來的骨質、軟組織的病變被認為是可能導致腳踝夾擠的原因之一,但實際上研究還是有提到,我們仍然不能光靠這些影像結果證據就判斷踝關節是否夾擠。影像檢查與我們的症狀表現之間的相關程度有限,仍需要結合其他理學檢查做綜合判斷才行。針對踝關節夾擠的介入,目前比較常見的作法仍是先採取保守治療,若在急性疼痛期,需要先避免會造成疼痛的動作,有必要的話也會使用消炎藥來控制疼痛。在非急性期,甚至是已經是慢性問題的個案,我們則需要著重在踝關節穩定、本體感覺的訓練上,畢竟前面有提到,踝關節不穩、扭傷都是可能造成夾擠的原因之一。與其他肌肉骨骼問題一樣,即使解剖構造上的異常也會被認為是造成踝關節夾擠的原因,但大多數的個案都能在不開刀的情況下有很好的進步。若有類似的狀況,一樣記得先找醫療人員的協助,避免症狀隨著時間越變越嚴重。底下的影片 (6:52) 將跟大家分享幾個簡單的踝關節穩定與本體感覺的訓練。
Impingement syndrome is a common musculoskeletal problem in shoulder and hip joints. But have you ever heard of ankle impingement? Impingement syndrome refers to abnormal contact of bony structures or soft tissue, e.g., tendon, ligament, synovial tissue, resulting in pain and restriction. Through different causes of impingement syndrome, it includes different medical signs or symptoms. Therefore, causes of impingement syndrome differ from person to person, making it more difficult to make a right diagnosis. Although ankle impingement is not officially classified into different types like shoulder impingement, researchers still sort it into anterior and posterior impingement according to anatomical structures are involved. More specifically, it can be classified into anteriomedial, anteriolateral, posteriomedial and posteriolateral impingement.
Symptoms of anterior ankle impingement are generally induced by compression of anterior margin of tibiotalar joint in terminal dorsiflexion. There are adipose and synovial tissues in the anterior joint space. Normally, these tissues are compressed after 15 degree of dorsiflexion in healthy individuals. However, if there is osteophyte at anterior distal tibia or talus neck, it will take up the space and limit ankle movement, causing early compression. This will result in chronic inflammation, synovitis, and capsuloligamentous hypertrophy. Apart from this, ankle sprain, thickened anterior tibiofibular ligament and synovial plica are also possible causative factors.
Even though structural pathologies are well described in much research, their exact etiologies are still less understood. Research showed that athletes are tend to affected by anterior impingement, and it led to hypothesis that pathologies are caused by repetitive impact injury to anterior chondral margin from hyper-dorsiflexion or direct impact during sports. Chronic ankle instability has also been hypothesized to be the causative factor of anterior impingement, because abnormal repetitive micromotion may develop bony and soft tissue lesions. In addition, early research hypothesized anterior osteophyte is caused by traction to the anterior capsule during repetitive plantar flexion, but this theory was disproved by later anatomic studies.
Anterior impingement symptom typically presents as anterior ankle pain during terminal dorsiflexion. Climbing stairs, running, walking up hills, ascending ladders and deep squat are common aggravating activities. If anterior impingement doesn’t get treated well, in the later stage, joint mobility may be further restricted due to mechanical block or pain, resulting in vicious circle.
Posterior ankle impingement symptom typically occurs in terminal plantarflexion, due to compression of tissues posterior to the tibiotalar and talocalcaneal joint. Posterior impingement tend to occur in athletes who need to plantarflex frequently, like ballet dancers, etc. Similarly, posterior impingement can result from compression of bony or soft tissue in isolation or in combination. Trigonal process of posterior talus is the most common cause of posterior impingement. Besides this, repetitive hyper-plantarflexion may cause posterior capsule, inferior tibiofibular ligament, and posterior fiber of deltoid ligament inflammation, scarring, and thickening. Lastly, tendinitis and tenosynovitis are easily found in flexor hallucis longus tendon, running between the medial and lateral posterior process of the talus. This probably results from overuse or irritation from surrounding abnormal bony tissue. The tissues mentioned above are all possible causative factors to the posterior ankle impingement.
In contrast to patients with anterior impingement pain that are accessible to palpation, posterior impingement pain is less specific, deep to the Achilles tendon. This makes it difficult to differentiate from Achilles tendon or peroneal tendon pathology. Since posterior impingement symptom is usually irritated by repetitive plantarflexion, walking downstairs, downhill running, and wearing high-heeled shoes are some common exacerbated activities to posterior impingement syndrome. Ballet dancers are commonly affected by posterior impingement syndrome due to weight bearing on forefoot in plantarflexion position over and over again.
Though osseous or soft tissues abnormality in radiography is seen to be one of the causes of ankle impingement, it doesn’t mean that we can simply blame patient’s symptom on these structural pathology. In fact, there is a limited correlation between medical image findings and our symptom. We should integrate patient’s history, physical examination, imaging studies, etc., for accurate diagnosis. Conservative treatment remains first option to manage ankle impingement. In acute stage, patient should avoid from doing provocative activities. If it is necessary, NSAIDs can be used for pain management. In chronic stage, clinicians should focus on ankle stability and proprioception training because ankle instability and sprain are both causative factors of ankle impingement. Just like other musculoskeletal disease, even though structural abnormality is thought to be a possible cause of ankle impingement, most ankle impingement cases still respond well to conservative treatment. If you have any similar medical problem, please find medical professions for help. The video below will show you some simple ways to train our ankle stability and proprioception.
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common chronic pain 在 The Official Chris Leong Youtube 的精選貼文
?You have Thumb injury ❓
Sharing Tit Tar by Master Chris #Tips #Diy
?What's DeQuervain's tenosynovitis ?
(Thumb Injury)
● Is inflammation of the sheath (the synovium).
This surrounds the two tendons that are involved in moving the thumb.
● The tendons run between the wrist and the thumb.
● There may be swelling and thickening of the sheath and it becomes very painful to move the thumb.
?What causes it ?
◆ The most common cause of de Quervain's tenosynovitis is chronic overuse of the wrist.
◆ Repetitive movements day after day cause irritation and pain.
◆ One common movement that causes it is lifting a child into a car seat. Another is lifting heavy grocery bags by the handles.
?How to fix it ?
1️⃣ Immobilizing your thumb and wrist, keeping them straight with a splint or brace to help rest your tendons.
2️⃣ Avoiding repetitive thumb movements as much as possible.
3️⃣ Avoiding pinching with your thumb when moving your wrist from side to side.
✅ Or you may try CLM METHOD - 3 step as Video Sharing by Master Chris.
(Throwback Dec 2018)
common chronic pain 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最佳解答
SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial Nowadays, our lifestyles are causing us to have really BAD POSTURE from poor sitting habits such as slouching, sitting in front of the computer for an extended period of time, constantly texting and looking down at your phone, carrying really heavy bags or ladies, wearing high heels 24/7.
WATCH this video to learn the 4 common types of bad postures and how you can change it!
1) Lumbar Lordosis
2) Thoracic Kyphosis or Hunched back
3) Sway Back
4) Forward Head
When our spine is positioned in an unnatural alignment, the curves are exaggerated, which can be due to tight or weak muscles, resulting in bad posture. Uncorrected posture, overtime can lead to chronic pains.
A good posture is when you hold your body upright where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement.
It is extremely important to have a good posture! When you have proper posture, it improves bodily alignment, eliminates back and neck pain, improves circulation, improves digestion, improves breathing, makes you look taller, and also makes you look and feel confident.
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).
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common chronic pain 在 [email protected] Youtube 的最佳解答
Sinusitis - Dr. Soo Ming Soon Gordon@FindDoc.com
Source: https://www.finddoc.com/en
Background: Wilson has Sinusitis for a few years and he keeps blowing his nose. After taking some over-the-counter flu cold medicine, his running nose symptom got better for a short period of time. However, the color of his nasal discharge remains yellow for 2 weeks without any signs of improvement. Wilson is concerned if he has Sinusitis.
(1) What are the symptoms of Sinusitis? What causes it? 0:35
(2) How can we diagnose and treat Sinusitis? Can it come back? 2:32
(3) If one has been suffering from Sinusitis for a long time, would other complications develop? How do we treat Chronic Sinusitis? 3:58
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