Battle between Freedom and Equality | Lee Yee
A netizen left a comment under my article from a couple of days ago, and said that if Trump is re-elected, he would turn “dictatorial”, and pursue “Trump thinking as mainstream”. He said that he “divides the United States and gave birth to racism, white nationalism, and xenophobia”, which is disastrous to human civilization, etc.
Under the constitutional system of the United States, one will have to step down after one re-election, and there is no way to bring about a dictatorship. Moreover, just look at all the stormy attacks mainstream media throws towards him, how is one to become a dictator? In a multicultural America, how could any almighty notion exist? As for racism and xenophobia, the cited example is him crowning the novel coronavirus “Chinese virus”, and the media claimed that this has caused a sharp increase in anti-Chinese speech online. But the virus did originate in China, did it not?
Other than the infiltration of Chinese interests that drove the U.S. media’s anti-Trump campaign, it has also been the “leftard” ideologies that have dominated academia and the press. How does one define “leftard”? Something that So Keng-chit said a few days ago was very appropriate, "the definition of “leftard” is that they replace strong and weak with “wrong and “right”; strong must be “wrong”, and weak must be “right”. Leftards uplift the weak by putting down the bullies to attain moral high grounds. The leftards must oppose the United States, for the see the United States as strong. The leftards sympathize with Saddam Hussein, because compared with the United States, Saddam Hussein is weak. They cannot see that Saddam Hussein is strong compared with the Iraqis. Hence the ‘tard’ in leftard.”
It is not that they cannot see, they are just intentionally not seeing. The mainstream media reports about Iraq after Saddam Hussein had fallen were that there was no longer a stronghold of a government, which led to the loss of societal management. Bombs were exploding daily, and blood flooded the land of the country. People lost homes and livelihoods. However, data showed that in the later phase of Saddam Hussein’s regime, Iraq’s population was 26 million, and the per capita GDP was only US$625, not to mention that the inflation rate was high in the three digits. After the United States attacked Iraq and introduced the democratic system, the Iraqi population has risen to 35 million, the per capita GDP has increased to US$4,600, and the inflation rate has dropped to 6%. Despite the global economic slowdown, the Iraqi economy has grown by an average of 9.9% per year for more than a decade.
In addition, the mainstream media rarely reported the substantial progress in Afghanistan’s economy and people’s livelihood after the United States eradicated the Taliban regime before establishing a democratic system in Afghanistan. It is rarely reported that after South Africa got rid of the white regime, social security was horrifying. It is because such truthful reporting is not politically correct.
Shouldn’t the motto of news publishing be “all news worth reporting”? When political correctness overrides this creed, there is no longer press freedom.
The so-called political correctness stems from anti-discrimination. Anti-discrimination means upholding the concept that “all men are born equal”, and to protect vulnerable groups. Anti-discrimination used to be a kind of progress, since the starting point is not the interests of the majority of society, but the moral and spiritual demands. But when this kind of protection gradually develops into a disregard towards differences and the diversity of human life, it becomes leftards who wave around the banner of political correctness. If the welfare of new immigrants is treated the same as that of local residents, how is that different from obliterating the long-term tax payment of local residents? Using Black Lives Matter to rationalize violence and chaos, you get Black Lives Better, and ignore the fundamental problems of the root causes of issues such as the Black community’s slighting of education; with the police worrying that law enforcement will cause them trouble, the crime in the Black areas will increase. Anti-discrimination has developed into a state where even praising women for being beautiful is discrimination. Obama once praised the Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris as the most beautiful State Attorney General in the United States, and was then accused of discrimination by feminists. He was forced to apologize. To protect LGBT, many American college toilets no longer distinguish between men and women, making women fearful.
“All men are born equal” is a false proposition. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and others are born in the slums of Africa. How are they born equal? American conservative Russel Kirk said that we must pay attention to diversity and differences. Only before God and a fair court can there be true quality; all other attempts to achieve equality will inevitably lead to societal stagnation. If the balance of natural differences and conventions is tipped in order to pursue equality for all, then it will not be long before tyrants or despicable oligarchs start to create new inequalities.
Socialism waves around the banner of equality, and has been breeding tyranny for a whole century. Modern leftards is another form of pursuit of equality, one that is destroying the freedom of human society. Freedom is more important than equality. If there is no freedom, there will be no equality among people who are not free.
This U.S. general election may as well be regarded as a battle between freedom and equality.
concept of social welfare 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
【臺大EMBA 87級二十年、97級十年聯合返校活動】
NTU EMBA 20-Year & 10-Year Joint Reunion: Alumni Give Back to Facilitate Talent Development
✨「87希望工程」捐款回饋計劃 回饋母校 作育英才✨
87級班級代表石賜亮說:「20年來學校、師長、同學一直維繫著緊密的關係,臺大EMBA 不斷提供學習優惠和舉辦各項活動的服務,同學每個月都有各種形式的文藝、康樂、餐敘等聚會。對於就讀台大EMBA 能夠創造這麼高的CP值,超乎原先的預期和想像。今天在慶祝的場合,同學發起『87希望工程』的捐款回饋活動,期望拋磚引玉,由管理學院安排獎助研究生出國研習交流的費用。」
NTU EMBA Program held a 20-year & 10-year joint alumni reunion on Aug 11. The event was graced by Executive Vice President for Financial Affairs and Dean of Management Ruey-Shan Guo, former Deputy Dean of Management Shing-Yang Hu, and EMBA CEO Ming-Huei Hsieh.
The highlight of the event was the donation of NT$ 880,000 by alumni who have graduated for 20 years to their alma mater. The donation will be used to support the college’s graduate students to undertake exchange activities or study abroad.
NTU has been promoting the concept of “the second curve,” encouraging its students and graduates to work on social innovation and public welfare after achieving career success. Several alumni were invited to share their “second curves” at the event, where everyone socialized and networked with one another in a lively and relaxing manner while looking forward for the next fruitful reunion.
concept of social welfare 在 葉大華 Facebook 的精選貼文
Taiwan Social Welfare Organizations support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the 2018 WHA
As declared in the WHO Constitution, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” In light of this founding principle, we submit that every Taiwanese citizen has the fundamental right to participate in the WHA and the WHO.
The WHO has long espoused Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and promoted children’s early development as well as adolescents’ health and welfare around the world. In this spirit, Taiwan was the first Asian country to institute UHC, and has achieved an insurance coverage rate of 99.9% through relatively low annual health expenditures of 6.3% of GDP. Taiwan is willing and able to share the lessons it has learned from this successful experience with other nations at the WHA. Without Taiwan’s attendance at the WHA, and participation in the WHO’s technical meetings, co-operations and activities, the global health system would certainly lose a crucial and valuable collaborative partner, and significantly delay the implementation of the WHO’s central objective: improving the health and welfare of all people.
In a statement issued on Rare Disease Day 2018, the WHO emphasized that the concept of UHC embraces access to needed health care for all people, including sufferers of rare disease, without imposing undue financial hardship. Taiwan was the only nation to have officially incorporated rare disease prevention and patient welfare into its Rare Disease Act legislation. Its National Health Insurance system provides full reimbursement for all needed medication, and subsidizes special nutritional supplements and emergency medication for rare disease patients. Taiwan’s outstanding accomplishments and experience in the care of rare diseases should be shared internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC.
Over the past decades, Taiwan government and social welfare organizations also have dedicated to seeking necessary resource as healthcare, medicines-supply and social caring for disadvantaged groups through legislation, advocacy or group-interaction which to construct a solidity and energetic social welfare system. To ensure every disadvantage people can be taken care of under a proper medical system. No necessary considering potential financial risks among families to secure basic health and security.
Taiwan has been actively participating in international health care organizations for a long time. Taiwan’s non-governmental organizations have spread across the world. There are more than 73 countries, 336 major plans and international exchanges have been implemented and there is countless substantive diplomacy happened. The step-by-step, pragmatic, and true occurrence means that Taiwan has the ability to make substantial contributions to help the disadvantaged groups around the world.
Taiwan social welfare organizations are willing to share the mission and experience in the caring of disadvantaged groups internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC. Taiwan social welfare organizations have shared our experiences through Pragmatic Diplomacy internationally, so please don’t ignore our efforts. Therefore, we strongly urged Taiwan to be treated fairly. Just as the people with rare diseases cannot be left behind in global health coverage, the health issues of Taiwan’s 23 million people should not become “outside of universal health coverage”. Taiwan should have meaningful participate in the 2018 World Health Assembly, share Taiwan’s experience with the world, help other countries to promote policies that take care of the disadvantaged, face potential health challenges, and jointly realize the health of the World Health Organization as a basic human rights.
臺灣社會福利團體聯合國際記者會 中文聲明
世界衛生組織長久以來戮力於實踐「全民健康覆蓋(Universal Health Coverage)」的願景,並倡議特殊及弱勢族群的健康與福祉。而臺灣是亞洲地區最早落實全民健康保險制度的國家,納保率達99.9%、醫療花費僅佔GDP約6.3%,有意願也有能力在世界衛生大會向各國分享相關經驗。然而臺灣無法出席世界衛生大會及全面參與世界衛生組織相關技術性會議、機制及活動的結果,將使全球衛生體系失去一個重要的合作夥伴,延宕世界衛生組織提升全球人類健康水準的目標。
社團法人台灣社會福利總盟(Taiwan Social Welfare League)
財團法人罕見疾病基金會(Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders)
財團法人勵馨社會福利事業基金會(The Garden of Hope Foundation)
財團法人陽光社會福利基金會(Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation)
財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會(Eden Social Welfare Foundation)
社團法人中華民國身心障礙聯盟(Disability Alliance of Republic of China)
社團法人中華民國智障者家長總會(Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities)
社團法人臺灣社會工作專業人員協會(Taiwan Association of Social Workers)
社團法人台灣社會心理復健協會(Taiwan Association for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation)
財團法人基督教芥菜種會(The Mustard Seed Mission)
社團法人台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟(Taiwan Alliance For Advancement of Youth Rights And Welfare)
社團法人台灣南方社會力聯盟(Social Power from Southern Taiwan)
社團法人台灣婦女團體全國聯合會(National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations)
社團法人中華民國社區重聽福利協會(Taiwan Association for Community Hard-Of-Hearing People And Welfare)
社團法人中華民國白化症者關懷協會(Taiwan Albino Caring Association)
財團法人靖娟兒童安全文教基金會(Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation)
社團法人中華民國老人福利推動聯盟(Federation for Welfare of the Elderly)
社團法人中華民國自閉症總會(Autism Society of Taiwan)
社團法人台灣健康人權行動協會(Taiwan Health Right Initiative)
財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會(Taiwan Fund for Children and Families)
社團法人中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會(Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers)
社團法人台灣多發性硬化症協會(Multiple Sclerosis Association Taiwan)
concept of social welfare 在 What is SOCIAL WELFARE FUNCTION? What ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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