上個週末,我們樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 到大港開唱演出,和大家分享表演照片~~
#大港開唱 #去你的大港 Megaport 大港開唱 #恆月三途 #crescentlament
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,620的網紅Crescent Lament,也在其Youtube影片中提到,◆【噤夢】數位專輯搶先聽:https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX ◆ 博客來實體專輯:https://reurl.cc/R1x2m6 ◆ Listen to the album here: https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX 台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lamen...
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這個週末,除了3/20週六我將會在金石堂信義店辦 #過度努力 簽書會: 3/20周慕姿《過度努力》台北|新書分享會
隔天3/21週日下午兩點,我將在二二八國家紀念館,和我的樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 演出。
活動內容可參考: 噤聲的人,無聲的夢——恆月三途與《噤夢》音樂會
👉《#噤夢》: reurl.cc/R1x2m6
#crescentlament #恆月三途 #噤夢
crescentlament 在 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#噤夢 #樂評 除了之前與大家分享許多國外的樂評外,感謝 前批踢踢metal版版主韓小含幫《噤夢》寫了一篇精彩樂評,與大家分享!
【用音樂書寫台灣血淚—恆月三途《噤夢》】 by 韓小含
《噤夢》是台灣民謠金屬樂團恆月三途(Crescent Lament)去年底剛推出的第三張專輯,也是我前陣子反覆聆聽最多遍的作品,值得花點時間好好聊聊。
「今夜又是落雨暝 雨聲藏哀悲
手彈琵琶淚袂停 風中寂寞時」
「燈火閃爍 心神無定 前路茫茫 未來無影
只求上蒼 惜阮薄命 只盼緣份一世人」
「大船啊 你接載偌濟人的美夢
有時怨 有時喜 有時盼啊盼規冬
大船啊 你敢知阮心內的希望
彼个人 敢有轉來的彼工」
對於二二八事件、三月大屠殺與白色恐怖這些真實發生在台灣土地上的歷史悲劇,我們永遠要不斷提醒自己民主的可貴與得來不易。電影《穿條紋衣的男孩》導演Mark Herman在講述二次大戰納粹屠殺猶太人的歷史時,他表示這段過去必須要一而再地被反覆提及,唯有不斷提醒自己才能避免犯下同樣的錯誤,因為每個人都有可能不自覺扮演被害者或加害者的身分。在這個感官先於思考的時代,不論音樂、電影、電玩遊戲甚至廣告短片,樂見更多關於二二八事件及白色恐怖的回顧、省思甚至再創作的可能性不斷出現,畢竟這是台灣人永遠無法迴避的重要課題。
#噤夢 這週日真人圖書館: 噤聲的人,無聲的夢——恆月三途與《噤夢》音樂會
👉《#噤夢》: reurl.cc/R1x2m6
#恆月三途CrescentLament #恆月三途 #crescentlament
crescentlament 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的最讚貼文
◆ 博客來實體專輯:https://reurl.cc/R1x2m6
◆ Listen to the album here: https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX
台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,【噤夢】專輯首支live MV - 「念伊人」正式推出。
Crescent Lament 恆月三途 —【噤夢】。
👉 點此看「孤燈微微」官方MV: http://reurl.cc/14VboV
* Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video.*
Crescent Lament's new music video — "Another Night of Solitude" is now released.
Based on the footage of "Land of Lost Voices" album releasing tour, it is a live record composed of
numerous wonderful moments from December 2020 to January 2021.
Thanks to every audience of the tour, we are so touched by your great enthusiasm!
The story of "Another Night of Solitude" followed "By the Lone Light". After Bîng-hong went missing during the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947, A-hiong tried desperately to find her beloved one but in vain. As seasons changed, a year went by. Longing for Bîng-hong's safe return eventually became a foolish wish, only solitude remained.
In memory of 228 Incident of Taiwan, 1947.
Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices.
👉 Watch “By the Lone Light ” music video here: http://reurl.cc/14VboV
【念伊人 / Another Night of Solitude】
.影片製作/Video:葉修甫 Hsiu
.B Camera:陳安, 黃群耀 Akiradesu
.詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
.曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
.英譯/English translation:Happy Metal Guy, 賴昱伸 lok-sin LOA
.英文校正/English revision & proofread:Happy Metal Guy
.收錄專輯/Album:噤夢 Land of Lost Voices (2020)
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu & Crescent Lament 恆月三途
.專輯錄音/Recorded by:
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
海波浪製作 Wave Productions
.音軌剪輯/Editing by:
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
Joakim Dahlström - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
.專輯混音/Mixed by:
Rickard Bengtsson - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
Assisted by Joakim Dahlström
.母帶後期處理/Mastered by:
Mika Jussila - Finnvox Studios(Finland)
.Crescent Lament 恆月三途:
主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou
鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou
貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu
吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu
二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh
鍵盤 Synths & Piano:魏大昕 Sebastian Wei
客座演出 Guest Appearance:
- 吼腔 Grunts:肯尼 Kenny
- 笛/蕭 Flute/Xiao:楊子儀 Jack Yang
- 三味線 Shamisen:廣原武豪 Jun How Wu
.特別感謝武雄老師 Bu-hiông 提供台語歌詞之填詞與唱法指導
.特別感謝氫酸鉀 KCN
.特別感謝美術編輯總監 Hollowcorpse。
.追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
Website - https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

crescentlament 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的最佳貼文
◆ 博客來實體專輯:https://reurl.cc/R1x2m6
◆ Listen to the album here: https://reurl.cc/a5V5qX
台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,於2020年底推出第三張專輯 —【噤夢 Land of Lost Voices】。【噤夢】以終戰後國民政府來台前期的台灣社會為背景,除了在音樂上融入更豐富的民俗樂器,也將上張專輯【花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms】的主角阿香再度帶入歌曲中,藉著藝妲阿香與戀人明風兩人未完的緣分,娓娓道出歷史洪流中台灣人民遭遇的悲傷故事。
首支MV —「孤燈微微 By the Lone Light」,從阿香及明風的視角出發,描述二二八事件發生後,無數台灣人面臨的生離死別。
--- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---
--- 專輯歌詞本節錄 ---
Crescent Lament第三張專輯 —【噤夢】,2020年12月11日,正式發行。
* Turn on the caption to activate the English subtitle of this video.*
Crescent Lament’s third album "Land of Lost Voices" is released on December 11, 2020. A sequel to our second album, the story continues from where "Elegy for the Blossoms" left off: the unfinished romance between A-hiong and her lover, Bîng-hong. They once believed that they would not see each other again, but fate has brought them back together. They would go through the collapse of Taiwanese society in the post-WWII era, experience horrifying days that were even more miserable than wartime, and finally witness the destined tragedy of the 228 Incident.
The current music video “By the Lone Light” recounts the bereavement that A-hiong suffered, after realizing Bîng-hong has died from the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947.
(Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)…… Like all young Taiwanese of that era, Bîng-hong, who had received modern education, was passionate about Taiwan’s future. “I heard something happened at Keelung harbor, I need to check it for you and our kid,” Bîng-hong told A-hiong before he headed out on 8 March 1947. “I’ll be back in the evening—if I don’t return before nightfall, I’ll spend the night at my brother’s home at Sia Liao Island,” he said, giving A-hiong a hug as he left.
Bîng-hong never came home. The next day, A-hiong heard from neighbors that Chinese troops landed in Keelung the day before, and started shooting people with machine guns even before the vessels docked. Troops on land also shot people indiscriminately on the streets. Groups of students had their noses, ears, and genitals cut off, before being stabbed with bayonets. Those who survived were arrested by soldiers, and strung up with barbed wire through their palms and ankles. Then, they were shot in the back of their heads, and kicked into the harbor. Days later, innumerable floating bodies blocked the harbor, and piled up on the shore. A-hiong could not take it anymore, and was in tears all day.
Bîng-hong’s body was never found. In the following two months, the KMT government violently cracked down on uprisings, and purged rebels across Taiwan. Around 20,000 civilians were murdered by the troops, most of whom belonged to the young generation. Doctors, lawyers, professors, and councilors were executed in large numbers, and an entire generation was muted……(Excerpt from the lyrics booklet)
In memory of what happened in 1947, Taiwan.
Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices.
【孤燈微微 / By the Lone Light】
.導演/Director:林峻 Chun Lin
.演員/Actress & actor:黃惟, 徐肇勵
.詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou
.曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
.英譯/English translation:Happy Metal Guy, 賴昱伸 lok-sin LOA
.英文校正/English revision & proofread:Happy Metal Guy
.收錄專輯/Album:噤夢 Land of Lost Voices (2020)
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu & Crescent Lament 恆月三途
.專輯錄音/Recorded by:
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
海波浪製作 Wave Productions
.音軌剪輯/Editing by:
劉允墨 Jesse Black Liu - 黑頻工作室 Black Frequency Studio
Joakim Dahlström - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
.專輯混音/Mixed by:
Rickard Bengtsson - The Sweetspot Studio(Sweden)
Assisted by Joakim Dahlström
.母帶後期處理/Mastered by:
Mika Jussila - Finnvox Studios(Finland)
.Crescent Lament 恆月三途:
主唱 Soprano:周慕姿 Muer Chou
鼓 Drums:周岳弘 Komet Chou
貝斯 Bass:許至維 Wick Hsu
吉他 Guitars:邱振華 Wat Chiu
二胡 Erhu:Jedi Yeh
鍵盤 Synths & Piano:魏大昕 Sebastian Wei
嗩吶 (客座) Suona (guest):黃博裕 Po Yu Huang
.特別感謝武雄老師 Bu-hiông 提供台語歌詞之填詞與唱法指導
.特別感謝氫酸鉀 KCN
.特別感謝美術編輯總監 Hollowcorpse。
.追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
Website - https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

crescentlament 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的最佳貼文
Crescent Lament 恆月三途,今年將推出第三張專輯 – 「噤夢 Land of Lost Voices」,紀念那些為了成就心中的台灣夢,而被噤聲的台灣人。
- 倚窗思念 伊人佇佗位
- 夜深露重 期待伊緊轉來
Today is February 28. It is Peace Memorial Day in Taiwan.
Crescent Lament will release their 3rd album “Land of Lost Voices” this year: in memory of the brave Taiwanese who perished in their struggle against the corrupt KMT's repressive regime—which caused the 228 Incident, and the subsequent "White Terror" as well.
“Sitting by the window, searching for his figure
Hanging in the cold air are my endless expectations.”
For those broken families whose endless expectations never brought their loved ones back.
February 28, 2020: the 73rd anniversary of the 228 Incident.
★ 影像節錄自 Crescent Lament 新MV「孤燈微微」,林峻執導。
★ Logo由台灣畫家氫酸鉀設計。
★ English advice by Happy Metal Guy。
★ 追蹤我們的最新消息 / Connect with Crescent Lament below:
Website: https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament/

crescentlament 在 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Crescent Lament 恆月三途, 台北市。 7340 個讚· 56 人正在談論這個。台灣民謠金屬樂團/ Folk metal band from TAIWAN. ... <看更多>