節目完左仍然繼續收到你地問關於 d 衫嘅嘢,講到扮靚大把嘢講㗎喎,完全唔介意同大家開心 share。要靚就一齊靚 🤘🏻 當上《姊妹淘》咁喺度再一次過詳細答 ❤️ 男士們都歡迎一齊研究下 😅🎶
不過其實真係冇乜特別 🙇🏻♀️ 女仔貪靚係正常嘅、扮靚係「對自己有要求」嘅一種演繹。女為「悅己者」容又好、為「自己」容又好,扮得靚 d 出街,對自己對市容都係一種尊重。香港女仔靚唔靚?梗係靚啦!有自信自然有 glow。再加上呢個係人靠衣裝嘅世界,你嘅外在美靚啲,大家先會再有心機留意埋你嘅內在美。好現實 derrrrr。
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其實節目入面著嘅衫唔係啲咩特別貴嘢,成日覺得衫唔一定要好貴、但一定要自己著得舒服、啱身份啱場合;個人愚見。你哋有 cap 圖問我節目入面呢件衫、嗰件衫係邊度買。我有幫大家問過、不過其實因為個節目係上幾個月前拍嘅、而家佢地都已經轉左季冇得再賣。唔緊要、各位姐妹得閒可以上 Farfetch、net a porter、Zara、asos online shopping 睇下、我係宅女成日喺網上搵到啲好嘢 mix & match。
果對我成日著嘅水蜜桃色粉紅波鞋係 adidas 嘅、IIJIN 都成日買,有內置自信踭、很好。Street wear 之外、亦非常鍾意投資少少落啲 accessories 同手袋度襯下、節目入面有:Bally、Max&Co.、Gucci、Versace、Fendi、Prada、Chanel。節目形象指導陳貝兒話佢真係有花咗 D 心機去襯衫黎配合每個地方嘅特色,所以佢表示好高興大家有留意到 🎈
太陽同平光眼鏡喺 Visual Culture Optical 有、屋企起碼有十幾副。有人問大眼仔 con,喺中東篇係特別戴咗灰色嘅隱形眼鏡。原來戴咗灰色 colour con 個眼珠會變咗好似藍色咁㗎喎,睇返 d 相我都覺得成件事突然變得好神秘呀 wooooo⋯⋯。關於衫、亦有準新娘問晚裝裙、我經常去 Mariée Bridal Couture 同 Dorian Ho。祝你永遠幸福快樂 ❤️
有人問節目入面個妝係邊個化、頭係邊個 set?係陳貝兒。不過想投訴佢每日都好求其,妝同頭 30 分鐘手勢搞掂、原因係佢聲稱出 trip 全程好倦好倦所以寧願瞓晏 d 先起身 🤷🏻♀️ 我會叫佢好好檢討下。甘不過如果喺香港出 event 就肯定會搵專人畫靚塊面、整靚個頭。
個頭好緊要,剪得好每朝早洗完頭淨係吹乾佢就行得。入行到而家都係去 O4 Orient4 - The Official Page - Pius 大師幫我剪嘅,佢啲徒弟仔個個都好犀利、ELLE 個 link 入面 d 相下面有佢地嘅 IG contact:Keith、Sing、Nick、Alan 個個都好正,成日幫我 set 頭天天新款。頭髪顔色都有好多人問、多謝 O4 「色 more」阿Sonn,highlight lowlight 每次都係佢發版。fb:Keith_wong_hairstyle // Sonnlam_Color // SingTam_hairstyle
成日幫我畫皮嘅化妝師有 Krisie、Irene、Wendy、Sammy、小白等等,佢哋個個都好好、輪流用。因為佢哋個個都忙過我、好難約。新娘妝、event 妝要早 d book、我 IG posts 入面有曬佢地嘅 contact。fb:Wendy's Workshop // Sammy Lam Make-Up Service // Freshen Image // @KrisieWong
不過講到尾其實塊皮最緊要,皮膚靚就化乜都靚、定期去 Face College keep 住個狀態保養唔懶得、April 同 Cherry 好 nice 㗎。護膚品我都用好多,Estee Lauder Hong Kong 好啱我。另外可能因為我食素(Green Monday // Green Common )所以 d 膚都會好啲啲。係喎、仲要飲好多好多水補濕排毒同埋食生果。最愛食橙同青瓜、你懂的。
有人話我知 TVB 官網寫我身高 154cm、其實我係 175。體重保持 115 磅左右、三圍數字就唔講啦⋯⋯ 周不時水腫可大可小係女人你明嘅、不過好彩我冇參加過港姐你哋 check 唔到 🤘🏻
身型嘅嘢唔係一味瘦就好、最緊要健康,有自信自然有glow。而且健身除左係 train 身型之外更加緊要嘅係 train 心志。呢個世界只要肯堅持、冇嘢係做唔到。呢方面好多謝我 PT - 銅鑼灣林丹 - 其實佢真名叫 Donald。一個星期我 keep 住三次每次一小時、佢幫我睇住我要半肥瘦。大家都可以去 FITT PUB 揾佢。佢係幾有型嘅,不過唔好意思佢結咗婚個老婆仲好靚、所以大家可以專心做 training 💪🏻
仲有其他關於我個樣嘅問題嗎?再問我就要搵陳生陳太出嚟答大家,因為係佢哋兩個生我出嚟嘅、非常多謝!特別嗚謝 I love you !!
P.S. 關於每次出 event 衫褲鞋襪嘅牌子同埋妝頭嘅 credit、其實 IG 入面會 list 得比較仔細。IG username 係:chanjanis
#多謝ELLE HK #純粹交流下 #開心share
#一齊靚 #唔小心寫到咁長我好懷疑有冇人會睇到尾 🤷🏻♀️ it's ok
【#陳貝兒 正面面對傷痛令人感動】
陳貝兒逐步走出受離婚傷痛,從她時尚和知性日常穿搭中看得到Janis Chan 陳貝兒的積極態度。
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Username: @ellehongkong
#ELLEHK #ELLEfashion #穿搭
culture bridal couture 在 姚子裕 Kev Facebook 的最佳貼文
最新FASHION SHOW 影片終於出爐了,衷心希望大家能多轉發,讓大家也能認識KEVOLIE,還有這個叫Kev Yiu 姚子裕的香港設計師.
Hope you can help to share this Fashion show video and let people know more about KEVOLIE and its' designer Kev Yiu .
KEVOLIE 2016-2017 F/W COLLECTION -The Golden Era
KEVOLIE 最新時裝展影片終於出爐了!看著影片更能感受新系列在現場的閃爍飄溢! (建議按"HD"以高清觀看)
KEVOLIE 2016秋冬系列的設計靈感源於1920年代的時裝風格及態度的熱愛 — 當時的人經歷過第一次世界大戰,感慨世事難料,決定活在當下。所以決定悉心打扮,著上極致奢華服飾聚集於街頭及酒吧,沉醉在靡爛奢侈的生活當中。Kev幻想自己是當時的禮服設計師,打造出一系列復古晚裝,將女士們的優雅氣質及完美曲線呈現於天橋上。
Kevolie is a designer brand formed through the partnership between award winning HK haute couture designer Kev Yiu and famous HK artist Myolie Wu.
The aim of Kevolie is to be one of the leading high end custom made bridal dress designer labels in Asia.
Kevolie's Chief Designer Kev Yiu, who graduated in England with distinction in fashion, was greatly influenced by European fashion culture - he wants to introduce "Love and Romance" in his designs and into his clients lives. His partner and CEO Myolie Wu states - "I want Kevolie to be able to make every lady her dream dress on her dream day"
Myolie and Kev formed their friendship 8yrs ago when Myolie spotted one of Kev's designs in a magazine and she tracked down this talented, up and coming designer and asked him to make her a dress for the Venice Film Festival.
In 2011 Kev made a stunning dress featuring over a thousand feathers individually sewn on by himself for Myolie when she won the Best Actress Award that year. From then onwards Kev became sought after by celebrity and high society circles as he was commissioned to make more one off pieces for some famous names including Fan Bing Bing, Sammi Cheng, Twins, Fiona Sit, Nancy Wu, Kary Ng and Ivana Wong.
The collaboration between Myolie and Kev was born out of Myolie's keen interest in fashion, Kev's outstanding craftsmanship in high end dress making, and more importantly, the high standards they set themselves in everything they do.
Kev has built a team of professional seamstresses who have worked closely with him for nearly 5yrs now. Most of his team have over 30yrs of experience of hands on high end dress making, and currently they design and painstakingly complete their clients orders in HK, upstairs from Kevolie's showroom, in a purpose built couturier's design room. Following a full dress design cycle - design drafting, fabric sourcing and treating, pattern drafting, mock up, cutting, stitching, sewing, boning, ironing, trimming, hemming, and beading, all dressed can be fitted at each stage for the client.
Each of Kevolie's pieces on stage for this season's fashion show involve eighty to hundred man hours of sewing and beading hands on work, displaying the high standards on detail set by Kev himself with the help of his team.
Kevolie hopes to set a stage to promote local fashion talent in the future by showing the quality levels set in design and construction of it's dresses to be equal to top international benchmarks. Through our client services Kevolie aims to provide top level bespoke service for discerning clients who are seeking a seeking high quality option for custom made bridal and evening wear.