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🔥 Netherlands startup inPhocal seeking partners in Taiwan, wants to use cutting-edge laser technology to revolutionize the marking industry
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💥 iCHEF announced integration with Grab and Xero, becoming the first omni-channel POS in Southeast Asia
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,史丹福大學知識分享: 做生意的九大元素 - 《Business Model Canvas 商業摸式圖》 如何定立及優化你的 Business Model Canvas 商業摸式圖? 做生意,你要認識你嘅 Business Model Canvas 商業模式圖,有九格。 肺炎第四波開始有減退嘅...
「customer segment」的推薦目錄:
customer segment 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳解答
Apple 2021 Q2 電話法說會摘要
照慣例電話會議一上來就是Apple CEO Tim Cook與CFO Luca Maestri 把主要財務數字炫耀一番,畢竟Q2營收的年成長率54%,太亮眼了。以Apple這種體量的公司,如果將其當作一個國家,營收對比GDP,如此一家私人公司足以排進世界前15國。
對我們股東來說一個CFO揭露的重要訊息是: We ended the quarter with over $204 billion in cash plus marketable securities. We issued $14 billion of new term debt and retired $3.5 billion of term debt leaving us with total debt of almost $122 billion. As a result, net cash was $83 billion at the end of the quarter.
許多關於供應鏈是否存在短缺或不足的問題,現代供應鍊大神Tim Cook全都語焉不詳,只強調Q2他們不存在material shortage。
同樣的,關於Apple Service Business部分Tim Cook一樣東拉西扯就是不肯提供更多訊息,頂多只說從去年開始Apple App Store與開發者的抽成費率降了15%。
還有Apple這次與Facebook鬧翻的隱私權問題,在這個恐怕重創FB營運的決策上,Tim Cook依然官腔滿滿,聲稱「Apple在做對的事」,他們就是要給用戶選擇保護自己隱私的權利,無關Apple或任何其他公司。(有點此地無銀三百兩)
Tim Cook 開場:
1. new March quarter records for both revenue and earnings, besting our year ago revenue performance by 54%.
2. iPhone, which grew 66% year- over-year driven by the strong popularity of the iPhone 12 family.
3. iPad grow very strong double digits to its highest March quarter revenue in nearly a decade.
4. In fact, the last three quarters for Mac have been its three best quarters ever
Wearables, Home and Accessories, which grew by 25% year-over-year.
5. Services. We achieved growth of 27% year-over-year and set new records for services in each of our geographic segments.
Over the next five years, we will invest $430 billion, creating 20,000 jobs in the process.
CFO Luca Maestri開場:
1. Our revenue reached a March quarter record of $89.6 billion, an increase of over $31 billion or 54% from a year ago.
2. Products revenue was a March quarter record of $72.7 billion, up 62% over a year ago.
3. Our services set an all-time record of $16.9 billion, growing 27% over a year ago. ( App Store, cloud services, music, video, advertising and payment services. Our new service offerings, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News Fitness+)
4. Company gross margin was 42.5%, up 270 basis points from last quarter driven by cost savings, a strong mix and favorable foreign exchange. Products gross margin was 36.1%, growing 100 basis points sequentially also thanks to cost savings and FX, partially offset by seasonal loss of leverage. Services gross margin was 70.1%, up 170 basis points sequentially and mainly due to a different mix. Net income of $23.6 billion, diluted earnings per share of $1.40 and operating cash flow of $24 billion were all March quarter records by a wide margin.
5. During the March quarter, we added more than 40 million paid subs sequentially, and we have now reached more than 660 million paid subscriptions across the services on our platform. This is up $145 million from just a year ago and twice the number of paid subscriptions we are only 2.5 years ago.
6. Apple Watch continues to extend its reach, with nearly 75% of the customers purchasing Apple Watch during the quarter being new to the product.
7. Mac. We set an all-time revenue record of $9.1 billion, up 70% over last year, and grew very strongly in each geographic segment with all-time revenue records in Europe and rest of Asia Pacific and March quarter records in the Americas, Greater China and Japan. This amazing performance was driven by the very enthusiastic customer response to our new Macs powered by the M1 chip.
8. iPad performance was also outstanding with revenue of $7.8 billion up 79%.
9. And UCHealth, a large health care provider in Colorado, was able to reduce per patient vaccination time from 3 minutes to only 30 seconds largely by moving from PC stations to iPhones
10. We ended the quarter with over $204 billion in cash plus marketable securities. We issued $14 billion of new term debt and retired $3.5 billion of term debt leaving us with total debt of almost $122 billion. As a result, net cash was $83 billion at the end of the quarter.
11. we were also able to return nearly $23 billion to shareholders during the March quarter. This included $3.4 billion in dividends and equivalents and $19 billion through open market repurchases of 147 million Apple shares.
12. This will cause a steeper sequential decline than usual. Second, we believe supply constraints will have a revenue impact of $3 billion to $4 billion in the June quarter.
customer segment 在 TrendForce Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Market Commentary】Intel’s latest Ice Lake CPU has already entered mass production and seen customer adoption, with major spec upgrades over the previous gen, such as increased memory channels and faster lanes, while the upgrade from AMD’s Rome CPU to Milan CPU is not as significant.
Therefore, despite AMD’s rising market share by way of pricing advantages, TrendForce believes Intel still leads in the server segment via its product diversification and comprehensive ecosystem.
customer segment 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳解答
史丹福大學知識分享: 做生意的九大元素 - 《Business Model Canvas 商業摸式圖》
如何定立及優化你的 Business Model Canvas 商業摸式圖?
做生意,你要認識你嘅 Business Model Canvas 商業模式圖,有九格。
肺炎第四波開始有減退嘅跡象, 等佢過咗之後,一連幾場星期六,我會在 Paragon Co-work Space 搞下做生意分享早餐會,大家交個朋友???? 互相俾下意見睇下盤生意有乜可以做好啲。
地點是觀塘 Paragon Co-Work Space。約3小時。
對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,每場限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) 5566 1335。肺炎第四尾聲後,她會再聯絡你。
免費 (我不是靠這行搵食?)。我請食早餐 ? Be friends ..... 多謝! 李根興 Edwin
#paragonasia #做生意的九大元素
做生意,你要認識你嘅 Business Model Canvas 商業模式圖,有九格, 逐個逐個同你講。
肺炎第四波開始有減退嘅跡象, 等佢過咗之後,一連幾場星期六,我會在 Paragon Co-work Space 搞下做生意分享早餐會, 其中一場會講 Business Model Canvas,人少少,4位,大家交個朋友。講下你盤生意點善用 Business Model Canvas 嘅九格。
我2016及17, 連續兩年代表Cyberport 帶團去 Stanford Business School 有個創業 bootcamp ,教授 Baba Shiv and Sarah Soule 話創業做生意,你要了解自己嘅 Business Model Canvas.
(1) Value Propositions 價值主張
做生意,你先要知道你幫到人啲乜? 你有乜樣好過人? 點解人哋要揀你? 新啲? 快啲? 平啲? 靚啲? 型啲? Why you?
我做商舖基金,就係幫人哋用少啲嘅資金, 分散風險, 買舖唔使煩,提升回報。
Paragon Co-Work Space 就希望係東九龍集中火力,以幾個center 發揮協同效,提供畀創業者最優越嘅營商空間。
記住,想租 Co-Work Space 可聯絡 Samuel Szeto Tel: (+852) 6215 0550
www.paragonasia.hk,[email protected]
你呢? 你嘅 Value Propositions 價值主張係乜呢?
(2) Key Activities 關鍵活動
要帶出以上嘅價值主張,你每日應該做緊啲乜? 生產? 研究? 客戶服務? 解決問題? 建立平台聯繫客戶, 由佢哋自己交易? Whatever...
記住喎,你做嘅嘢,應該係帶到價值主張 key value preposition 畀你嘅客人。而唔係講一套做另一套, 花咗啲時間係無聊,人客都唔care嘅活動上。
Now you know why 我日日拍商舖片,已經拍咗二千幾條, 因為我最重要就係日日要睇舖。
(3) Customer Segment 目標客群
邊個係你班客呢? 大眾市場? Niche market? 男人/女人/成年人/學生哥?
個個都可以係你嘅客,but who is your primary customer? who is your most important customer? 主要及最重要客戶? 你要搞得好清楚,when in conflict,邊個利益行先?
我成日都話如果你係揸住港幣八百萬以上流動資產(非物業),能夠投資最少三百萬以上喺商舖基金,你就係我 primary customer 你嘅利益行先。
你盤生意呢? Who are your customers? Who is your primary and most important customer?
(4) Channels 通路
你點樣搵到、掂到你班客呢? 班客又點識你、點搵你、點俾錢到你呢? 分五個階段: (1) 認知 Awareness (佢先要識你),(2) 評估 Evaluation (再諗過計過), (3) 購買 Purchase (俾錢), (4)傳遞 Delivery (你提供產品或服務),(5) 最後,售後服務 Aftersale Service,希望滿意回頭再幫襯。
你盤生意嘅掂到個客嘅Channel 係乜呢?
(5) Customer Relationships 客戶關係。
你點樣同你個客戶保持關係呢? One-on-One? 或 ATM 咁, 機械式,用電腦? 建立個客戶 Community 社群 , 或者大家一齊俾 idea 共同創造 co-creation?
好似我咁,做咗我嘅商舖投資者,全部都會同我one-on-one有個whatsapp group,任何問題,我都即時回答。任何商舖最新發展, 內幕消息,同埋我哋買咗乜舖沽咗乜舖,我都會即時同佢溝通。 唔單止舖,佢哋好多個人投資同生意,得嘅話我都會提供我嘅意見及幫助。 佢畀得錢我使,我梗係第一時間幫佢。 Paragon co-work space 老闆都係我投資者之一, 佢幫我,我幫佢,當然我都想幫佢宣傳下Paragon Co-Work Space ?
你同你班客嘅關係又係乜呢? 會唔會幫襯咗你,其實你都唔知佢係邊個,大家根本冇溝通過呢?
(6) Key Partners 關鍵合作夥伴
你點叻都好,你自己做唔曬所有嘢。 你日常要同邊個多合作,改善關係,先能夠做到更好呢? 有效同供應商夾得好啲,生意會唔會易做好多?
我成日講笑咁講,我「真正」老闆其實係全港各大小地產經紀, 我日日都要擦佢哋鞋, 因為如果經紀唔畀荀盤我,我這行馬上唔駛做。Fit 馬都變跛馬。同經紀夾得好? Fit 馬變飛馬。
你呢? 你同 key partners 又夾成點?
(7) Key Resources 關鍵資源。
做你以上咁多樣嘢,你需要咩資源呢? 錢? 人? 知識? 廠房?
知道要乜,咁喺邊度搵呢? 點樣提高營運效率? 盡量用少啲資源,做多啲、做快啲呢?
如果我只是一個普通炒家, 大部分炒家都只係需要一個司機(揸佢周圍睇舖),一個秘書(安排日常工作雜務),一個會計(管理好盤帳,交少啲稅),3個人就搞惦,炒幾十億貨都係三個就夠。
但一商舖基金嘅話, 受證監會監管, Responsible Officers 持牌人起碼要有兩個,Compliance Officer 又加多個,再加財務/會計監管,再加 License Representatives 又要考牌,年年續牌, 成立基今日要開曼群島 Cayman Islands 註冊, 律師/會計/基金行政費用一大堆,成本馬上大升。 咁你做生意就要自己計,值唔值得呢?
你呢? What are your key resources? 點搵? 無又點呢?
(8) Cost Structure 成本結構
你做生意嘅成本架構係乜呢? 你最貴嘅成本喺邊度? 大部係 Fixed Costs 固定成本? 或大部分係會隨着你嘅生意額上落 Variable Costs 呢 ?
老實說, 我公司同事們嘅老底(底薪)唔算高, 但佢哋嘅收入會隨著我哋嘅基金每季嘅表現 ,來分花紅。 因為我要班同事們及我哋嘅投資者大家利益一致。 基金賺錢,大家分多啲。基金蝕本,大家都無花紅。This is our cost structure! 你呢?
(9) 以上所有嘢都係支出,最後當然是收錢啦 - Revenue Stream 收益流。
你點收錢呢? 每件收? 每月收? 每次使用收?月費、年費? 版權費、 顧問費 、廣告費、利息、佣金? 係預繳、現金交收、或做完先收數? 會唔會有難尾? 送貨如送米,收數如乞米? 收入係唔係個個月都要有? 重複性購買? 或餐搵餐食餐餐清? 你係做緊農夫定獵人?
我自己嘅商舖基金會收首次認購費, 每個月會收管理費, 同埋間舖賣咗出街之後賺錢,會收表現分紅 performance fee. 賺就收,唔賺就唔收。 之前嗰兩項叫做「維皮」, 表現分紅先至係我哋嘅肥豬肉。你呢? 錢從邊道嚟,點嚟呢?
記住做以上12345678一啲都唔難, 免費嘅話,十萬個人搵你做。 最難嘅係第九,收錢。 但其實收錢都唔難。 你可以支出100蚊,收得廿蚊。蝕80蚊,咁你要繼續的話可能要不斷地「籌錢」, 吹水吹到以後個餅好大, 希望有投資者畀你錢繼續燒。咁下期你可能支出200蚊,收入80蚊, 感覺收入大升,但其實可能仲蝕多咗。 今時今日,好多初創企業就係咁。 收入係多咗,但蝕得更多。
無話對與錯,大有大做細有細做,做生意你可以專注「籌錢」,亦都可以專注「賺錢」。我選擇「先賺錢、再籌錢」,因為賺到嘅錢係自己嘅,籌錢嘅錢係欠人嘅, 感覺真係好唔同! 我自己做商舖基金,就係exactly 「先賺錢、再籌錢」, 如果憑我自己能力都未能夠賺錢,我邊有資格去籌錢,幫客人搵更多錢呢?
記住,最好嘅生意應該係收入多過支出, 而且多過好多,持續地多, 咁你就本事! I like this business.
有興趣以上九個做生意嘅元素,Business Model Canvas 的:
(1) Value Propositions 價值主張
(2) Key Activities 關鍵活動
(3) Customer Segment 目標客群
(4) Channels 通路
(5) Customer Relationships 客戶關係
(6) Key Partners 關鍵合作夥伴
(7) Key Resources 關鍵資源
(8) Cost Structure 成本結構
(9) Revenue Stream 收益流
肺炎第四波後嘅星期六,我一齊同你小組分享下, 度下你們生意點做好啲。有興趣 send 卡片畀 Suki, 喺 Paragon Co-Work Space 呢度見啦!
Business Model Canvas Download https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Business_Model_Canvas.png

customer segment 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
เปิดตัว 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA Class โฉมใหม่ล่าสุด
Las Vegas. The new Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe is not only the most emotional vehicle in its class, it is also highly intelligent: From MBUX Interior Assist, which recognises operational demands from gestures and equips the interior with intelligence, through augmented reality for navigation and understanding indirect voice commands to the ENERGIZING COACH that provides individual fitness recommendations, the new CLA offers an array of clever solutions. There are also ingenious details when it comes to the aerodynamics and new functions for the Intelligent Drive driving assistance package. The design underlines the coupé character with its stretched form and design elements such as the bonnet with powerdomes or the rear licence plate which has been moved down. As such it does justice to its predecessor’s status as a design icon.
With MBUX, Mercedes-Benz has been revolutionising how to operate a car and communicate with it since the launch of the A-Class. “Now we go to the next level with an intelligent interior assistance system for the compact class. By recognising gestures it facilitates natural operation,” says Ola Källenius, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. “This is not the only new feature by which the CLA offers a great deal of automotive intelligence.”
“With the first CLA we created a totally new segment with a four-door coupé and celebrated a huge success by selling some 750,000 CLA and Shooting Brake,” adds Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Mercedes-Benz Cars Marketing & Sales. “The new edition of the CLA has been developed further in an intelligent way and is even more emotional and sportier than its predecessor. Coupled with new operating systems, it sets new benchmarks for the entire class.”
The new generation of compacts has made a key contribution to the rejuvenation and image change of the Mercedes-Benz brand. The CLA is important for winning and retaining new customers in particular. The CLA Coupé was launched in the USA in 2013, making it the first compact Mercedes‑Benz on the American market. At peak times, more than two thirds of CLA buyers in the USA came from competitors. On average, CLA customers in the USA are around ten years younger than the typical Mercedes‑Benz customer. In Europe, too, CLA customers are among the youngest in the Mercedes portfolio. In 2017, one in two customers in Europe previously drove a competitor's vehicle. Over 75 percent of European customers who previously drove a CLA as a coupé or Shooting Brake chose a Mercedes‑Benz again for their next vehicle. In total, some 750,000 units of the first-generation CLA Coupé and CLA Shooting Brake contributed considerably to the compact car's success.
In its first year, the new CLA will also be available as an Edition 1. In terms of both the exterior and the interior, this limited edition special model has numerous visual accents which underline its exclusivity. The new CLA will be manufactured at the Kecskemét plant (Hungary) and comes onto the market in May 2019.
#กดติดตามแล้ว #กดกระดิ่งแจ้งเตือนด้วยนะครับ

customer segment 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳解答
Built Ford Tough: Ford answers the call from truck customers looking for an affordable, rugged, and maneuverable midsize pickup that’s Built Ford Tough; torture-tested alongside Ford F-150 trucks, Ranger quality starts with a rugged high-strength steel frame backbone, proven Ford-built 2.3-liter EcoBoost® engine and class-exclusive 10-speed automatic transmission
Ready for adventure with innovative technology: New features make driving easier and more fun, both on- and off-road; available FX4 Off-Road Package adds protective skid plates, upgraded tires, off-road-tuned shocks and suspension, while Terrain Management System™ and Trail Control™ help navigate challenging conditions; a suite of innovative technologies includes standard Automatic Emergency Braking to help avoid collisions
Strong new choice for midsize truck fans: Ranger brings American truck lovers an all-new choice; production begins late this year at Ford’s Michigan Assembly Plant as the U.S. industry sees continued growth in midsize pickups
DETROIT, Jan. 14, 2018 – Ford today reveals the all-new 2019 Ford Ranger for North America, bringing midsize truck fans a new choice from America’s truck sales leader – one that’s engineered Built Ford Tough and packed with driver-assist technologies to make driving easier whether on- or off-road.
Production begins late this year at Ford’s Michigan Assembly Plant as customer demand is growing for midsize trucks. U.S. sales are up 83 percent since 2014 as a new generation of midsize truck buyers seek more maneuverable, fuel-efficient pickups.
The 2019 Ford Ranger answers the call with an all-new midsize pickup featuring a new exterior design, chassis and powertrain developed specifically for North American truck customers. Powerful and strong, with a high-strength steel frame, Ranger is equipped with a proven 2.3-liter EcoBoost® engine mated to the only 10-speed automatic transmission in the segment.
“Ranger has always held a special place in the hearts of truck fans,” said Hau Thai-Tang, Ford executive vice president, Product Development and Purchasing. “The all-new Ranger is designed for today’s midsize truck buyer, delivering even more utility, capability and technology for those who blend city living with more off-the-grid adventures on weekends.”
Ranger comes in entry-level XL, mid-level XLT and high-level Lariat trim series with available Chrome and Sport appearance and FX Off-Road packages, and in SuperCab or SuperCrew cab configurations.

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