A highlight video of week 2 of our summer course at the Songwriter's Academy of Sweden Musikmakarna!
Week 2 of The Professional Songwriting Summer Course by Musikmakarna (Songwriters Academy of Sweden)
in partnership with 齐天音乐 Funkie Monkies Music Publishing and FM Pop Music School.
The Swedish songwriters who joined the Asian songwriters for an intensive songwriting camp had nothing but good to say.
“This has been the best week of my life, I really hope I get a chance to work with the Funkie Monkies songwriters again in the near future!" ~Jonas Lindmark (Stockholm, Sweden).
- “The first week of Singapore Songwriting Camp is now over and WOW what amazing songs we've created!. During our listening session I heard songs that made me laugh, dance and (literally) cry. Mind blowing stuff!” ~Oscar Sundelin (Örnsköldsvik,Sweden)
We unite Swedish and Asian songwriters together in the most successful songwriting academy in Sweden and what better way to start than with Funkie Monkies Publishing’s exclusive songwriters and rockstar friends from Taiwan including Mr Alex (NESE 倪子岡), Mr 伍思凱Sky Wu and Bruno Paulo Cerecero from Mexico!
This very first exclusive 3 week summer course in Sweden targets aspiring professional Songwriters who wishes to enhance their skills with Sweden’s unique music education/industry.
Do stay tuned on Funkie Monkies Music/FM Pop Music School’s FB Page for more updates!
#SongwritersAcademyofSweden #Örnsköldsvik #songwriting #collaboration #musikmakarna #funkiemonkies #warnerchappell #music #education #writethesonginyou