[36 hours after receiving first shot of AZ vaccine]
I was okay right after jab till late noon when I experienced stiffness at the vaccination spot, a slight nausea and feverish feeling. In the evening, fever, headache & joint pain kicked in, followed by vomiting. Feeling lousy till the next day but now I'm getting better. However, the reactions can vary wildly. These side effects somehow tells "hey, your system is working, not bad!" So yea, go for vaccination soonest possible so that the fight against Covid can be won quickly. We can do it!
完成接種第一劑阿斯利康(AZ)疫苗36小時,我想說... 除了發冷發熱、沒胃口、疲倦、渾身(尤其胳膊)疼痛,最難受的就是噁心嘔吐。但特此说明:副作用因人而異。即便有先见之明,但我不後悔。如果重來一次,我还是会捲起袖子打疫苗。寧可身體出現短暫副作用,也不愿意感染新冠病毒,或再受漫長的隔离/封鎖限制,更不愿意增加把病毒传给身邊人的可能性。為保護大家,聯手建立起免疫牆吧!