2017年盛暑拍畢《巨神連線》,心律不整差點心肌梗塞向閻羅王報到,意識死神隨伺在側,人生苦短,如何了生脫死、盡斷煩惱、無所罣礙、遠離顛倒……總不得解,蒙釋迦摩尼佛開示飆淚三晝夜,聞佛法數載始知自我渺如塵埃,甚感慚愧。閒暇乃參訪名寺古剎,禮敬焚香佛陀菩薩羅漢諸神天仙王爺媽娘,台灣宮廟千奇百怪、宗派錯綜複雜(佛教、道教、一貫道、天主教、基督教、齋教、回教&大同教、儒教鑾堂、天帝教&天德教、慈惠堂&勝安宮、軒轅教、道院、理教、萬國道德會、會靈山……)、神棍橫行(依人不依法、偶像崇拜、斂財、邪淫),因歷史變遷、社會動盪、政治鬥爭、意識形態等因素導致佛道混雜,但地獄造景稀少,後專注拍攝各殿閻王、判官、陰司、獄卒、七爺、八爺乃至一切罪人,各寺造景巧妙、耐人尋味,意境乖張溢於言表,造型扭曲非常人所能塑也,然匠心獨運、自成一格,專研西方藝術數十載方知真誠樸拙最美,絲毫不輸喬托(Giotto di Bondone,1267~1337)乃至米開朗基羅(Michelangelo Di lodovico Buonarroti Simoni 1475 ~ 1564)矣。
創立於1986年的石門金剛宮風景優美可眺望北濱,雖主祀四面佛,儒釋道眾神尊也不含糊,可過七星橋解厄、繞行五百黝黑羅漢敲鑼印心、跪拜亞洲最大臥佛涅槃像,安太歲自不在話下,甲子太歲爺雙眼長出手掌印象甚深,1994年經閻羅王指示廟公建造一條肚內設極樂世界及陰曹地府之神龍,行走暗黑通道觸動感應機關,只見面容猙獰受刑者呼天搶地喊冤、身邊盡是血肉糢糊殘肢敗屍腦漿塗地,十殿閻羅各司其職、威儀攝人。新北市林口區青嶺湖北文紫祥宮包公廟則以壁面彩塑地獄浮雕獨步全台,粉嫩色彩搭配卡漫風格,尤為造型簡直恐怖到可愛透頂,該廟主祀森羅殿閻羅天子包拯(包青天),陽世冤屈者可至此參拜祭解,求破懸案者眾,逢中元普渡皆以紙紮船渡亡魂至彼岸,全台唯一閻羅天子巨像籌備中,四周環繞墓地,適合修不淨觀也。台灣首尊彰化八卦山大佛旁南天宮(1971)地府則是首座電動地府,規模精小但驚嚇度破表,略顯破敗但五光十色仍蠻凶悍,出自已故台南大道長金登富之作,而電動神明起始可追溯至1960年代北港朝天宮。倒是嘉義水上鄉白人牙膏觀光工廠「戴相府」、「將軍府」設置十殿地府出乎意料之外,乾淨亮麗、ㄧ殿ㄧ間、簡單樸實。由高雄蓮潭龍虎塔龍口入內可見全臺唯一交趾陶地獄牆面,尊尊栩栩如生,續入龍身乃進聞聲救苦白衣觀音大士三十三化身浮雕隧道,造型設色甚為古錐。高雄大岡山超峰寺入口處「西方三聖蓮池海會」(阿彌陀佛、觀世音菩薩、大勢至菩薩巨像)旁設靜態十殿閻羅(1970年代初),雖略為陳舊然韻味猶存,續往上行可抵「證菩提道-釋迦如來應化事迹」雕塑園區,一攬世尊畢生精華。如來年邁時,琉璃國王為報長期被釋迦族輕蔑之傲慢心,世尊雖三次單獨伽跌坐 阻擋大軍進攻之路,但因緣果報無法逆轉,昔日婢女所生王子瞋恨無以復加,還是滅了祖國。自持神通第一目犍連不忍無辜百姓慘遭屠殺,遂以缽盛救度五百族人,最終卻化為血水,佛言神通廣大仍不敵千百劫業力,因緣果報屢試不爽。其母死後墜入餓鬼道飢餓難耐,目犍連遂展神通救渡,但所食尚未入口皆化為赤火,佛陀囑咐農曆七月十五日僧眾解安居自恣日,於盆中設甘露美食供養十方僧眾,因此超度亡母。後世「盂蘭盆法會」乃至「水懺法會」、「瑜珈焰口法會 」皆為消業障、斷塵垢之超渡儀軌,既渡亡魂也自懺悔。
台南麻豆代天府規模宏大、造型豔麗,不但可遊十八層地獄尚可逛天堂(1979年興建,1983年開放),燈光絢爛、聲響駭人,獨自漫步宛如觀落陰、地獄走一回。先過「心頭山」、入「清心池」、進「陰陽界」、抵「交簿廳」、達「鬼門關」、遊「補經所」、探「枉死城」、行「奈何橋」,至ㄧ殿泰廣王照「孽鏡台」現造惡原形,睹抱柱、火床等小地獄。二殿楚江王開「陰查簿 」判案定奪,觀糞尿泥、餓鬼、舞池、寒冰、膿血、鞭韃、舌犁、劍葉、戟腹拋接、砧截……等小地獄。三殿宋帝王刑罰為倒吊、銅鐵刮臉、挖眼、搗樁、倒烤、吸血、穿肋、抽筋、蛆蛀等小地獄……兼遊「四生(胎、卵、濕、化)回魂府」。四殿五官王掌管腰斬、拔舌、沸湯、刺嘴、剝皮、箭樹、車崩、射眼……等十六小地獄。隨五殿森羅王豋「望鄉臺」回眸親人最終眼後觀擊膝、誅心、刀山、飛刀火石……小地獄。六殿卞城王別稱「大叫喚大地獄」,轄火牛、虎啖、噬腎、鉗嘴含鍼、釘喉、磨摧、砍頭……等小地獄。七殿泰山王為「熱惱大地獄」,窺烙手指、抽腸、頂石蹲身、油釜滾烹、割舌穿腮……等十六小地獄。八殿都市王掌管「大熱惱大地獄」兼火狗、鐵汁、鐵蛇、鋸劈斷肢、釘板、灸脊、鐵丸、磅秤……等小地獄。九殿平等王直轄十八層「阿鼻大地獄」,直透地心、內中陰森、不見五指、滿溢地漿,皆為極犯,另轄紫赤毒蛇鑽孔、夾頂、鐵鴉、針雨、蜂蠍……等小地獄。至十殿輪轉王上「觀生臺」、「轉劫所八司」(查驗司 、稽善司 、考過司 、恩怨司 、壽命司 、支配司、掌劫司 、授生司)後至「孟婆亭」飲「醧忘湯」忘盡前塵往事,依前世功德過金、銀、玉、石、木、竹六種橋樑至「轉輪臺(紫河車)」入六道輪迴轉生投胎。據《十八泥犁經》記載,人過世後七七四十九天為「中陰生」,經閻羅王審判善惡業力判定去留或懲罰百千萬劫,犯五逆重罪則墮入「無間地獄(阿鼻地獄)」永劫不復。地藏王乃幽冥教主,統轄十殿閻羅,逢三曹普渡便在各殿設「講道所」超度尚存善根之鬼魂。
I have been living recklessly in Taiwan for more than fifty years. According to Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Star Astrology), Tan Lang is the sole star in my house of Self. This star, which represents xxx, forms an equilateral triangle with that star Qi Sha and Po Jun on the square chart and constitutes a Sha Po Lang pattern. The pattern indicates a kind of turbulence and change, a life of wandering with ups and downs and it tells a lot about my life. After my ill-fated youth, I started from scratch and traveled around the world with exhibitions that I participated. Like a flaneur, I wandered around ruins, nature, and temples with every type of film camera obliviously. Thus, I founded the Hall of Illusion and claimed to be the master of the hall. Several times a day, I pondered a quote from the Diamond Sutra, “Everything with form is unreal.” In addition, I usually stayed in the darkroom developing film and enlarging those negatives overnight. However, I treasured the simplicity of the black and white world. The earthly, gaudy, garish, phony and pleasing qualities within colored photos make the images even more realistic than the real world. It is not my cup of tea, so I seldom took colored photos. In Confucian thought, the age of fifty marks the stage knowing the mandate of Heaven. I am now at my fifties and realize how ephemeral human life is. However, I am not an immortal, nor having sagelike characteristics. I just learned that the stage of stainless (the second bhūmi) and develop a pure mind that is free from doubt and defilement. However, I’m still far from the immovable state and need to practice.
In the summer of 2017, after filming the work Incarnation, I experienced a severe heart rhythm problem which almost triggered myocardial infarction and could have killed me. Consequently, I realized that death was waiting for me and the life is too short to figure out how I can liberate myself from the cycle of Birth and Death. I couldn’t comprehend how to be free from all afflictions and worries and how to avoid delusive ideas. I wept for three days and nights after being enlightened by Shakyamuni Buddha. Up to the moment, I felt ashamed that I failed to realize that the self is as insignificant as dust after these years learning and practicing Buddhism. Since then, I have visited famous temples and monasteries in my spare time, worshiping Buddha, Bodhisattvas, arhats, and all the deities and immortals. Taiwan’s temples are myriad with a enormous number of sects, including Buddhism, Taoism, Yiguandao, Catholicism, Christianity, Chinese religions of fasting, Islam& Baháʼí Faith, Confucianism, Tiandiism& Tian-De Teachings, Xiwangmu cult, Yellow Emperor Sect, Precosmic Salvationism, Liism, World Wide Ethical Society, séance cult, etc. Some people even claim that they can mediate communication between the deities or spirits of the dead with human beings, having their believer rely on themselves instead of the orthodox dharma or dogma and pay excessive respect and admiration for the mediums or objects, accumulating wealth through such an unfair means or even harassing their believer sexually. Due to Taiwan’s historical changes, social turbulence, political struggles, and ideological issues, Buddhism and Taoism are somehow mixed. However, there are few emphases on the concept of the hell. As I took photographs of Yama of each court, judges, wardens of the underworld, jailers, General Fan and Hsieh (the ghost escorts) and all sinners, I found few temples cleverly created hellish scenes that are intriguing, exaggerating, and extraordinary. However, the creations are unparalleled unique. I have been studying Western arts for decades and then I came to realize that simplicity makes the most beautiful works of art. These hellish scenes can even compete with works of Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) and Michelangelo Di lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564).
Jingang Temple Shimen District, founded in 1986, overlooks the beautiful North shore. Although the temple is mainly dedicated to Phra Phrom (the Thai representation of Mahabrahma), spirits of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism can also be founded in the temple. The worshipper can go cross the Seven Star bridge to relieve bad luck, walk along the five hundred arhat statues and knock on the gong to affirm one’s Buddha nature. Furthermore, the worshipper can also prostrate themself before Asia’s largest statue of Buddha in Nirvana (the Reclining Buddha statue) and pacify the Taoist Tai Sui deity of the year. I was impressed by the Jia-Zi Tai Sui General that a pair of palms grow out of his eyes. In 1994, the biō-kong (the person taking charge of the temporal affairs of a temple) received a divine inspiration from Yama (the King of Hell) that he had to build a sacred hall in the shape of a divine dragon, with the interior designed according to the World of Ultimate Bliss and the Underworld. When the visitor walks in the dark hallway, they will see the tortured people (dioramas, of course) scrunching their faces and crying bitterly and loudly in excessive grief as the visitor triggers the mechanism. One will even find them in the midst of flesh, body liquid and blood, mutilated limbs, and rotten corpses. While each of the ten Yamas are focusing on their own duties, showing their sacred dignity that collect visitors’ attention. The Baogong Temple in Linkou District, New Taipei City exclusively features colorful depiction of hellish scenes in relief in Taiwan. With its pastel shades and cartoon-like style, the relief is both grotesque and adorable at the same time. This temple is dedicated to Bao Zhen (also known as Justice Bao) representing the incarnation of Yama. Living people who have been treated unjustly can come worshipping Bao Gong and receive exorcism. Therefore, many people come here for seeking to solve unsolved cases. In Zhongyuan Festival (the ghost festival), the temple will burn the Zhizha (paper craft) boat to ferry the ghosts to the other shore, which is the shore of enlightenment. The only giant statue of Yama in Taiwan is still in the making. The temple is surrounded by a cemetery, suitable for meditating on the loathsomeness and impurity. Nantian Temple (1971), located next to the Eight Trigram Mountains Buddha in Changhua, features the first animatronic underworld. Despite the small size, the animatronic underworld is intensely shocking. Though it’s slightly worn, the colorful dioramas are still brutally ferocious. The creator was the late venerable Dao Zhang (Taoist priest) Jing Deng-fu while the origin of animatronic deities can be traced back to the 1960s Beigang Chaotian Temple. On the contrary, the Whiteman Toothpaste Tourism Factory in Shuishang Township, Chiayi, features ten Yamas with individual booth. The place is unexpectedly clean and polished yet keeps a simple and modest tone. Then, the Dragon Pagoda of the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas at Lotus Lake in Zuoying, Kaohsiung, holds the only relief of hellish scenes made of Kochin ceramic. All the figures are vivid and life-like. If one goes further into the pagoda, they will see a relief tunnel of the thirty-three incarnations of the white-robed form of Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) on a white lotus, with a lovely and interesting design. Another Hall of Yama is built in the 1970s next to the entrance of Dagangshan Chaofeng Temple, located in the Alian District of Kaohsiung. Visitors will also see three statues of the Three Holy Ones of the Western Pureland (Amitābha, Avalokiteśvara, Mahāsthāmaprāpta) which assemble at a lotus pond. Although the hellish scene looks somewhat antiquated, you may still find its previous charm. If one goes further, they will reach the sculptural garden of “Attaining the Bodhi Way: the Incarnation of Sakyamuni Buddha,” where the visitor can see the essence of Bhagavato’s (meaning the Blessed one, one of the common epithets for Buddha) life. When Tathāgata (another epithet for Buddha) was old, the king of Kosala wanted to avenge the arrogance of the tribe of Shakyas who had long despised him, regarding him as a son of a maiden. Although Buddha has sat in lotus position alone three times to stop the army from attacking his tribe. However, one can never reverse the cause and following karma. The prince born of a maiden was so furious that he eventually destroyed his homeland. Maudgalyāyana (one of the Buddha’s closest disciples), who is said to have had supernatural abilities that surpassed the other disciples, could not bear to see the slaughter of innocent people. Thus, he saved five hundred people of his tribe with a pātra (an eating utensil of Buddhist monks). Unfortunately, everything he did was in vain, those who were saved eventually turned into a puddle of blood. The Buddha said that the supernatural abilities cannot surpass the power of karma. The cause and effect work all the time. When Maudgalyāyana’s mother fell into the path of hungry ghost, he used his supernatural abilities to save his mother from hunger. However, all the food turned into fire before being fed to his mother. Later, the Buddha commanded the monks to put nectar and dishes in a basin on the 15th day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar for the monks from all directions to free his mother from reincarnation. In later times, the Ullambana Dharma Service, the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance, and the Yoga Collection for Feeding the Searing Mouths Dharma Service are rituals to eliminate karmic hindrance and to cease to worldly delusions. Through such practices, one can free the dead as well as confess their repentance.
Madou Daitian Temple is a magnificent and colorful temple in Tainan. Not only can the worshippers visit the eighteen levels of Hell but also the Heaven (it was built in 1979 and inaugurated in 1983) here. The lighting and sound effects are stunning and frightening. When walking alone in the space, one may feel like taking a Guan Luo Yin trip (a Taoist necromancy which leads people’s spirits to hell and communicate with the dead ones) to visit the underworld prison. Before arriving the first court of the underworld, the visitor will walk through the Mountain of Heart Summit, the Pure Heart Pond, the Frontier between the Living and the Dead Realms, the Soul Registry Hall, the Portico of Demons, the Center for Complementary Teaching of Canonical Books, the Citadel of Premature Death, and the Bridge of Vanity. When one arrives at the first court, they will see King Chin-guang, who is in charge of the court, using the Mirror of Retribution to show the earthly form of evil creatures and also witness the sub-hell of Pillar-Holding and Fire Bed, etc. At the second court, King Chu-jiang collates the register of sins the souls of the dead have committed to impose the punishments. Here, you will see the sub-hell of Excrement and Urine, Hungry Ghost, Burning Dance Floor, Ice, Pus and Blood, Whipping, Tongue-Raking, Sword Blade, Stomach-Piercing, Chopping, etc. Next, the dead at the third court, ruled by King Song-di, will receive the punishments including inversion tortures, face-skinning with steel and copper knife, eye-wrenching, pounding, blood-sucking, rib-piercing, roasting, tendon-taking, being eaten by maggots. The visitor can pay a visit to the Palace of Soul-Resuscitation for the Four Forms of Creatures (birth from an egg, birth from a womb, birth from moisture, and birth by transformation). King Wu-guan is in charge of the fourth court. There are sixteen sub-hells at the fourth court including Waist Chop, Tongue Removal, Boiling Pond, Mouth-stabbing, Skin-peeling, Sword Tree, Burning Wheels and Cart, Eye-shooting, etc. Next, at the fifth court, sinful souls are allowed to ascend the Tower of Hometown-Viewing to take a final look of their family. The visitor will witness sub-hells of Knee-striking, Heart-slicing, Blade Mountain, Flying Swords and Burning Stones, etc. The King of Bian City takes charge of the sixth court, which is also known as the “Great Hell of Screaming,” with sub-hells including Fire Cattle, Tiger-Biting, Kidney-Eating, Mouth-Poking, Throat-Nailing, Iron Mill, Decapitation, etc. The King of Tai-shan is in charge of the seventh court, the “Great Hell of Heat and Fire.” The sixteen sub-hells at this court include Finger-Searing, Bowel-Hauling, Stone-Bearing, Boiling Oil, Tongue-Removal and Cheek-Piercing, etc. Next, the King Du-shi is in charge of the eighth court, the “Great Hell of Intense Fire and Heat,” and the sub-hells including Fire Dogs, Molten Iron, Iron Snakes, Dismemberment, Steel Spikes, Burning-Marrow, Iron Ball, Scale, etc. The ninth court is ruled by the King Ping-deng. It is known as the biggest court, Avici Hell (the Hell of Incessant Suffering), which if the lowest level of the hell realm and the interior is gloomily and terrifyingly dark. Those who committed the most serious evil deed will be sent to the Avici Hell. Sub-hells such as Poisonous Snake, Brain-Removal, Crow-Gnawing, Raining Needles, Wasps and Scorpions are included at this court. After arriving the tenth court, ruled by the Great King of the Reincarnation Palace, one can visit the “Observatory of Life on earth” and the “eight bureaus of the Reincarnation Palace” (including the Bureau of Judicial Control, the Bureau of Good-Actions, the Bureau of Bad-Actions, the Bureau of Debts, Gratitude, and Vengeance, the Bureau of Longevity and Destiny, the Bureau of Familial Ties, the Bureau of the Reincarnated, and the Bureau of Birth). The sinful one will be sent to the Pavilion of Mengpo and made to drink the Soup of Forgetfulness to forget all past affairs. According to the sinful one’s merits of previous life, they will go across one of the six bridges (gold, silver, jade, stone, wood, bamboo) to the “Reincarnation-Wheel (Wheel on the Crimson River).” Finally, one is able to reborn in the six realms. According to the Aṣṭadaśa nāraka sutra ( the Eighteen Hells Sutra), after one passes away, they will enter an intermediate and transitional state between death and rebirth, known as antarābhava in Sanskrit, for forty-nine days. The being will be evaluated by Yama, who will decide if one should get reborn or get punished at the hell. Those who committed the Five Grave Offenses (killing one’s father, killing one’s mother, killing an Arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, and creating a schism within the community of Buddhist monks and nun who practice for attaining enlightenment.) will be sent to the Avici Hell and stay there eternally. Kṣitigarbha is the Lord of the Nether World, ruling the ten court of Hell. The lord will set up the “Hall of Teaching” at each court to salvage those sinful ones who still obtain few merits at the offering rituals.
Human beings live the Sahā world (sahāloka in Sanskrit, meaning “endurance of suffering,” a concept of mundane world in Mahāyāna Buddhism) where they share with other reincarnations (including beings of the hells, of the preta, and of malevolent nature spirits) with five turbidities (the Kalpa turbidity, the view turbidity, the affliction turbidity, the living beings turbidity, and the life turbidity). Those who commit the ten evil deeds (killing, stealing, adultery, lying, using immoral language, slandering, equivocating, coveting, anger, and false views) must fall into the three evil paths (animals, preta, and hell). However, how can one escape from the three realms/ twenty-eight heavens (including the six heavens of the desire realm, the eighteen heavens of the form realm, and the four heavens of the formless realm)? Worldly people who don’t have such an awareness cannot leave the cycle of the twelve nidanas (meaning causes or motivations), let alone eliminate the eighty-one afflictions (that have been produced due to misunderstanding regarding reality) and the eighty-eight illusions (including five afflictions of advanced practitioners, also known as five views: view of self, extreme view, evil view, view of attachment to views, and view of morality; and five unintelligent temptations: desire, anger, stupidity, arrogance, and doubt) of thought within the three realms and four Arya satyas (noble truths, including suffering, arising, ending, and path). They cannot realize that the essence of the five skandhas (referring to aggregates of clinging, including the matter of form, sensation, recognition, mental formation, and consciousness) , the twelve ayatana (meaning sense base, including six internal bases: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind and six external bases: visible objects, sound, odor, taste, touch, and mental objects), and the eighteen dhātavah (meaning compositional elements of human existence, including six consciousness, six faculties, and their objects) are the emptiness and the void. Furthermore, they cannot dispel the two reasons for clinging to the idea of the self and the attachment to elemental constructs and even believe in the two (false) tenets that that karma and nirvana are not real and that the ego and phenomena are real. As a consequence, they fail to develop the eleven wholesome mental factors (faith, energy, conscience, being ashamed, non-attachment, non-aggression, non-delusion, calmness, equanimity, conscientiousness, and non-injuriousness) and cease the sixteen unwholesome mental factors (desire, greed, anger, delusion, arrogance, doubt, wrong view, wrath, enmity, hypocrisy, vexation, jealousy, parsimony, deceit, flattery, harming, ambitiousness, stupidity, lacking of faith, idleness, being unrestrained, forgetting, distraction, non-discernment, ). One must bear in mind that once all our virtuous roots are discontinued, they will be trapped in the never-ending reincarnation and the suffering of infinite continuity.
Is it possible that the hell will be empty one day? If the beings in hell will become extinct while evil spirits inhabit the mundane world, the world could be considered as a pure land. If we could witness the nature of the void, then hell will exist no more.
Since ancient times, the concept of hell has been widely spread among all tribes. Aging, death, beginning, and end are the basis of nature and the core of cosmic consciousness. However, the prosperous civilization as our island is not a place where desire can be eliminated. It’s impossible to eradicate evil nature. Since fetters brought by the constitution, the state, the law, society, the military, corporations, schools, families, and groups are not less than the eighteen levels of hell, the mortals repress themselves, bury their feelings. Day after day, greed, anger, stupidity, arrogance, doubt, and resentment are stacking. However, since the six dust (visible objects, sound, odor, taste, touch, and mental objects) has not yet been extinguished, people in the mundane world are still full of delusions. The demons, devils, evil spirits, and the wondering dead exist in the wilderness, while only advanced practitioners with transcendent would attempt to make contact with the dead in the wasteland and forest. Worldly people like us trespass in Disneyland-like man-made hell. It is absurd and ridiculous that the hellish scenes cannot stop us from perpetrating evil deeds, but the horrific and cruel scenes yet satisfy our self-righteous shame.
The pandemic has been boiling over for more than a year and a half. The number of infected patients worldwide is nearly a hundred and eighty million, and the death toll has risen to four million, which is equivalent to a war crisis. I hope that we can all be compassionate, give peace to the dead, treat all sentient beings well and equally. The hell is innately empty; however, deluded and misleading thoughts would give rise to all jealousy and hatred and then manifest the hell before us. This book merely serves as a memorandum of conscience for dictators of the world’s new cold war, supporters of unrestrained warfare, dark web hackers, and those who are cunning and contemptuous and maltreat others when knowing they have problems.
June 2021,
Yao Jui-chung
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅黑小多,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《黑小多のTwitch實況台》←“頻道相關Q&A”也在這邊看唷~ http://www.twitch.tv/blackchan 《黑小多の粉絲團》←大家趕緊去幫我按個讚吧!w http://www.facebook.com/heyxiaotto 《能貓姊整理的全成就資料》←感謝能貓姊! http...
「diamond bridge」的推薦目錄:
diamond bridge 在 Bà Dì Nulo Facebook 的最佳貼文
Fitness channel nào và cần trang bị gì để tập luyện tại nhà mùa dịch?
Tiêu chí stan của dì với 1 kênh fitness:
- Video trên 30 phút, đa dạng bài tập mỗi tuần
- HLV không cởi trần (i’m omoi), hét vào video, chỉ cách tập đúng form (và hlv cũng tập đúng)
Đừng chơi skincare nếu chưa có thói quen workout thường xuyên vì workout là loại serum tốt nhất, liệu trình ngon nhất để cải thiện 70% vấn đề về da rồi, ráng tập đều đi rùi thấy da cải thiện, đáp ứng skincare như thần.
Loạt kênh dì lưu thì nó 100% tiếng Anh nên phải biết xíu xíu TA để có gì nghe được chỉ dẫn của HLV.
𝗗𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝘂̣ 𝗰𝗮̂̀𝗻 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗶̣
Thiết yếu: tạ tay (2-8kg) , tạ nặng trên 8kg, thảm tập, dây kháng lực, gạch yoga
Bổ trợ: bóng yoga, gliding disc (đĩa trượt), tạ chân, xà mini gập bụng, trampoline
@fitnessblender https://www.youtube.com/c/fitnessblender/playlists kênh của 2 vợ chồng Kelly và Daniel từ hồi 8 năm trước cơ, gần 1000 videos dài tiếng rưỡi hoặc 15ph.
Level: Beginner đến advance
Đặc thù HLV: ban đầu họ tập nghiêng về cardio nhưng từ 2015 đến nay họ quan tâm nhiều đến ăn uống và kết hợp weight training + yoga + pilate vào routine tập nên khum hề chán luôn. (sau này cô vợ bị chấn thương nên các bài tập cũng nhẹ nhàng, trong lúc tập có động viên, mệt thì nghỉ ko cố, tập với nhà này xong dì biết lắng nghe cơ thể hơn)
Level: intermediate đến advance
Đặc thù HLV: do cô này là dân chuyên thể hình nên cường độ tập và flow tập phải nói là chết đi để sống lại luôn. Đây là kênh dì tập nhiều nhất trong tuần vì độ đa dạng cho các phần cơ thể. Tập rã rời người nhưng sau đó thấy đã, khỏe, yêu đời gì đâu.
Chuyên weight training với tạ, cardio hiit tabata không lặp lại, calisthenic
Kênh tương tự nhưng nhẹ đô hơn chút: @Heather Robertson https://www.youtube.com/c/Heatherrobertsoncom/videos
@Katmusni cô mèo Wibu hường
Level: Intermediate to Advance
Đặc thù HLV: Kat trông nhí nhảnh yêu đời, có bạn trai như Aquaman nhưng dì khum hối hận khi đồng hành cùng cổ trong 2 năm qua. Kênh có nhiều dạng tập (mạnh nhất là full body- strength training) và những lời khuyên về những vấn đề tâm lý như trầm cảm, rối loạn ăn uống, mặc cảm tự ti. Chính cô ấy bị và đã vượt qua nên chia sẻ luôn. Kênh ko lớn nhưng là 1 góc nhỏ đáng yêu.
Level: Beginner đến advance
đặc thù HLV: kênh của 2 vợ chồng Kozac và Claudia. Người tập chính là Kozac với động tác full sức mạnh và Claudia minh họa các động tác giản thể cho nữ - hoặc khi quá đuối. Chuyên về các bài tập Full body, low impact, abs, legs. Các vid từ 2017 về đây thì có cải thiện các động tác trong bài tập để tập bớt chán hơn.
@Millionaire hoy và millionaire & family
Kênh chính https://www.youtube.com/user/yaboymillhoy
Kênh con https://www.youtube.com/c/HoyFamilyFitness/videos
Level: intermediate đến advance
đặc thù HLV: đây là HLV từng hứng chịu làn sóng kì thị màu da hồi năm 2019 đến nỗi bật khóc và lock kênh. Đợt lockdown anh mở lại và comback hoành tráng hơn.
Kênh chính chuyên cardio nặng + weight ( 60% cardio + 40% weight training) nên khiến người tập lúc nào cũng thở dốc vì mệt. Nội cái vid làm cho beginner mà người workout 5 năm như dì ra mồ hôi ròng ròng :p
Kênh con millionaire & family anh tập chung với vợ nên cường độ và tốc độ chậm hơn, nhiều bài weight training chậm có thêm yoga. Thích hợp tập chung với bồ hoặc gia đình.
@XFA fitness
Level: intermediate đến advance
đặc thù HLV: 2 ông chú nhìn xôi thịt 6 múi khô đét thế chứ tập là mặc áo đàng hoàng, đi thẳng vào tập luôn ko nói luyên thuyên.
Chuyên về hiit, tabata với tạ cường độ cao. Đảm bảo đốt mỡ triệt để nhất như chủ nghĩa “rippedism” của kênh. Đặc biệt là các bài tập bố trí hợp lý, ít lặp lại tập ko nhàm chán. Điểm trừ là ít nội dung.
Kênh tương tự nhưng là 2 cô gái tập, nhiều nội dung hơn https://www.youtube.com/c/nourishmovelove/videos
🟨🟨𝗗𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝘂̣ 𝗰𝗵𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴- 𝘁𝗮̣̂𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗲̂̉ 𝗹𝘂̛̣𝗰🟨🟨
1. 𝗧𝗮̣ 𝗯𝗼𝘄𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘅 https://shp.ee/ambdbte tạ này là loại tạ điều chỉnh kg được nè nên cực kì tiết kiệm không gian. Mua tạ online thì 100% là chịu thêm ship từ 500k-800k vào giá sp (mà dì thấy vụ này cũng hợp lý, tốn công mấy chú vác đồ nặng tận nhà)
loại dì mua là 24kg 1 tạ. Chắc mãi không nhấc được mức 24kg quá chứ toàn 6-12kg tập tay ngực, 15kg deadlift mông đùi là ói ỉa. Nữ dùng bị thừa, nam sẽ hợp hơn hoặc nữ gym chuyên.
Đối với nữ nhu cầu tập thường thì mua tạ tay nhựa lẻ 2kg, 4kg, 6kg 8kg là ok rồi https://shp.ee/idnrm7v Nên tách đơn để hưởng ship rẻ.
2. 𝗗𝗮̂𝘆 𝗸𝗵𝗮́𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝘂̛̣𝗰 (𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱, 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱) dây này thì nhiều hãng làm nhưng để tìm hàng của brand lớn làm tin tưởng thì dì có brand Aolikes của Trung
Hàng non mall https://shp.ee/jms72nm
Có mall nhưng hay hết hàng https://shopee.vn/aolikes
Hoặc của brand Proesce https://shp.ee/ztxrkhs
Công dụng:
- trước khi nâng tạ thì dì thấy nên làm quen với band trước vì nó giúp cta cảm nhận cơ (cơ hoạt động chống lại kháng lực của dây) qua đó cải thiện form an toàn.
- Đang tập cardio thấy chán quá thì mang band vào thấy vui và nặng hơn nhiều vì não phải xử lý thêm nhân tố mới.
(vd jumping jack tập riết nhàm form lỏng lẻo, mang band màu đỏ (nhẹ nhất) vào mắt cá -> não bảo chân phải chắc hơn, đùi tiếp lực nhiều hơn để thắng kháng lực của band -> form được cải thiện, hiệu quả tập vào đùi và bắp chân hơn)
- Tập dc rất nhiều các bài tập cho tất cả các nhóm cơ : tay - vai - lưng xô - ngực - bụng - mông - đùi. Gọn gàng dễ mang đi mọi nơi
Độ bền:
Cái band vải của Aolikes dùng trong vòng 1 năm sẽ tưa đứt cao su dần dần (vẫn dùng được) bị nhão dần và cần thay mới sau 1,5 năm sử dụng (1 tuần dùng band 3-4 lần)
Power band (loại bự dài dày cho body) của Proesce và Aolikes thì bền bỉ, chỉ là bị sờn màu và bay chữ sau 1 thời gian dùng chứ dì chưa thấy bị mục giống mấy loại no brand. (mua được hơn 1 năm)
3. 𝗕𝗼́𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝘀𝘂 https://shp.ee/uw7xrdd
Độ hữu ích: 8/10
Loại này là bóng yoga chưa tiến hóa hết. Nửa mặt là bóng đàn hồi, nửa kia là mặt phẳng.
Hỗ trợ tập cardio nhảy lên nhảy xuống fun lắm, tập calisthenics thăng bằng, lunges, chest press
𝟰. 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 https://shp.ee/vdeqtd6
Độ hữu ích 5/10
Đây là bạt nhún lò xo, size 100cm trở lên dùng mới thích nhưng chiếm chỗ quá có thể sẽ khum phù hợp với nhiều diện tích phòng.
Bạt này dì tập cardio, kickboxing, zumba rất cháy, cảm thấy không trọng lực nên giảm áp lực cho khớp, chỉ tập trung cho cơ nên rất mệt mà vui. Thật ra thời gian bố trí cất ra cất vào mệt quá nên 1 tháng dì tập được 2-3 lần rồi cất :<
𝟱. 𝗫𝗮̀ 𝗰𝗵𝗮̂𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝘁𝗮̣̂𝗽 𝗯𝘂̣𝗻𝗴. https://shp.ee/zqeth7c
Độ hữu ích: 8/10 cho newbie mới tập
2/10 cho người tập lâu
Cái này sẽ dùng lực hít chân không để cố định cái xà, chân sẽ bấu vào 2 cái mút để có điệm tựa, dễ dàng dùng cơ bụng hơn.Ngoài ra tập decline push up, side leg raise cũng ổn.
Người tập lâu như dì mua về dùng được 2 lần xong bỏ vì thấy khum cần thiết lắm vì đã có phản xạ và form sẵn rồi.
Nhìn quá nhiều và quá dài vậy chứ dì thấy newbie mới tập chỉ cần có vài đôi tạ nhựa, 1 thảm tập, 1 set band kháng lực là được rồi.
Mấy thứ khác có thể bổ sung thêm nếu đã chán tạ. Mới tập thì quan trọng là thấy vui và duy trì đều cường độ là ổn.
𝟲. 𝗚𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰 (đ𝗶̃𝗮 𝘁𝗿𝘂̛𝗼̛̣𝘁) https://shp.ee/dx2gdtn
Độ hữu ích 3/10
Cái đĩa này chỉ có công dụng giúp cta trượt chân và tay, dùng cơ bụng/cơ tay để kéo chân/tay vào ở các bài lunge chân, abs folding, mountain climber thôi. Một số sàn nhà có nền gạch dùng cái này không tốt nó rất dính, sàn gỗ sàn đá ok hơn.
https://www.youtube.com/c/POPSUGARFitness/videos (dạy hay nhất là mấy HLV gay Jake DuPree Raneir Pollard, rất fancy, rất hành xác trong sự shady. Kênh cũng chuyên kickboxing and dance workout với nhóm 3-4 người nếu các cháu muốn nhảy múa và không cô đơn
https://www.youtube.com/c/Gymra/videos dạy hay nhất là cô HLV christine curry (tìm tên trong kênh là ra)
𝗗𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝘂̣ 𝗰𝗮̂̀𝗻 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗶̣
Thiết yếu: tạ tay (2-4kg), thảm tập, dây gym kháng lực, dây yoga kháng lực, gạch yoga, tạ chân
Bổ trợ: Vòng pilate, bánh xe yoga
@yogawithtim https://www.youtube.com/c/yogawithtim/playlists
Level: beginner to advanced
Anh này ảnh vid thì ở trần chứ vào dạy là mặc đồ kín bưng nên khỏi lo bị phân tâm.
Chuyên các bài yoga an toàn cho tinh hoàn của nam, thời gian từ 2019 đến nay có thêm người mẫu nữ hướng dẫn để thân thiện hơn. Tập kênh này sẽ thiên về thăng bằng, chân và sức mạnh của core bụng nhiều.
@Barlates Body Blitz https://www.youtube.com/c/LindaWooldridgeBarlatesBodyBlitz/videos
kênh này làm dì bắt đầu hành trình mua đồ hỗ trợ tập 😊)
Level beginner to advanced.
Thiết bị cần có: tạ chân, trampoline (ko nhất thiết), power band, yoga band, yoga mat
Đặc thù HLV: cô Linda chuyên dạy các bài về barlate, barre (Dạng ballet + cầm tạ tay) rất bánh cuốn nha, khi tập dáng trông đẹp như múa ballet mà vẫn xây dựng được cơ. Ngoài ra còn có yoga, pilate và trampoline, low impact.
Kênh tương tự @Koachkel không nhiều nội dung bằng https://www.youtube.com/c/CoachKel/videos
@Move with Nicole https://www.youtube.com/c/MoveWithNicole/playlists
Level: Beginner đến advance
Đặc thù HLV: tập với cô này ở độ khó trung cao sẽ cần tiền đình vững và độ nhớ bài 1 chút vì flow yoga làm liên tục. Nếu ko nhớ flow phải nhìn màn hình hoài rất mỏi cổ
Chuyên về power yoga, piliates, barre, sức nặng cơ thể, động tác từ cơ bản đến mức phi thực tế như trồng chuối bằng đầu.
🟨🟨𝗗𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝘂̣ 𝗰𝗵𝗼 𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗯𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲, 𝘆𝗼𝗴𝗮 🟨🟨
7. 𝗧𝗮̣ 𝗰𝗵𝗮̂𝗻 đ𝗶𝗲̂̀𝘂 𝗰𝗵𝗶̉𝗻𝗵 𝘁𝗿𝗼̣𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝘂̛𝗼̛̣𝗻𝗴 đ𝘂̛𝗼̛̣𝗰 https://shp.ee/vap5mj4
Độ hữu ích: 9/10
Loại của dì là loại dán 4,5kg nhé, đeo để tăng kháng lực ở mắt cá chân từ đó kích thích bụng dưới, toàn chân, mông hoạt động để nâng tạ lên tăng hiệu quả tập cho pilate. Hỗ trợ mấy bài tập bụng tập mông bên hiit tabate rất vào luôn.
ban đầu dì không nhấc nổi động tác bicycle với 4,5kg nhưng tầm 1 năm thì lên được 10 cái thở như chó. Mức lý tưởng là 2kg-2,5kg nha. Mức 4.5kg full tạ dùng để đi bộ cũng được bao nổi cơ, mà mang tầm nửa tiếng là thấy hầm nóng rồi
8. 𝗬𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 Độ hữu ích: 9/10 https://shp.ee/wnsfiqk
tùy kinh tế mà lựa. Loại trên 100k cứng cáp, ko trơn và cấu trúc vững hơn những loại 50k. Cùng là 1 khối mút nhưng cũng tiền nào của nấy phết.
Công dụng: hỗ trợ form đỡ chân, đầu gối, hay lòng bàn tay và đem lại độ cao cho các thế ngồi vặn người. Đặc biệt trong bodyweight training thì dùng cái gạch này để chest, triceps, diamond pushup là chuẩn bài, cực vào cơ luôn nha
9. 𝗕𝗼́𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝟮𝟱𝗰𝗺 https://shp.ee/28jb8p8
Độ hữu ích: 6/10 (bóng bé nên cứ tập xong là dì quen tay vứt lung tung ☹ )
Loại bóng này hỗ trợ cta giữ thăng bằng, tạo kháng lực nhỏ cho đùi hợp với các bài balet barre, barlates.Trông bé bé mà để giữ vững nó cũng tốn sức kinh khủng.
10. 𝗗𝗮̂𝘆 𝗸𝗵𝗮́𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝘂̛̣𝗰 𝗬𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 https://shp.ee/hgxqki9 dây này trông như múa lụa ấy, bản to rất mỏng lực rất nhẹ nhàng nên căng từ chân lên đầu cũng không quá khó khăn. Dì thường chụm 3 dây lại để có kháng lực mạnh tập đã hơn.
11. 𝗩𝗼̀𝗻𝗴 𝗸𝗵𝗮́𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝘂̛̣𝗰 𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲
Độ hữu ích: 7/10
Vòng này trông buồn cười nhưng dân tập pilate rất mê. Dùng tập cơ đùi trong, bắp tay, xô, vai bằng cách ép vào và thả ra từ từ, bắt các nhóm cơ hoạt động để thắng kháng lực của vòng tròn.
Dây cao su cho lực hướng vào, còn vòng này cho lực bung hướng ra nên phải mệt x2.
12. 𝗬𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗹 (𝗕𝗮́𝗻𝗵 𝘅𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝗴𝗮) https://shp.ee/xk6vavi
Độ hữu ích: 4/10
Cái này là 1 dạng tiến hóa của banh yoga, có bề mặt cứng,dễ kiểm soát chuyển động hơn, cột sống tì vào bánh xa0 và uốn chuẩn hơn. Khi tập phần thân trên cầm nó lên dùng như 1 dạng tạ luôn.
Điều hạn chế là nó chỉ mới ra mắt tầm 5 năm nay nên các bài tập online chưa nhiều người tập, dẫn đế dễ chán.
🟨🟨𝗗𝘂̣𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝘂̣ 𝘁𝗮̣̂𝗽 đ𝘂̛𝗼̛̣𝗰 𝗰𝗮̉ 𝗵𝗮𝗶 𝗵𝗶̀𝗻𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝘂̛́𝗰 𝘁𝗿𝗲̂𝗻 must have 🟨🟨
13. 𝗕𝗼́𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝘁𝗼𝗮̀𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮̂𝗻 https://shp.ee/nirhk8m (hay còn gọi là swiss ball)
Độ hữu ích: 7/10 (nó to chiếm chỗ nên sẽ không hợp 1 số không gian)
Nam Nữ tạng châu Á thì size 55-65cm mà chiến đừng ham to quá nó nảy lòi lone, với cả to quá khi nằm lên lưng cta không trải vừa trái banh nó chạy lum la.
Hiện dì chưa phát hiện hãng lớn nào bán tiền triệu trái này trên shopee nhưng cứ banh trơn có viền nhẹ mà chiến vì thoải mái thao tác, loại gai massage quần què khi tập gây cấn rất khó chịu.
Hỗ trợ tập cho weight training (nằm lên chest press, bridge,..), yoga.
14. 𝗬𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮̉𝗺 𝘁𝗮̣̂𝗽 https://shp.ee/jz2w5t9 thảm cũng tùy kinh tế mà lựa nhưng dì dùng qua loại 90k và loại 450k nó khác 1 trời vực.
Độ hữu ích: 10/10 (phải có vì không có cta bị trơn trượt do mồ hôi + sàn gạch rất khổ ☹ )
99k nó trơn khi có mồ hôi, nó lún và tróc sau 1 năm sử dụng. Loại 450k thì có định tuyến, tức những họa tiết in dập trên thảm để mình tự chỉnh form cho ngay, không trơn, bớt hôi, hút mồ hôi xuống bề mặt tốt, ko để lan trên bế mặt gây trơn.
tập ở nhà lợi ở chỗ nữa là khum lo ai phán xét body, điệu bộ, và chả phải lo nghĩ mặc gì để trông không ngớ ngẩn- điều mà dân hướng nội luôn canh cánh :(
diamond bridge 在 Eat with Pal Li - พี่แป๋วพากินเที่ยวสิงคโปร์ฮ่องกง Facebook 的最佳貼文
❗️#อัพเดท ... สถานการณ์ Covid-19 ในฮ่องกง
(19 กค 63 เวลา 11.00 น.)
สรุปข่าวเมื่อวานค่ะ (18 กค 63)
ฮ่องกงพบผู้ติดเชื้อใหม่ 64 คน เป็นการ #ติดเชื้อในฮ่องกง 60 คน #เสียชีวิต 1 คน รักษาหาย 10 คน
- ยอดผู้ติดเชื้อรวมทั้งหมดในระลอก 3 (เฉพาะติดในฮ่องกง) (14 วัน, 5-18 กค) มีจำนวน 411 คน
(จำแนกจำนวนเคสแต่ละวัน 2, 1, 9, 19, 34, 32, 16, 30, 41, 40, 14, 63, 50, 60)
- จำนวนรวมผู้ติดเชื้อเกิน SARS ปี 2003 แล้ว โดย SARS=1,755(ยอดจบ), COVID=1,778(ยอดเมื่อวาน ยังไม่จบ)
#ผู้ติดเชื้อใหม่ (64 คน)
- 63 คนเป็นพลเมืองฮ่องกง 1 คนไม่สามารถระบุได้ โดยเป็นชาย 23 คน หญิง 41 คน อายุระหว่าง 16-86 ปี
- 4 คน มีประวัติเดินทางต่างประเทศในระยะฟักตัว
- 60 คน ถูกระบุว่า #ติดเชื้อในฮ่องกง โดย 36 คน #ยังไม่พบต้นตอของการติดเชื้อ
#ผู้ติดเชื้อใหม่จากต่างประเทศ (4 คน)
- #ยังคงพบลูกเรือได้ยกเว้นกักตัวและเข้าพักโรงแรมในเมือง
- 1 คน ชายอายุ 40 ปี เป็นนักบิน ไม่ระบุสัญชาติ เดินทางมาจาก #คาซัคสถาน ถึงฮ่องกงวันที่ 17 กค #ไม่ถูกกักตัว เข้าพักที่ รร Crowne Plaza (Causeway Bay)
- 1 คน ชายวัย 21 ปี ทำงานเดินเรือ เดินทางมาจาก #เกาหลีใต้ ถึงฮ่องกงวันที่ 16 กค และออกจากฮ่องกงไปแล้ว ไม่ได้รักษาตัวที่นี่
- 1 คน หญิงวัย 51 ปี เดินทางมาจาก #ฟิลิปปินส์ เพื่อทำงานผู้ช่วยแม่บ้าน ถึงฮ่องกงวันที่ 13 กค กำลังกักตัวเองในที่พัก (Mayming Building, Jordan)
- 1 คน ชายวัย 46 ปี เดินทางมาจาก #ปากีสถาน ถึงฮ่องกงวันที่ 6 กค ถูกส่งตัวจากศูนย์กักตัวของรัฐ
#ไฮไลท์ผู้ติดเชื้อใหม่ในฮ่องกง (60 คน)
- ยังพบมากในโซนเกาลูนตะวันออก โดยเฉพาะเมือง Tsz Wan Shan
- เป็นที่สังเกตว่า เริ่มพบผู้ติดเชื้อที่ตึกที่อยู่อาศัยของเอกชนมากขึ้น (เดิมพบมากในตึกการเคหะรัฐบาล) และเริ่มพบมากขึ้นที่เขต Yau Tsim Mong (Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Prince Edward) และเมือง Tuen Mun
#1 หญิงวัย 48 ปี พนักงานร้าน Via Restaurant, Yee Hing Court (Jordan) ก่อนหน้านี้ เพื่อนร่วมงานติดเชื้อไปแล้ว 1 คน
#17 (ไม่สามารถระบุต้นตอ) เด็กหญิงวัย 16 ปี นร รร True Light Girl’s College (Yau Ma Tei) เมื่อเริ่มมีอาการ พบว่า ยังคงไปโรงเรียน
#22 #31 ชายวัย 39 และ 43 ปี อยู่ใน cluster ใหม่ แก๊งเล่นปิงปองที่ Victory Table Tennis Sport Centre (San Po Kong) cluster นี้ มีคนติด 3 คนแล้ว หนึ่งในนั้น คือ พนักงานห้อง control room ของ รพ Queen Elizabeth ที่ติดเชื้อไปก่อนแล้ว และ รพ นี้ก็เป็นอีก 1 cluster ขณะนี้
#23 (ไม่สามารถระบุต้นตอ) ชายวัย 61 ปี เป็นนักร้องอยู่ในย่าน Tsim Sha Tsui ขณะทำงานไม่ใส่หน้ากากอนามัย จึงมีความเสี่ยงในการแพร่เชื้อได้เป็นจำนวนมาก
#27 #54 #60 หญิงวัย 30-42 ปี ทำงานอยู่ที่ Tuen Mun Eye Centre รพ Tuen Mun ซึ่งเป็น cluster ใหม่ มีคนติดเชื้อ 3 คนแล้ว
#29 (ไม่สามารถระบุต้นตอ) ชายวัย 42 ปี ขายของอยู่ที่ตลาดสด Shek Tong Tsui (แถว HKU Station) มีการติดต่อลูกค้าจำนวนมาก
#30 #53 หญิงวัย 53 และ 60 ปี ทำงานล้างจานอยู่ที่ cookedDeli by CitySuper ห้าง Harbour City (Tsim Sha Tsui)
#37 (ไม่สามารถระบุต้นตอ) ชายวัย 70 ปี ทำงานล้างห้องน้ำที่สนามบินฮ่องกง
#47 (ไม่สามารถระบุต้นตอ) หญิงวัย 50 ปี พนักงานขายร้าน 759 Island Resort Mall (Siu Sai Wan)
#48 #56 หญิงวัย 49 และ 50 ปี อยู่ใน cluster ร้าน Tao Heung (Mong Kok) ซึ่งเคยจัดงานสังสรรค์มีคนเข้าร่วมกว่า 100 คน ขณะนี้มีผู้ติดเชื้อแล้ว 4 คน
#51 ชายวัย 48 ปี เจ้าหน้าที่หน่วยงาน Copyright and Trademark Investigation (Operations) ของกรมศุลกากร ออฟฟิศอยู่ที่ชั้น 23 สำนักงานใหญ่ศุลกากร Customs Headquaters Building (North Point) ภรรยาของเค้าก็ติดเชื้อด้วย(#32)
#58 หญิงวัย 76 ปี เป็นผู้ป่วยใน รพ Queen Elizabeth ผลตรวจเป็นลบอยู่ 2-3 วัน เพิ่งจะพบเชื้อ
#ที่พักของผู้ติดเชื้อในฮ่องกง (60 คน)
#1 17 Tung Choi Street (Mong Kok)
#2 Homing Terrace (To Kwa Wan)
#3 Kimberley Mansion (Tsim Sha Tsui)
#4 Winfair Building (Tsz Wan Shan)
#5 Hong Tim House, Tsz Hong Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#6 Lok Shun House, Tsz Lok Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#7 Hayon Building (Yau Ma Tei)
#8 Pik Fung House, Fung Tak Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#9 Block 6, Whampoa Garden (Phase 4), Palm Mansions (Hung Hom)
#10 616 Reclamation Street (Prince Edward)
#11 Toi Fung House, Fung Tak Estate (Diamond Hill)
#12 Po Shing Mansion (To Kwa Wan)
#13 Ching On House, Tsz Ching Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#14 Oi Ning House, Tsz Oi Court (Tsz Wan Shan)
#15 Sau Tai House, Fu Tai Estate (Tuen Mun)
#16 Lai Yung House, Lai Tsui Court (Cheung Sha Wan)
#17 Wan Fung Building (Prince Edward)
#18 King Yip House, Shan King Estate (Tuen Mun)
#19 Pak Suet House, Choi Hung Estate
#20 Ching Tak House, Tsz Ching Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#21 Block 2, Kwai Fong Terrace
#22 Block 2, Sceneway Garden (Lam Tin)
#23 Chong Tak Building (Austin)
#24 Tao Yuan House, Chuk Yuen (North) Estate (Wong Tai Sin)
#25 Block K, Sunshine City (Ma On Shan)
#26 Yung Lai House, Yau Lai Estate (Yau Tong)
#27 Block 5, Villa Tiara (Tuen Mun)
#28 Oi Yan House, Tsz Oi Court (Tsz Wan Shan)
#29 Hing Tsui House, Hing Wah (1) Estate (Chai Wan)
#30 Yuen Fat Building (Mong Kok)
#31 Tak Lai House, Tak Tin Estate (Lam Tin)
#32 Block 3, Hill Top Gardens (Diamond Hill)
#33 Block 26, Phase 4, South Horizons
#34 Kwai Yuen House, Chuk Yuen (South) Estate (Wong Tai Sin)
#35 Yu Cheong House, Yu Ming Court (Hang Hau)
#36 Block 6, Hill View Court (Clear Water Bay)
#37 Mei King Mansion Phase 1 (To Kwa Wan)
#38 Man Tai House, Tsz Man Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#39 Oi Kan House, Tsz Oi Court (Tsz Wan Shan)
#40 San Po Kong Mansion
#41 Sing San House, Choi Wan (I) Estate (Choi Hung)
#42 Wing Chun House, Wing Cheong Estate (Nam Cheong)
#43 Block 6, Palm Mansions, Whampoa Garden (Hung Hom)
#44 On Yan House, Tsz On Court (Tsz Wan Shan)
#45 Ngan On House, Kam On Court (Heng On)
#46 Tower 5, Goodview Garden (Tuen Mun)
#47 Ching On House, Tsz Ching Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#48 18 Whampoa Street (Hung Hom)
#49 Choi Wah House, Choi Fai Estate (Choi Hung)
#50 Anho House (Prince Edward)
#51 Block 3, Hill Top Gardens (Diamond Hill)
#52 Block 2, Grandway Garden (Tai Wai)
#53 Chung Hing Building (Tai Kok Tsui)
#54 Properland House, Affluence Garden (Tuen Mun)
#55 Man Yue House, Tsz Man Estate (Tsz Wan Shan)
#56 Wang Kei House, Wang Tau Hom Estate (Lok Fu)
#57 Oi Yan House, Tsz Oi Court (Tsz Wan Shan)
#58 Lai Sum House, Lai Tsui Court (Cheung Sha Wan)
#59 Homing Terrace (To Kwa Wan)
#60 Block 2, The Sea Crest (Tuen Mun)
(วันที่ คือ บันทึกวันสุดท้าย ณ สถานที่นี้ ผู้ติดเชื้ออาจเคยไปก่อนหน้านี้)
5 ก.ค.
- Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool (Sham Shui Po)
6 ก.ค.
- Cafe de Coral, Honland Building (Prince Edward)
- Yiu Tung Shopping Centre (Shau Kei Wan)
- Greenland Spicy Crab (Tsim Sha Tsui)
- Po Wah Yuen (Lamma Island)
7 กค
- Tseung Kwan O Plaza Club House
- Kwai Hei Street Car Park (Kwai Chung)
- Chang Long Shi Fu (Sheung Wan)
- Standard Chartered Tower (Kwun Tong)
8 ก.ค.
- Yan Oi Tong Jockey Club Community and Sprots Centre (Tuen Mun)
- Nam Wo Hong Building (Sheung Wan)
- Shun Tak Centre West Tower (Sheung Wan)
- JD Mall (Jordan)
- Nam Shan Shopping Centre, Nam Shan Estate (Shek Kip Mei)
- Teda Building (Sheung Wan)
- Victoria Harbour Restaurant (Sheung Wan)
9 ก.ค.
- Cheong Tai Commercial Building (Sheung Wan)
- Souper Authentic (Sheung Wan)
- Tao Heung, Grand Tower (Mong Kok)
10 กค
- Melbourne Plaza (Central)
11 ก.ค.
- Telford House (Kowloon Bay)
- Honland Building (Prince Edward)
- Nga Chi Wan Municipal Services Building (Choi Hung)
12 กค
- Fulum Palace (Wong Tai Sin)
- The Bay Bridge (Tsuen Wan)
- CityWalk (Tsuen Wan)
- 123 Belcher's Street (Kennedy Town)
- True Light Girls' College (Yau Ma Tei)
- Yuen Long Plaza
13 กค
- Shek Tong Tsui Municipal Services Building (HKU Station)
- cookedDeli by city'super, Harbour City (Tsim Sha Tsui)
14 ก.ค.
- Yuen Long Bistro (Prince Edward)
- Tseung Kwan Castle Café (Lai Chi Kok)
- China United Plaza (Cheung Sha Wan)
- Fu Tor Loy Sun Chuen Fu Lai Building II (Tai Kok Tsui)
15 ก.ค.
- Kodak House II (Quarry Bay)
- Shing Lee Shopping Arcade (Central)
- Regent Centre (Central)
- Cafe 100% (Yuen Long)
16 กค
- Sei Kee Congee (Prince Edward)
17 กค
- Hau Qin International Building (Sheung Wan)
- Man On Commercial Building (Central)
#ผู้เสียชีวิด (1 คน)
- ชายวัย 94 ปี อาศัยอยู่ในเมือง Tsz Wan Shan มักไปเดินสวนสาธารณะและตลาดสดแถวบ้าน
- วันที่ 8 กค เริ่มอาเจียนและมีไข้, วันที่ 9 กค ถูกระบุว่าติดเชื้อ#1365, 13 กค อาการเริ่มทรุด, 18 กค เสียชีวิตราว 10.00 น.
#ผู้รักษาหาย (10 คน)
- ชาย 7 คน หญิง 3 คน
- อายุ 2-68 ปี
- รวมเวลารักษาใน รพ 2-17 วัน
- พนักงานเสิร์ฟร้าน Sun Fat (Jordan) cluster แห่งใหญ่ของการระบาดระลอกนี้
- นักเรียนคนหนึ่งจาก รร Good Hope (Wong Tai Sin) อีก 1 cluster เช่นกัน
- รัฐบาลเตรียมปิดตลาดสด 12 แห่งเพื่อทำความสะอาดและฆ่าเชื้อโรคครั้งใหญ่ สามารถเช็ครายชื่อตลาดสดได้ที่นี่ https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202007/18/P2020071800727.htm?fontSize=1
- องค์กรโรงพยาบาลในฮ่องกง เตรียมลดบริการที่ไม่ฉุกเฉิน เพื่อควบคุมการระบาดของโควิดโดยมุ่งเป้าหมายเพื่อลดจำนวนคนไข้ใน รพ รัฐ
- พบข่าวคนฮ่องกง 2 คน ถูกด่านจูไห่สกัดได้ว่าเป็นผู้ติดเชื้อ
- ผู้ติดเชื้อคอนเฟิร์มแล้วแบบสะสม 1,777 คน
- แบบไม่คอนเฟิร์ม (probable) 1 คน (ออกจาก รพ แล้ว)
- เสียชีวิต 12 คน
อัตราการเสียชีวิต - ฮ่องกง (0.67%) ไทย (1.79%) ทั่วโลก (4.25%)
- รักษาหาย 1,274 คน
อัตราการรักษาหาย - ฮ่องกง (71.65%) ไทย (95.38%) ทั่วโลก (59.36%)
- รักษาหายแล้วกลับเข้า รพ อีกครั้ง
รวม 11 คน (0.86%) ทั้งหมดออกจาก รพ แล้ว
- รวมยังรักษาอยู่ใน รพ ทั้งหมด - ฮ่องกง 421 คน อาการหนัก 13 คน, ไทย 92 คน ไม่มีข้อมูลผู้ป่วยอาการหนัก
#eatlike852 #covid19hongkong
diamond bridge 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳貼文
0:00 需要通關的關卡
0:41 彈鋼琴
1:46 1.Jewelry Store 珠寶店 - Diamonds are Forever
1:52 2.任何銀行劫案 - A Good Haul
1:57 3.Shadow Raid 影之襲擊 - I Will Pass Through Walls
2:02 4.GO Bank 全武銀行 - All Eggs in One Basket
2:07 5.Diamond Store 鑽石店 - Hostage Situation
2:25 6.任何運鈔車劫案(不包含火車) - But Wait - There’s More
2:36 7.Train Heist 運鈔車:火車劫案 - We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
2:44 8.Mallcrasher 商場破壞者 - Self Checkout
2:48 9.Four Stores 四間店 - Platinum Card 或 Yeah, He’s a Gold Digger
2:53 10.White Xmas 白色聖誕劫- What’s in the Box?
2:56 11.Ukrainian Job 烏克蘭人的委託 - Let’s do th…
3:01 12.Meltdown 爐心熔解 - They Don’t Pay Us Enough
3:08 13.Aftershock 震後餘生 - Bring It Back Safe
3:17 14.Nightclub 夜總會 - Let Them Boogie
3:30 15.Stealing Xmas 聖誕大盜 - The Grinch
3:39 16.Watchdogs 看門狗 - Out of bounds
4:06 17.Firestarter 縱火者 - Lord of War
4:13 18.Rats 鼠輩 - Full Measure
4:19 19.Big Oil 石油大亨 - Doctor Fantastic
4:28 20.Framing Frame 偷天換日 - I Wasn’t Even There!
4:38 21.Election Day 選舉日 - I’m A Swinger
4:48 22.Big Bank 大銀行 - Don’t bring the Heat
4:59 23.Hotline Miami 熱線邁阿密 - Walk Faster
5:16 24.Hoxton Breakout 老哈逃獄記 - Watch The Power Switch!
5:22 25.Hoxton Revenge 老哈復仇記 - Silent But Deadly
5:30 26.The Diamond 驚世奇鑽 - Cat Burglar
5:37 27.Golden Grin Casino 金牙賭場劫案 - High Roller
5:52 28.Bomb: Dockyard 炸彈劫案:碼頭 - I’ve got the Power
6:06 29.Bomb: Forest 炸彈劫案:森林 - Pump It Up
6:20 30.Scarface Mansion 疤面公館 - Settling a Scar
6:28 31.The Alesso Heist 音樂會劫案 - Sound of Silence
6:39 32.Counterfeit 偽鈔風雲 - Dr. Evil
6:48 33.First World Bank 世界第一銀行 - OVERDRILL
6:54 34.Murky Station 黑水火車站 - The Pacifist
7:06 35.Boiling Point 沸點 - Remember, No Russian
7:22 36.Goat Simulator 山羊模擬器 - Hazzard County
7:49 37.Santa’s Workshop 聖誕工坊 - Santa Slays Slackers
8:11 38.Car Shop 車店 - Gone in 240 seconds
8:19 39.The Biker Heist 暴走族劫案 - Full Throttle
8:37 40.Panic Room 戰慄空間 - Quick Draw
8:48 41.Brooklyn 10-10 荒唐警局 - A Rendezvous With Destiny
9:04 42.The Yacht Heist 遊艇劫案 - Pacifish
9:11 43.Undercover 骯髒交易 - Not Even Once
9:29 44.Slaughterhouse 屠宰場 - Making a Statement
9:47 45.Beneath the Mountain 山脊之下 - Clean House
10:12 46.Birth of Sky 誕於天際 - 1...2...3… JUMP!
10:25 47.Heat Street 熱街 - It’s Nice To Be Nice
10:39 48.Green Bridge 格林大橋 - Attacked Helicopter
10:49 49.Alaskan Deal 阿拉斯加交易- The Fuel Must Flow
10:59 50.Diamond Heist 經典鑽石劫案 - Blood Diamond
11:13 51.Reservoir Dogs 落水狗劫案 - Waste Not, Want Not
11:27 52.Brooklyn Bank 布魯克林銀行- All the Gold in Brooklyn
11:36 53.Breakin’ Feds 闖越FBI - Stalker
12:08 54.Henry’s Rock 亨利峽谷 - Hack This!
12:22 55.Shacklethorne Auction 拍賣會劫案 - Press [F] to pay Respect
12:47 56.Hell’s Island 地獄島 - Beacon of.. nope
12:55 57.No Mercy 慈愛醫院 - Keeping the Cool
13:15 結語
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diamond bridge 在 May Fit Youtube 的最佳貼文
嗨大家好,歡迎來到我的yt channel!
強度比較適合中階 / 進階者,你會需要一條翹臀圈 以及 啞鈴 (兩支/一支都可以)
Hello everyone, welcome to my yt channel
Today I'm showing you guys a 40 min banded DB booty workout, including warm-ups and stretching. This set is designed for intermediate/ advanced lifters.
You will need a resistance band and dumbbell. (2 or 1 dumbbell is either fine)
If you want to build a strong booty at home. Let's train with May!
There are 4 sections. each sections do for 2 rounds.
啞鈴阻力深蹲 Dumbbell banded squat
前後腳單腳硬舉(右)B-stance single deadlift (right)
前後腳單腳硬舉(左)B-stance single deadlift (left)
坐姿開腿Seated abduction
前傾坐姿開腿Lean forward seated abduction
分腿蹲(右) Lunge (right)
後跨步蹲(右)Reverse lunge (right)
分腿蹲(左)Lunge (left)
後跨步蹲(左)reverse lunge (left)
啞鈴硬舉深蹲變化型DB deadlift into squat
窄站啞鈴深蹲停頓 Narrow stance squat pulses
啞鈴螃蟹走 Db crab walk
啞鈴深蹲停留 Banded squat hold
髖主導硬舉Banded hip dominant Deadlift
阻力恰恰(右)Banded cha cha (right)
阻力恰恰(左)Banded cha cha (left)
負重阻力臀橋 Weighted banded Glute bridge
負重阻力臀橋停留 Banded Glute bridge hold abduction
阻力單腳硬舉 (右)Banded Single leg thrust
阻力單腳硬舉 (左)Banded Single leg thrust
驢子踢腿 (右)Donkey kick (right)
小狗抬腳(右)Fire hydrant (right)
驢子踢腿 (左)Donkey kick (left)
小狗抬腳(左)Fire hydrant (left)
May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM_llhEej42eRX9SnogqW8yz
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Music by S O U N D S - Don't Throw Our Love Away (feat. Martin Novales) - https://thmatc.co/?l=CCCA3991
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diamond bridge 在 RICHBOI 周譽 Youtube 的最佳解答
首張錄音室專輯《TRY TO GET RICH 找回自己》正式發行
🎧 數位專輯收聽:https://backl.ink/richboi_trytogetrich
RICHBOI - Who Do I Trust ft.Bat
曲 Composer:RICHBOI/BAT
製作人 Producer:RICHBOI
錄音師 Recording Engineer:Caxton
錄音工作室 Recording Studio:Pinnaclesoundstudio
混音師 Mixing Engineer:Caxton
母帶後期處理 Mastered by:Caxton
專輯封面設計 Album Cover art :EG
動態設計 Album Cover Motion :Inatmtsm
歌詞 Lyrics:
3 AM RIDING 一直到天明
沒有狂歡 我只有寂寞
我開著窗 拉高時速
看著時間一直在走 早就過四點鐘
3 AM RIDING 一直到天明
只想待在空中 眼神空洞
過去讓它過去 終究沒有任何意義
到最後我還是我 YAH
到最後我還是我 YAH