我們一到 Granada 格拉納達這個城市真的是非常興奮❤️ 這裡的名字跟西班牙城市「格拉納達」一樣,是美洲第一座歐洲城市🌎 這裡的房子顏色鮮豔,比雷昂更有活力,重點是遊客比較多😂 而且我們接下來四晚的住宿非常可愛,第一天心情大好😍
只不過尼加拉瓜電費很貴,一晚才二十五美金的住宿居然要八美金才能開冷氣😱 花不下去的結果就是整晚窗戶打開,可是第一晚蚊帳使用方式不對... 整晚跟蚊子戰鬥...😤 而且晚上空氣還是很悶熱... 幾天下來精神都不好😥 花點錢買點舒適好像是將要三十歲應該開始妥協的事😅
也許因為尼加拉瓜觀光客少很多,好多人都要坑錢。 很不喜歡這裡同一家的食物費居然會因為老闆心情而改變😑
而讓我印象最深刻的事件就是有一位站在旅行社外面嘗試跟我們推銷行程的男士,嚷嚷著看火山要 USD$20。 我隨口回了 “No, thanks a lot.” 結果他聽成 “That’s a lot.” 結果隔天我又經過同一條街的時候,他的同事又要跟我推銷,結果他突然大聲冷嘲熱諷: “不用賣給她,她覺得二十美金太貴!” 當下 York 直接回他 “She said thanks a lot, not that's a lot” 居然敢這樣當街對我叫出來講這種話,真的很不爽😡 不過也很感謝 York 當場幫我嗆回去😤
旅客屋主說四月到六月是尼加拉瓜最熱的季節,許多人都去國外避暑。 難怪有很難找到便宜好吃的食物... 第一次想趕快到觀光客較多的地方😂 #尼加拉瓜 #除了戶外活動其他有點無聊 #中美洲背包蜜月旅行
Our first impression of Granada was great ❤️ Named after the Spanish city- Granada, it was the first European City in Mainland America🌎 Well-preserved colonial houses, more vibrant atmosphere and our room for the next four nights was super cute😍
It wasn't until the first night where we got bitten by shit loads of mosquitoes cz we didn't want to pay USD$8 per night for the aircon & left the window open😑 Even then it was super hot & stuffy, we could barely get a good night's sleep...😭
Maybe due to the lack of tourists in this city, people were trying to rip us off all the time which was annoying😤 One instance, this guide was like trying to offer us a tour as we walked down the street for USD$20 and I said "Thanks a lot" and he misheard "That's a lot"😲
So the next day when I walked down the same street & his colleague was trying to offer me the same tour, he was like "Don't ask her, she thinks USD$20 is a lot!". York had to jump in and said "She said thanks a lot not that's a lot." Fuckn annoyed me how he had the balls to yell back at me in middle of the streets😡
Apparently in April to June is the worst months in Nicaragua, ridiculous hot and uncomfortable ☀️ Our casa owner said that's why most people are on holidays and that's why there are limited food options and we always have trouble finding where to eat AGAIN 😤 Can't wait to get to Costa Rica... #granada #nicaragua #didntlovethecity #backpackingmoon
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