'Grandpa rest in peace' - Xiao Huang
"There's no doctor or nurse in sight. Hospital without doctors is just like a graveyard."
"Many patients died without the company of family members and couldn't even get a last look at each other."
//Since 7 February Xiao Huang has himself been feeling unwell and has now been quarantined for two weeks in a hotel.//
'She started to cough blood' - Da Chun
"So, doctors can't do [the] coronavirus test to confirm my mom as [an] infected case, and can't offer her a bed."
"The dead bodies were wrapped and taken away by parlour staff," he says. "I don't know if they will be counted as deaths [caused by the novel coronavirus]."
//His mother's condition continued to worsen. She started to cough blood, and there was blood in her urine.//
died dead分別 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文
'Grandpa rest in peace' - Xiao Huang
"There's no doctor or nurse in sight. Hospital without doctors is just like a graveyard."
"Many patients died without the company of family members and couldn't even get a last look at each other."
//Since 7 February Xiao Huang has himself been feeling unwell and has now been quarantined for two weeks in a hotel.//
'She started to cough blood' - Da Chun
"So, doctors can't do [the] coronavirus test to confirm my mom as [an] infected case, and can't offer her a bed."
"The dead bodies were wrapped and taken away by parlour staff," he says. "I don't know if they will be counted as deaths [caused by the novel coronavirus]."
//His mother's condition continued to worsen. She started to cough blood, and there was blood in her urine.//
died dead分別 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文
* 英國廣播公司BBC聯繫到3名越南人的家屬,他們擔心他們的親屬可能在英國發現有39具移民屍體的貨櫃拖車上。
26歲的Pham Tra My的親屬在周二(10月22日)晚上收到了她發來的短信,說她正感到窒息。
Pham Tra My的家人說,他們在拼命尋找有關資訊,設法證實他們的女兒是否在39名死者之中。
他們為Pham Tra My偷渡到英國支付了共3萬英鎊。
還有一些親屬表示,20歲的Nguyen Dinh Luong也可能是遇難者之一。
Essex lorry deaths: Vietnamese families fear relatives among dead https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50185788
* 倫敦附近一輛貨車貨車的冷凍貨櫃裏發現39具屍體。警方仍在調查死者身份。
* 美國副總統潘斯當地時間周四第二次就美中關係發表演講,外界隨即把他說的話跟去年的演講比較,普遍認為潘斯今年的講法較溫和,但仍然引起中國官方媒體批評。
*加州野火,威脅電力供應系統百萬人面對停電。美國加州野火肆虐,洛杉磯北部週四下午的大火迅速吞噬了2000多公頃土地,5萬人緊急疏散。加州北部的酒鄉已有2000人被令疏散,當局已切斷北部地區18萬客戶的電力供應。 未來可能百萬人,面臨停止電力供應。Millions of Californians face having their power cut as firefighters continue to battle a surge in wildfires in the state.
California wildfires: Millions warned of possible power cut https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-50191237
* 伊拉克反政府示威,至少四十人死亡,當地抗議愈來愈趨近暴力。At least 40 people have died in Iraq during a fresh wave of anti-government protests that descended into violence.
Iraq protests: 40 dead as mass unrest descends into violence https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-50181212
* 智利、西班牙等全球多地相繼爆發大規模示威,不免讓人與香港形勢比較;英國脫歐形勢不斷變化,關鍵日期也一變再變;而泰國貴妃被廢的新聞也引起我們讀者的極大興趣。
died dead分別 在 國立台東高級中學九十四學年度第一學期高一第二次期中考英文 ... 的推薦與評價
(A) keeping up with (B) dying to (C) tearing apart (D) looking forward to ... 第34題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的(A) 到(AD) 選項中分別選出最適當 ... ... <看更多>
died dead分別 在 陳老師英語教室- 很多學生時常搞亂Dead , death , died的用法看 ... 的推薦與評價
要知道dead是形容詞,die是動詞第一句,She was dead是過去式的句子,表示「她三年前是死去的」。這句意味著, 她在過去死亡, 已經死而復生,現在是活著。 正確說法是She died ... ... <看更多>