朱古力食譜 (一) -- 朱古力雪芳蛋糕(少甜+懶人版)
Chocolate Recipes (1): chocolate chiffon cake (made with reduced sugar, the lazy way)
雪芳蛋糕是我的至愛, 我喜歡它鬆軟的質地, 又可以配搭其他材料做成不同風味. 雪芳蛋糕以植物油作材料, 而很多淡味植物油在室温甚至雪櫃温度下是呈液態的, 可以令蛋糕保持濕潤, 所以個人認為雪芳蛋糕比用牛油做的海綿蛋糕更適合作蛋糕底. 正因為植物油這天然的保濕特點, 所以連平時組合蛋糕前“在蛋糕片上掃酒糖液防乾“的步驟也可以省略了. 抹少一層糖水應比較健康一點吧!
Chiffon cakes are my favourite cakes. I love their fluffy texture and the fact you may add different ingredients made the recipe so versatile. The fats used in chiffon cakes is vegetable oil which is mostly in liquid state at room temperature or even after being refrigerated. This makes the cake so moist and therefore, in my opinion, a better candidate than sponge cake when it comes to a cake base. You may simply skip the brush-the-cake-top-with-syrup-to-retain-moisture-process when you assemble your cake. Don’t you think it is healthier that way?
雪芳蛋糕中的蛋黃楜做法, 有些配方說要把蛋黃和糖先打發, 然後拌入液體材料, 最後篩入粉類拌匀. 但經過我的實驗証明, 這做法是可以簡化的. 我的懶人做法, 只需一分鐘便能把蛋黃糊做妥! 懶惰如我又想洗少幾隻碗的可以一試
For the yolk mixture, some recipes suggest mixing the yolks and sugar until pale in color. Then whisk in liquid ingredients and followed by remaining dry ingredients. I found these steps unnecessary after some experiments. I have simplified the steps so the yolk mixture can be prepared in one minute. If you are lazy like me and wish to do less dishwashing you may try my method.
Chocolate chiffon cake (made with reduced sugar, the lazy way)
材料 Ingredients:
A. 蛋黃楜 For the yolk mixture
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 40g
無糖朱古力粉 Unsweetened cocoa powder 25g
粟粉 Cornstarch 10g
泡打粉 Baking powder 1/2茶匙(tsp)
砂糖 Granulated sugar 10g
蘇打粉 Baking soda 1/8茶匙(tsp)
蛋黃(大蛋) Egg yolks, large 4顆
牛奶 (用水亦可, 牛奶較香濃) Milk (You may use water, but milk gives a richer taste) 55g
任何淡味的植物油 (如芥花油或菜油) Any mild flavored vegetable oil (for example canola oil or generic vegetable oil) 50g
雲尼拿油 Vanilla extract (I use vanilla bean paste) 1/2茶匙 (tsp)
B. 蛋白霜 For the meringue
蛋白(大蛋) Egg whites, large 4顆
砂糖 Granulated sugar 55g
他他粉 Cream of tartar 1/2茶匙 (tsp)
註 Notes:
1. 這是減糖配方. 嗜甜的可自行增加砂糖份量 This is made with a reduced amount of sugar. Please adjust sugar amount accordingly for a sweeter version.
2. 做原味/雲尼拿味的話, 請將無糖朱古力粉改為低筋麵粉, 蘇打粉轉為半茶匙泡打粉, 甚至不用也可 For original/vanilla flavor, replace unsweetened cocoa powder with cake flour. Simply omit baking soda or replace it with half tsp of baking powder.
3. 食譜改良自君之的戚風蛋糕配方 Recipe adapted from 君之’s chiffon cake recipe
圖文製作過程請参閱圖片 Please see individual pictures for detailed written steps.