Do you remember a little girl who dream to shave her head and perform as a cancer patient? That’s me. And 2 years ago I portrayed that role already 👩🏻🦲 On January 2020 I got the “Best Leading Female Performance” from #AsianTelevisionAwards by starred as that character. I was over the moon from that honorable award. But 2 months later I found a tumor in my brain for real 🧠 Such an irony! But I still think that it’s unbelievable. Everything seems to be unlikely to happen but it does. The time has come, the operation day. From the position of the tumor make this operation more harm. No matter what! I have no regrets because our life is full of uncertainty. Which is came first, The following day or the death. I lives my life when I could. Also be myself ultimately. 🥳
Tomorrow, #Thedeadline series that I dream to perform and become a true story of mine is going to available on Netflix. I’m very excited that “The Deadline” is being watched by more audiences. I love it so much because it might inspire people. If you have watched and loved it. Please recommend to whom you love. I would be glad to know that could help to keep fighting and walking through all of that obstacles as same as me. Love xoxo! 🖤 #chanyathewarrior