是否可以透過中文來學習英文: 免費語言學習軟體Duolingo
多鄰國(Duolingo)是一個線上語言學習平台,它不只提供語言學習,同時也是線上語言能力測驗平台。多鄰國所提供的所有語言課程均為免費! 學習者可以透過透過它的系統應用母語(L1)來學第二語言(L2) 。學習的方式是透過翻譯應用學習者的母語來學習單字、基本句型和基礎生活片語,同時有聽力、閱讀、和寫作的練習。
在教育界中存在許多聲浪主張語言學習應該只用目標語 (target language) 無需依靠學生的第一語言,但近代多數研究都顯示用第一語言補助目標語的學習利大於弊。近年來,雙語教育界也開始採取彈性式雙語觀稱為「跨語言實踐」(translanguaging)*,將第一語言融入第二語言教學,主張母語是學習任何語言的資源,而並非是學習第二語言的負擔。 個人認為大多數學術的論點沒有絕對,畢竟每位同學的母語、需求、語言能力、學習環境迥然不同,每位老師也面臨到各種的限制例如時間、教學指標、課綱、和有限的資源。建議老師熟練各種教學理論、方法和技巧才能不停地調整課程和提供有效的反饋來輔助不同的學習者達成多樣的目標。
而上方的敘述跟Duolingo的關聯就是此軟體不只可以輔助學生學英文或外語也可輔助外語老師理解學生的母語! 畢竟每一位外語老師都應該對學生的母語和文化背景有基礎的理解才能更有效率地應用學生的母語和「知識基金」(funds of knowledge)* 來學習目標語!
然而,在測試Duolingo的英文學習的過程,老師發覺到不少的小瑕疵,例如時態和詞性的中英翻譯不精準(請參考系統測試圖片),因此把Duolingo當作一種累積基礎單字和基礎語法概念的練習而言,是很好的學習資源,對初學者的基本人際交談能力(BICS)會有一定程度的幫助。但是假如目標為進階學習者的學術英文認知和學術的語言能力(CALP) ,應該有更有效率的學習網站和軟體,下次再幫同學推薦!
Duolingo system test Images (系統測試圖片):
In short, language teachers ought to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge of the home languages and backgrounds of learners in order to effectively tap into their funds of knowledge and scaffold their L2 instruction.
As for Duolingo, it is a free digital tool that can aid both teachers and students in taking that first step toward learning a new language, and may also help teachers better understand their students' home languages and needs.
Videos on using L1 in class:
1. When should L1 be used in class?
2. Using the native language as a resource: https://youtu.be/joHM964tTVs
Translanguaging: http://education.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.001.0001/acrefore-9780190264093-e-181
Funds of knowledge: https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/funds-of-knowledge/49427
L1 in L2 learning research in the past decade:
Opinions on whether to use L1 (translation) in L2 instruction:
e learning images 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
(English version below)
The 5 precepts in Buddhism are:
a. Refrain from taking lives
b. Refrain from stealing
c. Refrain from sexual misconduct
d. Refrain from false speech
e. Refrain from intoxicants
The 5 mortal desires of a human being are wealth, lust, fame, food and sleep. Among these, the heaviest form of desire is surely lust. Yes, after so many years learning the Dharma, I discovered that the precept of refraining from sexual misconduct is most easily transgressed by sentient beings.
Master Dai Hu's most sincere advice: It is obvious from the Chinese Character representing lust, 「色」, that it carries a hidden knife that will hurt both physical and spiritual aspirations of yours if you over-indulge in it.
Excessive indulgence in lust will literally exhaust you of life essence, draining every drop of it until you die. Coupled with a bad name for yourself due to misconduct, it could even severely damage your life! When the sexual desire runs high, quickly take a cold bath from top to bottom. Avoid looking at sexual images, avoid hearing sexually rousing speech. And regard those younger than us as our own younger sibling (sister or brother). Likewise, regard those older than us as our elder siblings (sister or brother).
Persevere on this path and your sexual desire shall be under control, allowing you to live your life in radiance and happiness.