1. 時間更充實
2. 經濟自由
3. 事業向前衝
4. 發掘興趣和潛能
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:濕重
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Find happiness in solitude
Four advantages of being single
In the past, a person who stayed single was often regarded as someone lonely, a workaholic or even a problematic person, but now, being single can be a choice.
Instead of forcing yourself to live with someone who has a different lifestyle from you, perhaps the better option is to live independently. There are many advantages of living alone, and we can use this opportunity to live a healthier life.
1. We will have more time for ourselves
Living with our significant other also means we have to spend time waiting for them. If they are habitually late, we would waste even more time. As single individuals, we get to do what we want at any time. At restaurants, we can get a seat easily since we are alone. We can arrange our daily schedule according to our wish – be it exercise, read books, go shopping, cook food, watch movies, or play games, and we will not waste a single second.
2. Financial freedom
Having a partner in life also means we would spend more on gifts and other expenses when we are on a date. As single individuals, we can enjoy greater financial flexibility and spend our money the way we see fit. Without emotional commitment, we can plan our finances properly and pursue the lifestyle of our dreams.
3. Become more career-centric
Relationships may not last forever, but no one can snatch our career away. Some people enjoy being single because they choose to pour their heart and soul into their work, and this gives them great satisfaction. Since they do not have spouses or families to worry about, they can change jobs, switch industries, or become an entrepreneur and not worry about the ‘risks’.
4. Explore potentials and hobbies
Being single does not mean we have to be lonely. If you have more time to understand who you are as a person, you will be able to explore your potential and understand what you are interested in. This is difficult to achieve when you have a partner because you will not have the time to attend classes or to improve yourself. Immerse yourself in hobbies other than your job can also help you appreciate life. Whether you will stay single or decide to be in a relationship with someone in the future, you will have, by then, equipped yourself with a lifelong knowledge.
In order to live a fruitful life as a bachelor or bachelorette, we must take good care of ourselves. Now that spring is around the corner, we must protect ourselves from the humid environment, which might cause dampness to our body. Remember to drink rice water everyday, as it can strengthen the spleen and eliminate the dampness from the body.
✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dampness
Ingredients: Rice bean, black eyed bean, hyacinth bean coat
Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves fatigue, tired even after adequate sleep, heaviness in limbs and edema.
Welcome to order through our website:� www.checkcheckcin.com
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK #我疲憊 #痰濕
effects of job satisfaction 在 虎紋姑娘 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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抹黑醫護 咁樣落去到底會唔會總有人想做咁「厭惡性的行業」?唔係驚屎屎尿尿 而係驚做小小野好似文革俾人批鬥咁!
Facebook 小圈子力量一定唔夠A1頭條大
I really hope my non-medical friends especially if you are already a parent, can take some time to read and understand.
** for friends who wish to share, just copy and paste the whole thing and tag me. Clicking "Share Now" apparently only shares 東方日報's video only **
1) 「壞死性腦炎(necrotizing encephalitis」並非一般腦炎, 而係一種罕見既流感併發症. 患者會急速係24至48小時內由開始發燒惡化至抽筋/昏迷. 成因未明但有研究方向指或與先天基因因素有關, 並不是因「普通流感/腦炎」延誤醫治而引致. 所以怪責醫護人員延遲用藥 / 家長延誤求醫都同樣冇意義.
2) 「特敏福」並非神藥, 古今中外亦暫未有研究能證明及早或及時服食特敏福可以預防壞死性腦炎或控制其惡化. 醫生用藥需要臨床判斷/檢查/觀察, 總不可能在初次會診時就對心中所有differential diagnoses(可能性診斷)藥石亂投. 正如沒有醫生會在第一次見面就對一個咳血既病人處方抗肺癌藥物 / 或者第一次大便有血就叫你切咗條腸類似道理.
3) 以上所指「用藥需要臨床判斷/檢查/觀察」並不是指「流感化驗報告」, 而係臨床檢查同觀察, 徵狀既變化同安排緊急電腦掃描. 若有懷疑, 用藥絕對會是empirical(未確診先用藥), 正如種菌報告需時2至5日, 也不會等到有報告才用抗生素. If decision making is as simple as to rely on one flu test only, 咁其實呢個世界唔需要醫生既存在. 有lab technician同藥廠就可以身體健康.
4) 以上不幸的小朋友, 第一次求診時相信其中一個可能性診斷為febrile seizure(小兒急驚風 或俗稱發燒抽筋), which is far more common and benign than necrotizing encephalitis. 因此需要時間觀察及安排掃描才可以知道, 原來不是普通發燒抽筋咁簡單. (而不是如報導所說 係度等流感測試報告). 如果他入院時已經昏迷, 我肯定院方一定會第一時間用藥及轉入深切治療部. 掉返轉, 我地總不能夠係冇合理懷疑之下將所有普通發燒抽筋既小朋友送哂入ICU同全部藥石亂投特敏福. 到時醫錯搞到有副作用個小朋友痴咗線有精神病(neuropsyhiatric side effects)就真真正正係medical negligence醫療失誤.
5) 私家權威腦科.. 嗯, 其實我地公立醫生絕對歡迎你地去睇私家, 我地做多份又唔多多d人工, 仲可能多個風險被人鬧. 只係我敢拍心口話, 10個有9個私家醫生見呢d「勢色唔對路」既病症, 都會同你講話私家冇床叫你睇公立. 因為佢地唔想揹亦揹唔起呢d重症既風險. 就算有位神醫夠膽醫, 私家亦冇兒科深切治療部support佢. 冇護士同體制support, 俾你洗10萬搵到個神醫都冇用. (至於私家醫生轉送過黎俾我地既蘇州屎.. 就唔方便多講)
6) Last thing I want to say (sorry唔知點解轉Channel),
most (if not all) of us Paediatricians are still staying at our position in Public, it is only because we still love our job and love the kids, otherwise I can frankly say we have no reason to continue in this specialty. Saving a child like we did with Kai N. Cheong in my last call, would be our greatest satisfaction to keep going, and we didnt expect any word of gratitude from the parents (even if they were hostile to our nursing staff we also don't mind as long as the child is saved). But repeated accusations from the media and public do not only frustrate us, but it kills our passion as it twists and misleads the parents into viewing us as incompetent careless murderers. This is the reason that makes us quit.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/denziz/posts/10157966236090506
東方日報A1:入院時高燒抽筋嘔吐 手腳僵硬始確診腦炎
詳情 goo.gl/KJqO5G
effects of job satisfaction 在 九姑娘 Facebook 的最佳貼文
From Dennis Au
Facebook 小圈子力量一定唔夠A1頭條大
I really hope my non-medical friends especially if you are already a parent, can take some time to read and understand.
**for friends who wish to share, just copy and paste the whole thing and tag me. Clicking "Share Now" apparently only shares 東方日報's video only @_@**
1) 「壞死性腦炎(necrotizing encephalitis」並非一般腦炎, 而係一種罕見既流感並發症. 患者會急速係24至48小時內由開始發燒惡化至抽筋/昏迷. 成因未名但有研究方向指或與先天基因因素有關, 並不是因「普通流感/腦炎」延誤醫治而引致. 所以怪責醫護人員延遲用藥 / 家長延誤求醫都同樣冇意義.
2) 「特敏福」並非神藥, 古今中外亦暫未有研究能證明及早或及時服食特敏福可以預防壞死性腦炎或控制其惡化. 醫生用藥需要臨床判斷/檢查/觀察, 總不可能在初次會診時就對心中所有differential diagnoses(可能性診斷)藥石亂投. 正如沒有醫生會在第一次見面就對一個咳血既病人處方抗肺癌藥物 / 或者第一次大便有血就叫你切咗條腸類似道理.
3) 以上所指「用藥需要臨床判斷/檢查/觀察」並不是指「流感化驗報告」, 而係臨床檢查同觀察, 徵狀既變化同安排緊急電腦掃描. 若有懷疑, 用藥絕對會是empirical(未確診先用藥), 正如種菌報告需時2至5日, 也不會等到有報告才用抗生素. If decision making is as simple as to rely on one flu test only, 咁其實呢個世界唔需要醫生既存在. 有lab technician同藥廠就可以身體健康.
4) 以上不幸的小朋友, 第一次求診時相信其中一個可能性診斷為febrile seizure(小兒急驚風 或俗稱發燒抽筋), which is far more common and benign than necrotizing encephalitis. 因此需要時間觀察及安排掃描才可以知道, 原來不是普通發燒抽筋咁簡單. (而不是如報導所說 係度等流感測試報告). 如果他入院時已經昏迷, 我肯定院方一定會第一時間用藥及轉入深切治療部. 掉返轉, 我地總不能夠係冇合理懷疑之下將所有普通發燒抽筋既小朋友送哂入ICU同全部藥石亂投特敏福. 到時醫錯搞到有副作用個小朋友痴咗線有精神病(neuropsyhiatric side effects)就真真正正係medical negligence醫療失誤.
5) 私家權威腦科.. 嗯, 其實我地公立醫生絕對歡迎你地去睇私家, 我地做多份又唔多多d人工, 仲可能多個風險被人鬧. 只係我敢拍心口話, 10個有9個私家醫生見呢d「勢色唔對路」既病症, 都會同你講話私家冇床叫你睇公立. 因為佢地唔想揹亦揹唔起呢d重症既風險. 就算有位神醫夠膽醫, 私家亦冇兒科深切治療部support佢. 冇護士同體制support, 俾你洗10萬搵到個神醫都冇用. (至於私家醫生轉送過黎俾我地既蘇州屎.. 就唔方便多講)
6) Last thing I want to say (sorry唔知點解轉Channel),
most (if not all) of us Paediatricians are still staying at our position in Public, it is only because we still love our job and love the kids, otherwise I can frankly say we have no reason to continue in this specialty. Saving a child like we did with Kai N. Cheong in my last call, would be our greatest satisfaction to keep going, and we didnt expect any word of gratitude from the parents (even if they were hostile to our nursing staff we also don't mind as long as the child is saved). But repeated accusations from the media and public do not only frustrate us, but it kills our passion as it twists and misleads the parents into viewing us as incompetent careless murderers. This is the reason that makes us quit.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/denziz/posts/10157966236090506
東方日報A1:入院時高燒抽筋嘔吐 手腳僵硬始確診腦炎
詳情 goo.gl/KJqO5G