【#香港研究】這篇期刊文章,是我近年最喜歡的一篇,能夠刊登在Nations and Nationalism實在無憾。我在文章中,直接挑戰40年來的香港身份認同研究(得罪人啦),指出現行文獻語意不清地以「本土認同」(一個沒有比較理論基礎的用詞)來形容香港人,忽略了戰後逐步形成的「香港共同體」;然後重置「香港共同體」於比較脈絡,再以共通之民調數據比較香港人、加泰人、蘇格蘭人和魁北克人的共同體意識和憲制訴求。誰說香港研究難登大雅之堂?我就是要証明,香港研究能出版在最頂級的學科期刊。
This is my favorite journal article in recent years, and so happy to have the chance to get it published in Nations and Nationalism. In this article, I directly challenge the existing research on Hong Kong identity, which ambiguously labelled Hongkongers as a "local identity" (a term with no comparative theoretical foundation) and ignored the evolution of Hongkongers as a "stateless nation" since the post-war period; then I re-position Hongkonger identity in comparative context and directly compare Hongkongers with Catalans, Scots and Quebecois through the established “Moreno Question” and “Scale of Self-government”. Who say Hong Kong Studies are insignificant? I will continue to prove that Hong Kong Studies could be published in top discipline journals.
▋Stateless nation within a nationless state: The political past, present, and future of Hongkongers, 1949–2019
Brian C.H. Fong | First Published 16 August 2019 | 2018 Impact Factor: 1.278
Abstract: Hongkonger identity has been a popular research topic for social scientists worldwide. Drawing upon contemporary theories of stateless nation, this article goes beyond the existing “local vis‐à‐vis national identity” paradigm and re‐articulates the political past, present, and future of the Hongkongers as a stateless nation. The article argues that political future of Hong Kong should be re‐thought within the framework of China's political trajectory as a nationless state.
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