My "northerner" friends in the south
(English edition after the Mandarin one)
既然這個城市應有盡有,在這裡生活應該也不難吧?高雄是真的又_又_嗎?XD 我和南漂朋友們很自然的就聊到他們的生活。南漂朋友們告訴我,有些差異是他們來之前從未想到過的,這些差異絕對不是像「政府長期重北輕南」、「這裡比較多人騎機車、講台語」或者「吃得到丹丹漢堡」那麼簡單,反而是一些更深層的文化差異。例如,高雄的學生,特別是第一志願的,課業壓力比起北部可能有過之而無不及,火車站前那些補習班也就特別擅於操作學生這種焦慮心理,從升高一暑假就讓學生一路補上去;此外,未婚或選擇不婚的適婚年齡男女(特別是女性),在高雄的生存空間遠遠小於台北。這些差異都讓從事面對人群工作的他們必須調整策略。(以上純屬友人轉述,若有取樣誤差煩請正統的高雄人不要鞭太兇,謝謝 :) )
On the third day of my going-home trip, I visited the second largest city Kaohsiung, about 350km south of the capital Taipei, and its neighboring city Pingtung. While Taiwan is a tiny island, this north-south difference has been a lasting topic on this land, particularly among young adults, who often have to migrate from the south to the more developed north for work. The friends I visited this time, however, are those who moved to the south for their jobs.
Outwardly, Kaohsiung is as developed as Taipei, or even more developed -- many public facilities, shopping plazas and parks were built much more recently than their counterparts in Taipei. I visited Kaohisung Station, public library, exhibition center, railway heritage park, etc and was impressed by the architectural design. While the city seems as contemporary, vibrant as Taipei, my friends told me that there are still some cultural differences they have to deal with. They told me examples about the education system and local's view on singleness. Every city has its own unique culture, and there are challenges that one may not be aware of until moving here and fully settling down.
Whether moving north like most Taiwanese, moving south like my friends, or moving over the Pacific to the USA and between east and west coast like me, living in a new city is never easy, no matter how innovative, contemporary and vibrant the city is.
examples of built heritage 在 Louis Vuitton Facebook 的最佳貼文
Louis Vuitton returns home with the newly opened Maison Louis Vuitton Vendôme.
The Château of Versailles: the cradle of French luxury, craftsmanship and savoir-faire. The Place Vendome: one of the most beautiful examples of French artistry of the 17th Century. Both were designed and built by architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart and both share a heritage that today remains important to Louis Vuitton. Back to the streets where a young Louis Vuitton opened his first store 160 years ago, the new Maison brings together couture, ready-to-wear, jewellery, watchmaking, leather goods, shoes, fragrances, accessories, and artisanal workshops all in one place.
examples of built heritage 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳貼文
【話當年: 里斯本條約 ~ 簽署在何地? (提示: 一重要旅遊景點)】
【The past: Where was the Treaty of Lisbon signed? (Hint: an important tourist attraction)】
2007年12月13日, 27個歐洲國家領導人共同簽署了「里斯本條約」, 新條約的誕生, 旨在進一步改革歐盟機構, 簡化歐盟的決策過程; 並針對全球氣候暖化、天然能源等政策, 提高歐盟全球競爭力和影響力。大家可知道, 「里斯本條約」是在那裡簽署的呢? :-)
Signed by the heads of state and government of the 27 EU Member States, 'Treaty of Lisbon' was signed on 13 December 2007, intending to reform the functioning of the European Union. Do you know where the signing of Treaty of Lisbon took place? :-)
簽署地就是在里斯本貝倫區的著名建築物 - 在1983年已被聯合國教科文組織列為「世界文化遺產」的哲羅尼莫斯修道院裡面啊! 時任的歐盟輪值主席國正是葡萄牙, 總理是蘇格拉底, 他在《里斯本條約》簽署儀式上首先發表講話。
請大家留意兩張我在網路上找到借用到此的圖片: 1) 國家元首們在哲羅尼莫斯修道院的南大門前大合照, 南大門雖是側門, 卻盡是手工精細繁複的浮雕, 極之華麗。大門高32米, 建於1516-1518年間, 有眾多有意思的浮雕 (另行再談)。2) 簽署儀式在哲羅尼莫斯修道院內的迴廊舉行, 兩層高的迴廊完成於1544年, 是曼努埃爾建築中的不朽之作。迴廊呈拱形天花和四邊形格局, 每根柱子和每個大小拱門是不同款式、雕刻豐富精采的浮雕, 是絕大部分來哲羅尼莫斯修道院參觀的旅客不會錯過的景點。
The Treaty of Lisbon was signed in Belém, at the famous monument called Mosteiro dos Jerónimos - a UNESCO World Heritage Site which was constructed in the 16th century. The then Portuguese Prime Minister and the President of the Council of the European Union José Sócrates gave a welcoming speech prior to the official signing ceremony.
Enclosed in this post are two photos that I found on the internet. They captured some of the most important scenes of the signing ceremony of the Treaty of Lisbon. 1) The first photo shows that the heads of the 27 EU Member States stood and took a group photo in front of the South Portal of Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. Built in years 1516-1518, the South Portal - though not the main portal - is decorated with a large amount of stunning and beautiful carved religious and marital images. 2) The second picture shows where the signing ceremony took place. It's at the cloisters of the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, completed in 1544. The magnificent and elaborate sculptural details and carvings on each column in the cloister are perfect examples of the unique Manueline architecture. This is a must-see place when one visits the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
詳細有關里斯本條約的內容和意義等, 大家可參考歐盟為里斯本條約所建立的官方網站: http://www.lisbon-treaty.org/wcm/the-lisbon-treaty.html
For details of the structure and aims of the Treaty of Lisbon, you may want to visit the official Treaty of Lisbon website managed by the European Union. http://www.lisbon-treaty.org/wcm/the-lisbon-treaty.html