【 體多啲•識多啲 X 運動社會學】 🏆歐國盃,一個搞👤,定一齊搞🫂?
【‘Sports Mega-events’ 大型運動項目】
大型活動有三個主要特質 (Roche, 2000):
1. Dramatic character 戲劇性特質 🎭
2. Mass popular appeal 吸引大量群眾🏟️
3. International significance 擁有國際重要性🌎
Roche 亦提出,在社會學中,大型活動在現代社會中是多元化 (multidimensional)、 閾限(liminal)、劃時代 (landmark) 的。
即使受疫情影響,歐國盃都能夠喺2021年舉辦,相信好多球迷都好興奮有波睇。但大家又知唔知道呢個世界第三大體育盛事,喺60年嚟第一次由11個城市一齊舉辦,參賽隊伍更由16隊增至24隊! UEFA 話採用呢個模式可以將比賽帶得更貼近球迷,所以可以令更多人投入喺 Sporting Mega Event (SME)。
不過,呢個決定亦都可以歸因於運動專業化同商業化,令SMEs 嘅開支同規模加大,從而令國家對SMEs 嘅主辦權嘅興趣減少,SMEs 嘅模式可能亦要因此而轉變。
因為所有賽事都能夠喺現存場館舉行,去中心化嘅舉辦模式能夠減輕單個舉辦城市嘅財政壓力,減低國家財政負擔。國家唔需要動用資金去建造新場館,減少大白象工程嘅出現。一直以來,舉辦SMEs 往往都會引起大量市民不滿,因為市民會認為政府應該解決民生問題,而唔喺用喺舉辦大型賽事。而去中心化嘅舉辦模式就能大大減輕開支,另市民對SMEs 無咁反感。
其次,基於SMEs 規模龐大,所以往往都由國力強勁嘅國家舉辦。協辦就可以令小國都參與到舉辦比賽嘅過程,透過舉辦比賽去展示國家特色。除此之外,國與國之間嘅連繫可以從活動的品牌同官方標誌中顯示,協辦賽事可以建立歐洲人對歐洲嘅身份認同,加強國與國之間嘅連結。
首先,比賽氣氛會相應降低。比賽分散舉行會令比球迷入場意欲下降,同時令球員感受不到大型賽事應有氣氛。比利時中場 Kevin De Bruyne 就曾對去中心化嘅舉辦模式進行批評,認為協辦歐國盃令到整件事太過商業化,喺對足球同比賽嘅一種侮辱。
#體多啲識多啲 #歐洲國家盃 #運動社會學 #大型運動項目 #協辦歐國盃 #PEEducation #DSEPE #文憑試 #補習 #高中體育選修科 #體育人並肩同行
Lee Ludvigsen, J. A. (2021). Mega-events, expansion and prospects: Perceptions of Euro 2020 and its 12-country hosting format. Journal of Consumer Culture, 14695405211026045.
expansion品牌 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 2021年初是否存在市場過熱現象?
2. 美國政府2020年的瘋狂印鈔行為(參見下圖)是否會引發嚴重通貨膨脹?投資人應該如何因應?

美國經濟學家Peter Garber專門研究此一投機炒作的經濟史,並寫下幾篇著名論文。而依據其著作"Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias" 一書,我整理幾個重點:
1. 實際上鬱金香熱潮時間相當短,價格明顯彈升發生在1636年11月~1637年1月份。
2. 參與人數總共約350人,全是職業商人;真正支付高價(超過300荷蘭盾)者約莫10人,多數人其實是透過遠期合約的方式進行炒作,而最後多以違約拒絕真實支付現金,直到荷蘭當地鬱金香相關商會與政府出面介入,才以履約價格的10%甚至5%方式解除合約。
3. 非常昂貴的品種,如Semper Augustus 的真實漲幅只有5倍(從原本的1千出頭荷蘭盾漲至5千多),並非都市傳說中幾百倍的漲幅。
漲幅較大的主要是那些本來就平價的品種,例如Gouda buds,起漲價格約2荷蘭盾,最高價50多荷蘭頓。即便存在瘋漲,但至多也是一、二十倍,這即便放在現代農產品供需失調時的價格軌跡來比較,也並不離奇。例如台灣颱風後的香菜價格漲幅。
這邊可以題外話說明為何Semper Augustus這品種售價昂貴。因為這特殊品種本不存在於大自然,而是農夫必須將快開花的鬱金香球莖人工嫁接罹患某種病毒的鬱金香,才能開出特殊花色。而這種嫁接病毒的球莖將會死亡,不再具備繁衍後代的能力。此外,嫁接後的成功率在當年也並不高,不保證存活也不保證開出特殊花色。
物以稀為貴下使得Semper Augustus這品種本來售價就高昂,是一般品種的百倍。

4. 也因為這個事件的範圍與熱潮都比傳說中小得多,因此並未對實質荷蘭資本市場或經濟體造成多少負面影響。
a. 即便在當年差不多時期的著作、媒體都有對其瘋狂投機炒作的描述,但實證來看誇大成分居多。很可能受到作家喜歡站在道德高點批判投機行為的習慣影響,但做為投資人或經濟史研究者在考據曾經的泡沫事件,始終必須以事實為依歸。
b. 小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,事實是「毀約」始終是一種選項,有行無市的價格不存在經濟學意義。
c. 同樣地,小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,對整體經濟乃至於資本市場的影響同樣不會太大。這意味著我們雖然應該警醒擦鞋童現象,但也無需杯弓蛇影。
「Personal savings soared as high as 33.7% in April following the Cares Act and were still a healthy 13.7% in December before Congress passed another $900 billion in Covid aid. This means that, unlike during the 2009 recession, households aren’t weighed down by debt.
Personal bankruptcies, home foreclosures and loan delinquencies last fall were the lowest since at least 2003. The mortgage delinquency rate was 0.7% in the third quarter of 2020 compared to 7% in the first quarter of 2009. ...」
出自Wrong Stimulus, Wrong Time - WSJ ( Feb. 5, 2021)報導。
高資產或高負債的公司在嚴重通膨時期的股價表現優於高現金部位的公司。在經濟學大師Armen A. Alchian 1965年的論文 "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices "中,特別指出傳統經濟學如凱因斯、費雪等著名學者之見認為銀行身為典型債務人,在通貨膨脹環境下應該有較好的股價表現。而Alchian則點出這些學者大老忽略銀行雖然集債務於一身(大眾存款之於銀行就是債務),然而銀行受限於法規與現實,其資產多是「現金資產(money-type assets)」,故在嚴重通貨膨脹影響下,銀行實際經濟損失大過通膨泡沫所得,股價表現當然好不到哪去。
但我們要知道Armen Alchian的論文寫作時期與如今的投資環境又有幾個重大侷限條件之不同,因此我們不能生吞活剝地硬套Alchian的觀點,而是必須真實理解背後隱含的正確經濟學邏輯,並依據當今侷限條件之不同而修改並應用。
a. 機構法人買入加密貨幣的金流增加
「...JPMorgan, said the size of the bitcoin market had grown to equal about a fifth of gold held for investment and trading purposes, with a market capitalisation for the cryptocurrency of $750bn at its peak earlier this year, meaning it “is far from a niche asset class”. 」
「...Analysts at Canadian insurance company Manulife said in late January that the expansion in central banks’ balance sheets and rising public debt would push investors further into alternative asset classes ...」
「...Xangle showing that investors have lost more than $16bn to fraud since 2012 ...」
b. 近日美國美國前25大銀行對私人之貸款佔總資產比例從去年54.1%下降之45.7%,且放在Fed reserve account總金額達$3.15兆美元。
(The 25 largest U.S. banks currently hold 45.7% of their assets in loans and leases, according to Fed data released Friday, down from 54.1% this time last year. .. reserve balances in their Federal Reserve depository accounts at sky-high levels, $3.15 trillion at present
通膨現象將會更嚴重,因為「...According to a recent House Budget Committee estimate, $1 trillion from last year’s bills hasn’t been spent—including $59 billion for schools, $239 billion for health care and $452 billion in small business loans. State and local governments added 67,000 jobs in January. They don’t need more federal cash. ...」
WSJ "wrong-stimulus-wrong-time " Feb. 5, 2021
Financial Times "Bitcoin boom backstopped by central banks’ easy-money policies" 2021/2/4
Financial Times "US mortgage executives forecast a $3tn year in 2021 " 2021/01/08
WSJ "For One GameStop Trader, the Wild Ride Was Almost as Good as the Enormous Payoff " 2021/02/03
Armen A. Alchian, "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices" (1965)
Peter M. Garber, Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias (2000)
WSJ, "Fed Policy Is Smothering Private Lending" (2021/03/08)
expansion品牌 在 鲍一凡风水 Master Paw Feng Shui Facebook 的精選貼文
国际风水名师鲍一凡老师,原名鲍珊吏(Paw Sandy),祖籍中国福建永春,出生于马来西亚柔佛皇城——麻坡,是马来西亚这片国土上赫赫有名的风水师。她出生于农历九月初七,恰逢阴年阴月阴日阴时,属于八字罕见的纯阴命格,加上女儿身属阴体,故为“纯阴之人”。这一个特征仿佛是上天赐予鲍一凡老师的天赋,风水师就是她此生的天职,她的天命。同时,她也可以说是全马玄学界里唯一一位拥有“真纯阴八字”的风水师。
鲍一凡老师坚信:“风水是中华古老的生活哲学,是老祖宗智慧的传承,是易经思想最具体的实践。风水虽是古老的行业,却是永不老的行业。”为此,她致力于弘扬正统风水文化以及灌输正确的风水观念,绝不鼓吹迷信。她更是在一众风水师中,率先发起“华夏寻根” 祭祖之旅,积极参与华人传统习俗和祭祀活动,同时她也为发扬佛教和道教而作出不少的努力与贡献,是大马风水界里少有的杰出女性风水师。
鲍一凡老师的雄心万志也并不局限于国内,拥有大格局观的她放眼中国,决心开辟海外市场,并将目标锁定在了全中国最大的水晶市场。于2019年,鲍一凡老师在素有“中国水晶之都” 美誉的东海,设立了属于自己的水晶工厂——“睿凡水晶珠宝有限公司”。“睿凡水晶珠宝”所出品的水晶产品,基本都以质地纯正的东海天然水晶作为原料,每一个水晶都聚集了满满的天然纯净能量。
Master Paw Yi Fan (鲍一凡), whose real name is Paw Sandy (鲍珊吏), is a well-known international Feng Shui master in Malaysia. She was born in Muar, Johor, Malaysia, while her ancestral home is Yong Chun in Fujian, China. Master Paw’s birthday is on 7th day of the 9th lunar month, which coincides with the Yin year, Yin month, Yin day and Yin hour. In addition to the rare state of pure Yin in Master Paw’s Bazi, the feminine is also characterised as Yin energy, all of this contributed to a pure Yin body for Master Paw. This unique feature is a gift from the heaven, she is destined to be a Feng Shui master in her life. On top of that, Master Paw is the only Feng Shui master who has the ‘Pure Yin Bazi’ in Malaysian metaphysical field.
After exposed to Feng Shui knowledge, Master Paw holds the belief that people can control their own destiny, even the “Innate Destiny” can be improved through efforts. As a theory that integrates astronomy, geography and astrology, Feng Shui is one of the keys to change our destiny and luck. Therefore, Master Paw studies thoroughly on the Feng Shui Astrology and devotes herself in academic and metaphysical, and has accumulated a wealth of experience in Feng Shui through many years of practice.
Master Paw firmly believes that, “Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy of life, heritage of ancestral wisdom, and the most concrete practice of the ideas of I Ching (易经). Feng Shui may be an ancient industry, yet it never grows old.” For that reason, Master Paw strives for promoting the Feng Shui culture and instilling the correct concept of Feng Shui, and will never endorse any superstitions. Besides, she is also the very first Feng Shui master who initiate the “Journey of Seeking Roots to China” to worship our Chinese ancestors. Master Paw also an active participant in Chinese traditional customs and ritual activities, and contributed heavily to the promotion of Buddhism and Taoism with her relentless efforts. Master Paw is a prominent female Feng Shui master, which is rare, in the Malaysian Feng Shui community.
Master Paw aspires to guide people to use the ancestral wisdom of Chinese to change their own destiny and luck. In order to achieve this business philosophy, she has been continuously expanding and corporatizing her Feng Shui business for the sake of the public. At last, Master Paw has founded My Feng Shui Holdings in 2019 after years of efforts. At the same time, the companies previously established by Master Paw in Malaysia, Singapore and China has been incorporated into My Feng Shui Holdings as subsidiaries.
Under the guidance of Master Paw, My Fengshui Holdings uphold the missions to “unite and forge ahead, share Feng Shui information, create values, and promote harmony and prosperity”. It provides professional and precise services which includes different aspects in life such as Feng Shui, Naming, Chinese Astrology, Date Selection, in order to improve the life quality of customers and achieve a perfect life.
Master Paw, who is well up in Feng Shui knowledge, has extended her career to the crystal which also known as the “Feng Shui Stone”. Since the natural crystals condense the aura of heaven and earth for millions or even billions years, each of them contain spiritual and magical effects. As a Feng Shui master, Master Paw knows that crystals can improve the magnetic field and fortune of the residences and people themselves. Therefore, she established her own crystal brand, Dynasty Power Crystal, in 2017. In order to offer high quality of crystals to the public, Master Paw visits other countries and do a rigorous screening, cleansing and blessing for the crystals by her own to ensure every product of Dynasty Power Crystal is full of positive energy and can bring good luck.
Apart from a good brand, Master Paw tries every means to utilise the natural energy of crystals to improve people’s luck. So, Master Paw who has a discerning eye spent a lot of thought, money, and time on conceiving a great way to improve luck. In 2018, Master Paw established the world’s first crystal energy field with natural crystals, and named it “Dynasty Crystal Energy Field”. On top of that, the Dynasty Crystal Energy Field has been open to the public for free since established. Everyone is welcomed to sit or lie on different crystals to cleanse the negative energy of the body and improve luck.
Paw’s ambitions are not limited to the domestic market. She sets her mind on the international expansion with global vision, and took aim at the largest crystal market in China. In 2019, Master Paw established her own crystal factory in, The Crystal City, Donghai. The crystal products produced by her factory are basically made of Donghai natural crystals, every of them is full of the pure nature energy.
Not only that, as a Feng Shui master, Master Paw steeps herself in Chinese culture and conceptualise ways to boost people’s luck from it. On the basis of the 24 solar terms, Master Paw has shared the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” since 2010. This is because Li Chun, the first solar eclipse in the 24 solar term, is a significant moment for the awakening of the cosmic energy. Therefore, it’s when magnetic field of universe reaches its peak and a great chance of getting good luck. After actively promoted for several years, the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” is now getting positive feedback. The “Boosting Luck on Li Chun Activity” initiated by Master Paw, which is one of the most popular events in Malaysia, has gathers thousands of Chinese using the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” to absorb the heaven and earth aura and cosmic energy, hence changing and improving luck.
Master Paw, who always strive for continuous innovation and improvement, has tried to incorporate the blessings of the ancestors to strengthen the benefits of the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun”. She has produced the “Lucky Li Chun T-Shirt” which has received the blessing of Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor with their imperial seals stamped on it. With the power of the ancestors, it can strengthen the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” and provide infinite power.
At the same time, Master Paw is often invited to give talk regarding Feng Shui for many large international institutions and home Feng Shui lecture all over the country and neighbouring countries as she has solid foundation and unique perspectives on Feng Shui. Besides, Master Paw is also enthusiastic about charity and religious activities, hence many temples had appointed her as their Feng Shui consultants, meanwhile, she is also the Chinese Cultural Ambassador.
The various achievements and experiences of Master Paw has won a good reputation in industry and made her one of the most influential Feng Shui masters in Malaysia.
#Masterpaw #鲍一凡老师 #风水师 #马来西亚