🌻一個美國女性投資人, 創給女性投資人看的投資FB page:
"Mr. Biden is also planning to meet at the White House on Thursday with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R., W.Va.) and a group of Republican senators who have proposed a $568 billion infrastructure plan."
"Mrs. Pelosi has set July 4 as an informal target for passing infrastructure legislation in the House, though some Democratic aides expect that timeline to slip."
"Slower-than-expected job growth in April and recent concerns about inflation have hardened Republican opposition to Mr. Biden’s proposals."
🌻紙尿布年漲近一成 價格或進一步調高
WSJ在報導這篇新聞時, 有介紹一個有趣的法律名詞, "act of God" clause(法律條款).
"不可抗力條款(Force Majeure clause) 有時又被稱為「偶發事故條款」(Contingency Clause),美國學者Morris S. Rosenthal 曾將兩者加以區分,Force Majeure 相當於天災(acts of God),是指人類所無法控制的自然災害而言,如閃電、暴風、水災、雪崩等,而Contingency則較為廣泛,除天災外,尚包括人禍,如戰爭、封鎖、革命、動員、暴動、罷工、以及火災、機器毀壞等。但在實務上,大多已不加區分,一般契約中所用的Force Majeure Clause 都已包括天人禍的一切偶發事故在內,並且使用Force Majeure 用語的也比Contingency為多。"
Pictures: 來源: Twitter. 不解釋, 請自己看.
- 關於expect名詞 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於expect名詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於expect名詞 在 expect名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於expect名詞 在 同鞋,來分享個常見的英文疑惑吧~~ expect, anticipate 的評價
- 關於expect名詞 在 讀Jest Doc - 單元測試的結構、執行順序與名詞解釋 - 《Chris ... 的評價
- 關於expect名詞 在 expect for 跟expect to有什麼差別? - 語言板 | Dcard 的評價
expect名詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文
That's/It's so you!
日本語の「あなたらしいね」と同様、相手の言動や性格などが自分のイメージに一致している場合によく使われる言い回しです。言動に限らず洋服などが似合っている意味合いとしても使うことができます。名詞は必ずしも「It/That」になるわけではなく、「The hat is so you.(あなたらしい帽子だね)」のように、その人らしいと思う対象を入れて表現することもできます。
✔「Typical(典型的な)」を使って「That's/It's so typical of you」と表現することもある。
It's so you to say something like that.
This design is so you!
That's so typical of you. I wouldn't expect anything less.
A: What do you think of my new website?
B: It's so you! I love it.
A: He got exactly what he deserved.
B: It's so you to say that.
expect名詞 在 強尼金口筆譯教學日記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
▌趣味分享 ▌
語言學家認為語言會隨著社會演變而演化,這包括因為新科技發明而創造的詞彙,如臉書的 “unfriend”「刪除好友」功能,還有bitcoin, AR, VR 等專有名詞。
➤ Hangry (adj.): hungry + angry
The state of being in a bad mood/angry as a result of being hungry.
Working long hours under high pressure, health workers could be hangry sometimes.
➤ Textpectation (n.): text + expectation
The anticipation felt when waiting for a response or a text.
In this life of quarantine, my textpectation has grown; I would be thrilled to receive any message, even bill notification.
➤ Ear-worm (n.):
A song/melody/tune stuck in your head/ear.
Youtuber Chris Mann's quarantine-style adaptation of Adele's 〈Hello〉 has become a phenomenal ear-worm.
網紅 Chris Mann 改編 Adele 的名曲〈Hello〉,成了最新防疫燒腦神曲。
➤ Suckrifice (n.): suck + sacrifice
Doing what you absolutely must do, even though you really, really hate it.
Since no one was willing to take the job, I had to make the suckcrifice.
➤ Nonversation (n.): none + conversation
A completely meaningless or useless conversation.
We expect to see professional discussion at the conference, not some evasive, politically-correct nonversation.
➤ Clusterfuckery (n.):
The result of a clusterfuck; an unmanageable mess that makes one experience a rage blackout.
Due to its quick response to the disease, Taiwanese government succeeds in avoiding the clusterfuckery that occurs in many other countries.
➤ Presstitute (n.): press + prostitute
A biased or one-sided journalist.
The presstitute’s article was full of misinformation and smearing about the candidate.
➤ Blamestorming (v.): blame + storm
The act of attempting to identify the person who is most at fault for a plan’s failure.
Mass media is blamestorming Dr. Tedros for WHO’s passive response to the virus and withholding crucial information.
來源|The Language Nerds
整理|有事旁編喬 @強尼金口筆譯教學日記
expect名詞 在 expect名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的推薦與評價
關於「expect名詞」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. expect - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果2. 期待;等待;盼望That's just what we expected. 那正是我們所期望的。 ... <看更多>
expect名詞 在 同鞋,來分享個常見的英文疑惑吧~~ expect, anticipate 的推薦與評價
We didn't expect (that) this would be a problem.) 很有趣的是, anticipate 的名詞anticipation 的意思則和expectation 差很多 anticipation 是指熱切的期盼, ... ... <看更多>
expect名詞 在 expect名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的推薦與評價
關於「expect名詞」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. expect - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果2. 期待;等待;盼望That's just what we expected. 那正是我們所期望的。 ... <看更多>