來到甜品之都法國,眼前是一件件色彩繽紛的馬卡龍⋯⋯黃偉文 Wyman Wong與兩位主角當然難以抵擋!究竟用渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡購買這盒馬卡龍,可賺到多少里數?立即於此活動專帖留言,最快猜中或答案最接近的參加者,將贏得50,000里數獎賞!緊貼本 Facebook 專頁,中奬機會不斷送上!
提提您,憑渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡,食肆、網上及海外簽賬全年享 $4=1里數!一卡在手,您就是里數大贏家!
受條款及細則約束: http://mstr.cd/1WQeDVH
【MasterCard & Standard Chartered Present: Bringing a Star to Life in Cannes】 - Guess Now and Win 50,000 Asia Miles
You can't go to France without sampling a delicious dessert or two, which is why Wyman and our stars indulged in a few colourful macarons in Cannes! Can you guess how many Asia Miles were earned when purchasing macarons using the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard? Leave your answer in the comment box below and the first person to guess the correct or the closest answer will win 50,000 Asia Miles! Keep following us for even more chances to win!
Don't forget that with $4=1 mile for dining, online shopping and overseas spending, the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard card is the best way to earn even more miles.
Terms and Conditions apply: http://mstr.cd/1WQeGAO
#Wyman #MasterCard #渣打
「facebook stars terms and conditions」的推薦目錄:
facebook stars terms and conditions 在 粒粒玲子 飛行 里數 自駕遊 Lovelovelings Travel Asiamiles Facebook 的最佳貼文
來到甜品之都法國,眼前是一件件色彩繽紛的馬卡龍⋯⋯黃偉文 Wyman Wong與兩位主角當然難以抵擋!究竟用渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡購買這盒馬卡龍,可賺到多少里數?立即於此活動專帖留言,最快猜中或答案最接近的參加者,將贏得50,000里數獎賞!緊貼本 Facebook 專頁,中奬機會不斷送上!
提提您,憑渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡,食肆、網上及海外簽賬全年享 $4=1里數!一卡在手,您就是里數大贏家!
受條款及細則約束: http://mstr.cd/1WQeDVH
【MasterCard & Standard Chartered Present: Bringing a Star to Life in Cannes】 - Guess Now and Win 50,000 Asia Miles
You can't go to France without sampling a delicious dessert or two, which is why Wyman and our stars indulged in a few colourful macarons in Cannes! Can you guess how many Asia Miles were earned when purchasing macarons using the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard? Leave your answer in the comment box below and the first person to guess the correct or the closest answer will win 50,000 Asia Miles! Keep following us for even more chances to win!
Don't forget that with $4=1 mile for dining, online shopping and overseas spending, the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard card is the best way to earn even more miles.
Terms and Conditions apply: http://mstr.cd/1WQeGAO
#Wyman #MasterCard #渣打
facebook stars terms and conditions 在 小斯 Facebook 的最佳解答
上次咪同大家講要留意住MasterCard Facebook會有里數送既,岩岩小斯發現佢又有新一輪活動啦!只要估下用渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡買呢支香檳,可以賺到幾多Asia Miles,就有機會贏到50,000里啦!我自己就估應該係350里啦!嗱,唔准抄我架!個50,000里係我架!提提你:記得要緊貼MasterCard Facebook,呢個活動為期3個星期,有連串既post俾你競猜,keep住每個post都送50,000里數架!
除此之外,想睇返Wyman同兩位主角既康城影展片段,可以上 http://mstr.cd/MCHK 重溫!
抵埗法國康城後,黃偉文 Wyman Wong 與兩位主角於池畔共嚐香檳,享受悠閒時光。究竟用渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡購買這支香檳,可賺到多少里數?立即於此活動專帖留言,最快猜中或答案最接近的參加者,將贏得50,000里數獎賞!
提提您,憑渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡,食肆、網上及海外簽賬全年享 $4=1里數!一卡在手,您就是里數大贏家!
受條款及細則約束: http://mstr.cd/1WQeDVH
【MasterCard & Standard Chartered Present: Bringing a Star to Life in Cannes】 - Guess Now and Win 50,000 Asia Miles
After arriving at Cannes, Wyman and our two stars relaxed by the poolside and sampled some nice champagne. Can you guess how many Asia Miles were earned when purchasing this bottle of champagne using the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard? Leave your answer in the comment box below and the first person to guess the correct or the closest answer will win 50,000 Asia Miles! Keep following us for even more chances to win!
Don't forget that with $4=1 mile for dining, online shopping and overseas spending, the Standard Chartered Asia Miles MasterCard card is the best way to earn even more miles.
Terms and Conditions apply: http://mstr.cd/1WQeGAO
#Wyman #MasterCard #渣打