U know what fantasy jewelry is all about? Great catch up lunch with my ex intern Nicholas at Carlyle & Co and so glad fo check out his 5+2 jewelry counter at Asaya on 6/F Rosewood, can’t be happier to see him developing his own career and doing so well, add oil!! 😊💎 @iamnicholaschow @5plus2official @rosewoodhongkong @rosewoodhotels @carlyleandco @victoriadockside @asayawellness @asayakitchenhk #new #jewelry #jewellery #nice #blingbling #pretty #hk #hkig #hongkong #numberonepr #internship #addoil
fo co so 在 味•道人生 Facebook 的精選貼文
Sister restaurant of Taipei’s Gambero Rosso restaurant Divino. Similar menu but quality is relatively behind.
味道人生級別 / TastesInLife (TIL) Index:
😍: 非常好 - 必須再去 / Excellent - Must revisit regularly
😋: 滿意 - 應該要再去 / Satisfactory - Should revisit regularly
☺️: 不錯 - 可以再去 / Not bad - Can revisit once a while
😌: 一般 - 不去也沒損失 / Average - No lost for not going
🤐: 不行 - 不值得去 / Bad - Not worth the visit
😭: 災難 - 噩夢一場 / Disaster - A nightmare
#tastesinlife #味道人生
fo co so 在 Tran Van Anh Facebook 的精選貼文
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, MH17. So sad.
Tin danh cho cong dong nguoi Viet tai Quebec: VA hy vong cac bac, co chu, di cau, anh em hien tai dang sinh song tai Quebec hay giup co Mai Duong. She need stem cell donor. Please share and thank you.