Motherhood is an emotional journey, an opportunity for growth as a person. You all see the good stuff on social media, but behind the scenes, we mothers strive (or maybe struggle? 😅) to fulfilled every single tasks of the day, be it house chores, working, hey the list goes on, it never ends. We put our children first, our family first because they are our top priority.
But I’m here to tell you it’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to leave the clothes in the laundry basket when you don’t feel like folding them, and it’s ok to let the house messy with toys all over the floor, IT’S OKAY 👌🏼 Go and have that cup of coffee, go and watch your K-Drama and let your kids bergaduh berebut barang. Just ignore them 🤣
So, to celebrate yourself as a mother, get this @cetaphilmy Mother’s Day Bundle to pamper your skin with dermatologist-tested gentle skin cleanser and non-greasy and fragrance-free Moisturizing Cream! Or surprise the superwoman in your life and let them enjoy my two fave products from Cetaphil, especially the Gentle Skin Cleanser! I ada review these two products on my blog, kalau nak baca just search Cetaphil 💙 I also guna this Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser untuk my children whenever diorang ada skin problem mcm tetiba ada rashes ke gatal2 kulit ke, merah2 ke because it’s gentle on their skin.
This bundle includes :
✨ Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
✨ Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream
✨ Bouquet of Soap Flowers
The bouquet of soap flowers are given to the first 100 orders from 1st until 9th May, so make sure to place your order in Shopee as soon as you can 😊
Shopee :
Lazada :
Happy Mother’s Day to all the supermama in the world 🥰
#CetaphilMY #CetaphilWorks #Trustedbydermatologist #sabbyprueparenting