#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
——Albus Dumbledore
J.K. Rowling的性別分類帽
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J.K. Rowling本人則比較沒有什麼幫助。
今年以來一再利用自己的社群帳號來挑釁跨性別者社群的哈利波特小說作者J.K. Rowling,本週再度正常能量釋放,大喇喇地拿出她的性別分類帽套在別人身上。當有人在討論如何在疫情過後建立一個對「有月經的人」更平等的世界時,Rowling緊咬「有月經的人」一詞,質疑有月經的人如果不是女人,難道還有別人嗎?「如果『性別』不是真的存在的東西,整個地球上所有活生生的女性等於也一起被塗銷了」她並祭出「恐X症」標準話術,強調她「認識跨性別者,也愛這些跨性別者」,但性別就是性別,把性別消除掉根本就是睜眼說瞎話。
3)LGBT音樂人King Princess批評Rowling沒有意識到作為一個白人、順性別女性已經得到遠多於跨性別者那麼多的特權和權力,而她竟然仍堅持摀著耳朵拒絕聽見那些每天都可能被謀殺、被毆打、被法律無視的族群的聲音。
4)LGBT自殺防治計畫Trevor Project則以哈利波特本人Daniel Radcliffe的名義發表聲明,強調「跨性別女性也是女性,而任何與該句話有違的說法不僅傷害到跨性別者的認同和自尊,也違背了比我和Jo(指Rowling)更有專業說話的醫療專家的認知」。他同時也向那些說從此再也無法享受哈利波特小說的粉絲致歉:「如果你在故事中找到任何有共鳴的段落,可以在你的人生任何時刻有所助益,那就是屬於你和那本書之間的神聖關係。我個人認為誰都沒辦法毀掉那個關係。因此那些故事對你有什麼意義它就是什麼意義,那些有的沒的發言污染不了那個意義。」
5)Emma Watson:「跨性別者說他們是什麼就是什麼,他們有資格過自己定義的生活,而不需要一直被別人質疑或指導他們應該稱呼自己是什麼。」
6)Rupert Grint:「跨性別女性就是女性,跨性別男性就是男性。每個人都有資格過著不受評斷地被愛的生活。」
7)Eddie Redmayne:「我無法苟同Jo(Rowling)的見解。跨性別女性就是女性,跨性別男性就是男性,非二元性是真確存在的事。我無法代表跨性別社群發言,但我確實認識到我那些跨性別友人和同僚都對於這種身份認同的質疑無比厭煩,而且這些質疑已經觸發暴力和騷擾。他們只想平靜地過自己的生活,是時候讓他們如願了。」
8)Evanna Lynch(飾演露娜):「光想像作為一個跨性別者並且學著接受這件事並好好愛你自己已經是一件充滿挑戰的事,我們作為一個社會完全不應該再替他們增添任何痛苦。」
9)Warner Bros.拗口的正式聲明:「過去幾週的事件加強了我們作為一個企業去正面面對社會議題的決心。Warner Bros.對於多元融合的立場是非常明確的,維持一個多元融合的文化對我們公司和我們的觀眾都是非常重要的議題。我們也看重這些在創作過程中充分與我們分享創意的創作者所產出的故事。我們同時也非常認同我們有責任呼籲所有人,尤其是那些跟我們一起工作的夥伴和接觸到我們內容的觀眾,促使大家能夠有更多同理心、能夠更理解每個社群和每個人。」
此外,曾推動過「End Period Shame月經並非恥辱」公益活動的英國品牌The Body Shop美體小舖拿出了他們當時特別設計、上面印有"it's bloody natural" 以及 "drop the P-word"字樣的帆布袋,裝入專門研究跨性別平權的美國學者Paisley Currah的書《Transgender Rights 跨性別權利》,快遞給you-know-who。
同一時間,《Orange Is the New Black 勁爆女子監獄》演員Asia Kate Dillon則為Rowling示範了如何在亂世之中努力幫上忙:
Dillon是美國主要電視網上第一個認定自己性別為Non-binary gender 非二元性別的演員,他不認為自己是女性,也不認為是男性,並且一直用they、them、their等詞彙自稱(JK Rowling表示崩潰)。他在電視劇《Billions 金錢戰爭》中飾演的角色Taylor Mason則是美國電視史上第一個非二元性別主要角色。該角色一直以來在SAG-AFRTA美國演員工會的SAG獎中一直報名的是「最佳男配角」獎項。
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一直有美化蓄奴制惡名的奧斯卡最佳影片《Gone with the Wind 亂世佳人》,在受到《12 Years a Slave 自由之心》 編劇John Ridley直接點名批判之後,被HBO Max暫時下架,預計要再增加警語之後才會重新上架。另外長壽真人實境秀節目《Cops》也在32季之後被電視台腰斬,不再繼續訂購。該劇在1989年首播後一砲而紅,隨即吸引了全美各大警局爭相與該節目合作,藉以行銷警察形象。
紐約時報日前刊登共和黨參議員Tom Cotton一篇主張派兵鎮壓抗議民眾的投書,引發超過800名時報員工聯署抗議報社做法。紐約時報發行人A.G. Sulzberger一開始還力挺刊登該文的決定,但後來改口承認該文並不符合報社的標準。4天後紐約時報宣佈社論版主編James Bennet已經請辭,而且即刻生效。
該事件後,緊接著數位媒體Refinery29的總編輯Christene Barberich因被離職員工爆料對黑人女性的職場歧視作為而下台。Philadelphia Inquire的資深編輯則因為刊登一篇文章說不只黑人的命很重要,那些建築物也很重要,因而在爭議中下台。雜誌出版集團Condé Nast旗下的美食雜誌《Bon Appétit》總編輯Adam Rapoport同樣也因為被員工爆料對黑人女性歧視而請辭。
另一篇紐約時報專欄則把檢討的視線移向同屬Condé Nast的《Vogue》總編輯Anna Wintour身上。在這波種族抗爭剛開始的時候,Wintour曾發信給員工坦承該雜誌對於替黑人編輯、作者、攝影師和設計師創造更多機會做得遠遠不夠多。受訪的黑人離職員工多數都認為黑人在Condé Nast的出版事業中一直很難得到發展的資源和機會,經常被忽視甚至以「懶惰」的種族刻板印象被看待。這次曝光的美食雜誌總編輯惡行甚至包括要求史丹佛大學畢業的黑人員工去幫忙清理他的高爾夫球桿。作者同時認為Anna Wintour雖然過去也促成包含Rihanna等多位黑人女星登上封面,但仍然會下意識地展露了時尚業長期以來的種族刻板印象。比如LeBron James登上封面的時候就被安排白人女模和他一起模仿電影金剛的場面。過去曾有媒體統計過Anna Wintour用過的助理名單,發現她的用人策略完全就是一種白人權貴的陞官圖遊戲,十之八九都是白人權貴的子女。康乃爾大學畢業的《The Devil Wears Prada 穿著Prada的惡魔》作者Lauren Weisberger在這份名單中只能算是平民百姓。
上一次讓新聞和娛樂產業這麼緊張地砲口對內檢討的是先前me too運動期間。me too運動的經驗告訴我們這樣的檢討不一定能立即扭轉結構問題,但總是個採取行動的開端。
IBM則在種族爭議中示範了更直接果斷的行動:該公司執行長Arvind Krishna在一封給美國國會信件中,宣布該公司將立即停止所有臉部辨識軟體的開發並不再提供給任何客戶使用。「IBM堅決反對並絕不容忍使用臉部辨識技術(包括來自其它供應商的技術)用在大規模監控、種族分析、侵害基本人權和自由,以及其它任何違反我們的價值和信任透明原則的用途之上。」隨後,Amazon也宣佈將在未來一年內暫時禁止警方使用他們的臉部辨識技術Rekognition。
Marvel超級英雄《The Punisher 制裁者》因為其暴力制裁犯罪者的形象而長期獲得軍警、暴力幫派和極右派人士的擁戴。英美軍人都會在身上使用制裁者的骷髏頭logo來裝飾自己,包含《American Sniper 美國狙擊手》電影中的軍人。最近幾週的美國種族爭議和民警對立中,更出現了底特律警察配戴骷髏頭徽章的畫面,甚至主張軍事鎮壓的Fox新聞台主持人直接戴了骷髏頭別針在節目上表態。制裁者的漫畫作者Gerry Conway向來反對軍警使用這個logo,甚至曾索性透過漫畫人物之口在劇情中傳達反對之意。他近日也向Forbes表示他創造這個漫畫人物從來不是為了代表「壓迫」的力量,「這個角色代表的是法治的失敗,是用來關懷那些深感自己被體制遺棄的人」。
近來有多名漫畫作者發出呼籲,要求Disney用侵權訴訟來制止警方使用制裁者logo。不過原作者Gerry Conway想到了更好的方法:
他發起一個與Disney或Marvel完全無關的Skulls For Justice活動,鼓勵抗爭者穿上由黑人藝術家設計、帶有骷髏頭標誌的T-shirt,重新將骷髏頭logo與社會正義連結在一起。這才是讓右翼極端主義、暴力幫派和軍警成員徹底棄用制裁者logo的終極解法。
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太平洋的另一岸,美國的電影院重啟同樣牛步化。顯然因為電影院重啟速度不如預期,WarnerMedia昨天終於宣佈《Tenet 天能》將延後上映,原訂7月月17日檔期將改成重映Christopher Nolan的舊作《Inception 全面啟動》,並加映《天能》的片段做為暖場。但《天能》也沒有打算讓大家等太久,新的上映日期是7月31日,WarnerMedia也不敢拖延太久讓超級金雞母Nolan不開心。
《天能》稍稍倒退兩步後,Disney的《Mulan 花木蘭》將在7月24日成為電影院重啟後的第一部好萊塢大片。在此之前7月10日還有一部Russell Crowe主演的低成本驚悚片《超危險駕駛》搶先上映。對片廠來說第一名不是什麼值得搶的王冠,把錢賺回來才是。
《Knocked Up 好孕臨門》導演Judd Apatow的新片《The King of Staten Island》本週上映。發行商Universal原本預計採用《Trolls World Tour 魔髮精靈唱遊世界》的相同發行策略:在(僅剩還在營業的)電影院和VOD市場同步上檔,並且已經讓上百家美國汽車電影院預定檔期,甚至開始預售門票。結果上映前兩天Universal突然說讓電影院預定檔期純粹是「作業疏失」,該片並沒有要在電影院上映的計畫。該片因此會成為VOD獨家。在AMC電影院仍然繼續抵制Universal的情況下,Universal這種做法可謂大膽,因為他們等於明白宣示了輪到網路先演、電影院乖乖等空窗期的時代了。
導演Alejandro G. Iñárritu、Guillermo del Toro、Alfonso Cuarón、演員Salma Hayek 、Gale García Bernal和Diego Luna等多位出身墨西哥的影人以及將近50家製片公司本週就宣佈共同募款成立名為Sifonóforo的基金,用以幫助受到疫情影響的基層影視工作者度過難關。每個申請者可以得到2萬披索(約900美元)的紓困金。
New York Times Opinion Editor Resigns Following Backlash Over Tom Cotton Op-Ed(https://bit.ly/3cKrNxE)
J.K. Rowling Somehow Decides Now’s a Good Time to Double Down on Her Transphobia(https://bit.ly/2YcfJjD)
IBM will no longer offer, develop, or research facial recognition technology(https://bit.ly/2AUooiy)
Top editors step down as newsrooms grapple with race issues(https://bit.ly/3dZvGAB)
'Trans women are women': Daniel Radcliffe speaks out after JK Rowling tweets (https://bit.ly/3f7MntI)
HBO Max Pulls ‘Gone With the Wind,’ While ‘Cops’ Gets Canceled(https://on.wsj.com/2MISdp6)
博納影業副總裁黃巍今日凌晨逝世 享年52歲 疫情之下影視業太難了(https://bit.ly/2BTxGMu)
‘Billions’ Star Asia Kate Dillon Calls for SAG Awards to Abolish Gender-Specific Categories (https://bit.ly/2YnQj2x)
Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Salma Hayek, Guillermo del Toro Launch Fund for Mexican Below-the-Line Workers(https://bit.ly/2MTH2ds)
Can Anna Wintour Survive the Social Justice Movement?(https://nyti.ms/3hkwJgr)
The Creator Of ‘The Punisher’ Wants To Reclaim The Iconic Skull From Police And Fringe Admirers(https://bit.ly/3dZCAps)
‘Tenet,’ Expected to Signal Hollywood’s Return, Is Pushed Ba(https://nyti.ms/3hlzz4K)
Universal Pulls Pete Davidson and Judd Apatow Flick ‘King of Staten Island’ From Drive-Ins(https://yhoo.it/2Yz2Dgu)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅umino ASMR,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate. 今回の動画はサンドスライムを使った奥行き耳かき。スライムに対して砂の量を結構入れたので相当ジョリジョリになったと思...
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- 關於for a period of time意味 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 umino ASMR Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 Amazing Jiro Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 Your browser can't play this video. Learn more - YouTube 的評價
- 關於for a period of time意味 在 有同學問下列問題也許你也想知道for awhile是甚麼意思?for a... 的評價
for a period of time意味 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 死亡率(mortality rate)*、壓平曲線(flattening the curve)、活動限制 (lockdown):如何理解這些術語?
Language goes beyond a sealed system governed by a rigid set of rules. To fully understand the meaning of a word, one must look further than connotation and denotation, and also take context into consideration. In this case, one needs to examine the social, political, economic, and even statistical contexts of the terms.
Does “confirmed cases,” for example, mean the same thing in every country before and during the coronavirus outbreak? What about “lockdowns”? Does it mean that the government is advising people to stay home or is someone nailing your door shut? Some food for thought when reading about the coronavirus outbreak.
*同學好心的補充說明:「mortality rate」通常指的是死亡率,而「fatality rate」則是(因罹患某疾病)致死率。兩者都是重要的死亡指標,但計算公式不相同。
Making sense of the coronavirus pandemic requires getting up to speed on semantics as much as epidemiology. Government officials and health care professionals toss off mentions of mortality rates, flattening the curve and lockdowns, assuming that we know what they mean. But the terms mean different things from country to country, state to state, even city to city and person to person. Officials use the same phrases about mass testing, caseloads and deaths to describe very different situations. That makes it hard to give clear answers to vital questions: How bad are things? Where are they headed?
1. make sense of… 理解……
2. get up to speed on 了解最新情況;跟上進度
3. toss off 輕而易舉地處理*
弄懂新型冠狀病毒大流行,既需要了解流行病學的最新情況,也需要在語義學上跟上形勢。「死亡率」、「壓平曲線」和「活動限制」等說法從政府官員和公共衛生專業人士的嘴裡脫口而出,他們假設大家都知道這些詞的意思。但對不同的國家、不同的州,甚至不同的城市和個人來說,這些術語有著不同的含義。 官員們使用「大規模檢測」、「病例數」和「死亡病例數」等相同的措辭,來描繪非常不同的情況。這令一些重要的問題難以得到明確的回答:情況有多糟糕?正在向什麼方向發展?
toss off: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/toss%20off
People search for insight by comparing their countries to those that are further along in the epidemic. But if the terms are misleading or used in differing ways, the comparisons are flawed. Also, the statistics and vocabulary offer a false sense of precision while in reality, the information we have shows only a fraction of what’s going on. “The new cases or deaths each day are given as exact numbers, and we’re trained to take that at face value,” said Mark N. Lurie, an epidemiologist at Brown University’s School of Public Health. “But those are far from exact, they’re deeply flawed, and their meaning varies from place to place and from time period to time period.”
4. be further along in 在……上走得更深遠
5. at face value 根據外表;從表面上看
I. Confirmed Cases 確診病例
Countries vary wildly in testing for the virus and how they report the numbers, and experts say most infections are going undetected. So the publicized national tallies are rough, incomplete pictures that may not be all that comparable. And that’s if countries are forthcoming about their data.
6. vary wildly in 在……上有極大的差異*
7. publicize 公布;宣傳
8. national tallies 國家的統計數據
9. incomplete pictures 不完整的狀況
10. forthcoming 樂於幫助的
wildly: https://bit.ly/2wkgPjo
Officials in the United States say that China, which has reported more than 82,000 infections, has understated its epidemic. Until this week, the Chinese government excluded those patients who tested positive for the virus but had no symptoms. China also doesn’t say how many tests it has conducted, and doubts have been raised about whether it has tested extensively in Xinjiang, the province where it holds hundreds of thousands of Muslims in indoctrination camps. The Covid Tracking Project, run by The Atlantic, has tried to compile all the numbers in the United States and reports more than 1.2 million tests so far, over 3,600 per million people.
11. understate 未如實陳述;避重就輕地說
12. exclude 把……排除在外
13. indoctrination camps 再教育營
14. run by 由……經營
II. Widespread Testing 大規模檢測
It matters not only how many people are tested, but also when, and who they are. Once again, countries differ, shaping what the numbers mean. A few countries, like South Korea, Australia and Singapore, got serious about mass testing early on. They used the information to do ambitious contact-tracing — finding and testing those who had recently been near infected people, even if they had no symptoms.
15. it matters 重要的是
16. not only……, but also…… 不僅……,而且……
17. get serious about 認真對待某事
18. early on 在早期
But most nations with large numbers of cases have done less testing, waited longer to do it in bulk, and made little attempt at contact tracing. They find themselves playing catch-up with the virus, ramping up testing after their outbreaks had already mushroomed. They detect more cases, but by then it’s hard to tell how much of that growth is the expanding epidemic and how much is expanding surveillance. Unable to meet the demand, they often limit testing to the sickest patients and health workers.
19. in bulk 大量
20. make little attempt 幾乎未做嘗試
21. ramp up 增加*
22. mushroom (v.) 迅速增長;迅速發展*
23. meet the demand 滿足需求
24. limit……to 將……限制在……
ramp up: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/ramp-up
mushroom: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/mushroom
III. Fatality Rates 致死率
It has been stated time and again: Italy and Spain have high mortality rates among coronavirus patients, Germany’s is low, and China’s is somewhere between. It may not be that simple. Counting the dead is as flawed and inconsistent as counting the infected. Recent reports say that mortuaries in Wuhan, China, where the disease was first discovered, have ordered thousands more urns than usual, suggesting a much higher death toll than the city’s official count, 2,535. The outbreaks in Wuhan, and parts of Italy and Spain, overwhelmed hospitals, forcing many sick people to ride it out at home. No one knows how many people have recovered or died without ever being tested. And if only the sickest patients are tested, then the number of infections will appear smaller and the percentage who die will seem higher.
25. time and again 屢次;一再
26. as flawed and inconsistent as 像……一樣存在缺陷與不一致
27. mortuary 停屍間(太平間)
28. urn 骨灰罈
29. suggest 暗示*
30. death toll 死亡人數
31. to ride it out 安然渡過(難關)*
suggest: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/suggest
ride sth out: https://bit.ly/2Rd6Tj6
IV. The Peak 疫情高峰
Officials often talk about when the epidemic peaks or plateaus — when a country “flattens the curve.” But they rarely specify, the peak of what? And how can we be sure we’re past it? When an outbreak is growing unchecked, more people become infected and more die each day than the day before. On a graph, the curve showing the daily count of new cases has gone from rising sharply to moving sideways — the curve has flattened — and even begun to move downward. That is one corner being turned: The rate of the spread of the virus has slowed down. It takes longer to turn another: the rate of people dying.
32. from rising sharply to moving sideways 從急劇上升到橫向移動
33. turn the corner 好轉;度過難關*
turn the corner: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/turn%20the%20corner
But even when those curves flatten, the epidemic still has not “peaked” by another crucial measure: the number of active cases. That figure continues to rise until the number of patients who either die or recover each day is larger than the number of new infections. To ease the staggering load on health care systems, the active cases curve must also flatten and then fall.
34. peak (v.) 使……達到頂峰
35. either……or…… 不是……就是……
36. staggering 沉重的;巨大的
peak: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/peak_2
V. Lockdowns 封鎖(活動限制)
More than two billion people, including most Americans, are living under something usually called a lockdown. But there is no set definition of that word — or related terms like stay-at-home mandates and social distancing — so the details differ from place to place. The biggest differences may be in enforcement. Some places, like those in the United States with lockdowns, mostly rely on people to follow the rules without coercion. But Italy and others have deployed soldiers to ensure compliance, and French police have fined hundreds of thousands of people for violating restrictions. China, in addition to using security forces, mobilized an army of volunteers, ratcheting up social pressure to obey.
37. set definition 固定的定義
38. enforcement 實施;執行
39. rely on 仰賴;依靠
40. deploy 部署
41. compliance 服從
42. fine 處……以罰款(或罰金)
43. in addition to 除了……之外
44. mobilize 動員
45. ratchet sth up/down 逐步增加/減少
Italy’s experience shows the looseness of the term. It has gone through several phases of restrictions, applying them to more people, making them stricter and increasing enforcement. A few weeks ago, a person could travel around Italy for a valid work or family reason. Now, people are fined for nonessential walking too far from their homes. But each stage was widely called by the same name: lockdown.
46. looseness 鬆散
47. valid 確鑿的;合理的;有根據的;讓人信服的
for a period of time意味 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳解答
[繞道亞洲心臟的一人背包旅行] Bypassing the Heart of Asia: a Solo Backpacking Trip
(English edition available below)
「亞洲心臟」指的是中亞,一個突厥、蒙古與伊斯蘭文化相遇並交融的地方。這趟旅行之所以稱作亞洲的心臟繞道(heart bypass),是因為路線雖然貫穿俄羅斯、中亞與中國,卻不是直接「刺穿」亞洲的心臟,而是從心臟的一端繞一大圈到另外一端。用文字說明不太清楚,看下面這張路線圖應該就比較明瞭了。
Starting May 7, 2018, I’ll be on a 42-day solo backpacking trip to Central Asia, Western/Northwestern China and Russia. The title I give this trip is “Bypassing the Heart of Asia”.
The heart of Asia, commonly known as central Asia, is a region where Turkic, Mongolian and Islamic cultures intertwine. After Rather than “piercing” through it, I will first get to one side of it, and then make a huge detour to the other side. This is why I call it a heart bypass. (I guess it still sounds vague. Check out the maps attached to this post.)
This grand trip idea started last year, after a few European trips I took. Due to the limit of my paid time-off, those trips lasted only one week or even shorter. Then I started thinking: how cool would it be if I can get a longer time off, let’s say like 1 month, to travel from Europe to Asia through all the former Soviet Union countries (which seem extraordinarily attractive to me after my Baltic States trip last year)? And I knew that the best timing for me to do that would be the gap between two jobs. Therefore, I started conceiving this trip while looking for a new job. The job search went fairly smoothly, but the trip planning soon faced some difficulties.
The biggest difficulty is visa. As a Taiwanese passport holder, visa is required for me to enter Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyz, and those countries are notorious for their lengthy and costly visa application process. For each visa, I have to buy a letter of invitation (LOI), go to the consulate in Washington DC in person, wait for one or two weeks, and then pick up the visa in person. Each visa can take a month and cost $200-300. Things have changed recently -- visa waiver is now available for many western countries, but not for Taiwan citizens, unfortunately.
Another difficulty is time. One month may seem long, but to travel from the westernmost point of Europe (Lisbon) to Taiwan without flying, it’s still way too short. Even if I take train through all the European countries without making stops, I’d probably have only 3-4 days to spend in each central Asian country, and 2/3 of the time I’ll be on the train. This is not the way I would like to travel!
As my original plan was quickly proven unrealistic, I began to make compromises: giving up the attempt to start from the westernmost point of Europe, allowing myself to fly once (in order to enter using visa on arrival, which is applicable only if you fly in), and reducing the number of countries to visit. Finally, I came up with this “heart bypass” itinerary:
Week 1: Uzbekistan
Week 2: Heading east to Kyrgyzstan
Weeks 3-4: Heading east/northeast to western and northwestern China
Weeks 5-6: From Russian Far East heading west to Golden Ring, the European part of Russia
Some may wonder about this: why do I travel eastward into China first and turn westward to go back to the European part of Russia first, instead of starting from European Russia and go eastward all the way? This is because Russia has a visa waiver policy during the 2018 FIFA World Cup: all foreign ticket buyers can enter Russia between June 4 and July 25 without a visa. Since my trip has to end on June 17, the only period for me to take advantage of that would be June 4-17. That’s why I have to do Central Asia and China first and enter Russia later.
Still cannot believe the trip is just around the corner! I have found a new job, wrapped up my previous job, and been approved for all visas. This is my first time trying to write about my trip while still traveling -- previously I always did that after trips. Writing while traveling means the narratives would probably be closer to what I actually see and feel on the way. I’m not a big fan of broadcasting or checking-in everywhere to show off my trip, but I’d like to do this “near-time writing” as an experiment, and see how my travel and my writing would both be made different.
Welcome to join my trip. Get yourself ready to head out with me on Sunday night!
for a period of time意味 在 umino ASMR Youtube 的精選貼文
Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate.
This video is a depth ear pick using sand slime. I think the amount of sand in the slime was fairly large, so I think it became a lot of trouble. When the amount of sand is small, the sound becomes gritty with a large amount of water. The point is that the sand is colored, which is unusual for me. It's usually plain, but... what happened?
I haven't used slime so far, but when I made it myself after a long time, it was so interesting that I also shot depth earpicks. I made a few other videos in bulk, but I don't know when I can post them.
Although I made my own slime and I was a little addicted to it, sadly the summer has come. Why should it be summer? I don't shoot in summer. The reason is that the bugs are noisy. If slime fever continues until autumn, I will shoot again... When I made my slime a few years ago, I didn't have many tools, but this time I prepared a lot, so I think I'll probably make one. If you don't make it, the materials will be useless.
I will continue to use the stories I used in the radio chat. What to do about that topic, what to do when you are depressed. Recently, I think there are many chances of depression because of the virus. Especially during the self-restraint period, many people are stressed because they can't leave their homes, events are destroyed, and they can't meet friends. (Why I didn't talk at that time.) (In Japan, there was a mystery limitation to refrain from going out. I think it's difficult to understand.)
So what do you do? The quickest strategy is to sleep and forget. Depending on the degree of depression, I think there are many things out there that solve the time. So I sleep on the day when I'm depressed. It's not mental, let's recover from physical. If you fall asleep right after you get home and can't sleep at night, watch your favorite works or YouTuber until you're sleepy. On that point, there are a lot of subscription services these days, so it doesn't bother me. I think it's good to watch the ASMR video and forcibly sleep. (Advertising without hiding)
What I personally do is force me away from depressed things. Especially when you make a mistake, you cannot go back to the past. When I have bad news, I try not to look online. On the contrary, it is meaningless to be aware of that in the process of leaving, so it is not suitable for people who cannot switch.
Probably there are many students reading this, but I think it's better to be careful about your capacity when you are depressed by the behavior of your friends. I often see troubles with friends, but if I have troubles that are unlikely to be solved, there is a chance that I can escape, so it is better to think about how to deal with them. I don't really recommend running away from the beginning, but there's nothing wrong with running away as a result of facing each other. It is quite difficult when you have trouble with your teacher. It is almost impossible to change the behavior of the other person. Then you can think like, "This person is this kind of person." If you lower the hurdle even a little, the damage may be reduced even if it is not accepted.
Good night.
Twitter: https://goo.gl/Y9uFpW
Twitter(通知用): https://goo.gl/WHEa8c
Copyright © 2017 UMINO ASMR All Rights Reserved.
for a period of time意味 在 Amazing Jiro Youtube 的精選貼文
PLEASE VOTE FOR ME if you liked this look!
★ VOTE HERE: https://faceawards.nyxcosmetics.jp (Amazing JIRO)
Voting period: 2017/7/31 - 8/4, 10:00AM Japan time (You can vote 3 times a day!)
It would mean so much to me if you could vote for me. Thank you guys for all your support!
<About the artwork>
My first ever challenge on self-beauty makeup!
I usually do makeup for models so I don't apply makeup on my face but I see many other artists who apply makeup on their face at the FACE Awards and they all look amazing!
Believing in that makeup magic, I've decided to do a self-beauty makeup this time.
I'm turning to age 42 this year and my reckless challenge of dressing as a woman would probably be the first and last time....
To express the theme "royalty", I picked the Japanese traditional beauty and painted cherry blossoms in full bloom.
Also, in order to add my own view of traditional Japanese beauty, I've also focused on the details such as nails and decorations to show the delicate beauty of Japanese makeup and style.
Please check out the video and see how I change with beauty makeup.
■ Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amazing_jiro/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmazingJiro/
★投票ページ:https://faceawards.nyxcosmetics.jp (Amazing JIRO)
投票期間:2017/7/31 〜 8/4 10:00AM(1日3回投票できます!)
普段はモデルにメイクするばかりで、自分にメイクすることは無いですが、Face Awardsではみんな自分の顔を素敵に変えているので、今回、僕もメイクアップの魔法を信じてセルフメイクでいく決心をしました。
■ Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amazing_jiro/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmazingJiro/
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