Delicious Homemade Vegan Apple Pie
(For the English translation please scroll down.)
我先生頗頑固,又不喜歡轉變。我們住在這屋子 30 年了,一直到 6 年前他才願意給我種株我夢寐以求的蘋果樹。但他要我答應,有自家種的蘋果後,我會特别花心思做可口甜品給他吃,我當然欣然承諾,也要他保證會悉心替我灌溉小蘋果樹。
差不多五年前,我開始吃素,跟先生說想把經營了 27 年的小店改成純素外賣,他起初不怎麽同意。我不動聲色,開始每天給他烹調美味蔬食,兩個月下來,他態度從當初的不讚成到開始接受。但給我一個挑戰,如果我能和他一起把店裡每道小菜都改為好吃的素菜,他會乖乖給我當個蔬食廚子。
之前有很多人問我,是什麽原因令我們不再吃肉。我可以很坦白回答,是從看了很多部紀錄片如 Earthlings, Cowspiracy, What the Health, Forks Over Knives …. 等等開始。
到最近,很多朋友跟我說,看了 The Game Changers 之後,他們覺得不需要吃肉了。
上月底,六十年來努力不懈地向人類介紹自然界的美麗與脆弱、對環境執著保護的 Sir David Attenborough 與 Netflix 合作拍攝的紀錄片 A Life on Our Planet 面世了。這是部不容錯過,充满教育性的紀錄片,請大家有空一定要看看!
Gently spiced apples encased in a light and crumbly pastry, perfectly warming for this time of year, and very moreish! Best served warm with plant based vanilla ice cream, it is the most comforting autumnal dessert you could ask for! Let me know if you would like the recipe, I'll try to write it out as soon as I can.
My husband is a rather stubborn person and normally doesn't like change. We have lived in our house for 30 years, and he resisted the idea of planting the apple tree of my dreams until 6 years ago. Even then, it was on the proviso that I used our new supply of homegrown fruit to make him some delicious desserts. Of course I was happy to agree, as long as he takes great care of my beloved little apple tree.
I became a vegan about five years ago, and when I told my husband I wanted to turn our business of 27-years into a vegan takeaway, he wasn’t sure initially. Knowing him well, I was not surprised by this but also not deterred. So I said nothing and just quietly started cooking him scrumptious vegan meals every day. It took a couple of months but his attitude gradually changed. Then he set me a challenge; he said if I could work with him to turn every dish on our menu into an equally delicious vegan version, he would be happy to join me on this journey and be our hardworking vegan chef.
We both dedicated ourselves to this new direction in our lives and kept our promises, even when it came to the apple tree. Under his care, the tree has become more and more rosy and beautiful each year despite the harsh natural elements it sometimes encounters; and I fulfilled my side of the bargain by using the apples we harvested to make all sorts of sweet treats for him.
Harvest Vegetarian Kitchen opened its door four years ago to welcome our wonderful customers, and we have been immensely thankful to everyone’s support and encouragement since. We remain totally committed to working hard in providing good food and good service to our fantastic community.
Since we made this change, many people have asked us what made us stop eating meat? We can honestly say it was after watching lots of documentaries like Earthlings, Cowspiracy, What the Health, Forks Over Knives etc … all of which educated us on the food we were eating and the processes involved in getting it from the farm to our plates.
Recently, a lot of people have told us, after watching “The Game Changers”, they too have given up eating meat.
Sir David Attenborough's powerful new documentary “A Life On Our Planet” is another must-watch, offering a bleak, but in some ways hopeful look at climate change, and what needs to be done in order to reduce its impact.
“When it comes to the land, we must radically reduce the area we use to farm, and the quickest and most effective way to do that is for us to change our diet. Whenever we choose a piece of meat, we too are unwittingly demanding a huge expanse of space. The planet can’t support billions of large meat-eaters, there just isn’t the space. If we all had a largely plant-based diet, we would only need half of the land we use at the moment. And because then we would be dedicated to raising plants, we could increase the yield of this land substantially.” Sir David Attenborough.
As soon as the film was over, my husband turned to me and said, ”Where’s the apple pie that you promised me?"
forks over knives netflix 在 琳達的全植日常 Linda's plant-based diary Facebook 的精選貼文
直到在好山好水的溫哥華唸書的那半年,每天早晨五點起床做瑜伽,之後為自己料理豐盛美味的蔬食早餐,每週最期待的事是到農夫市集買菜、跟小農學習挑選新鮮的蔬果 - 天啊!原來食物原始的滋味是這麼鮮甜美好,這才是最能滿足身體、滋養心靈的食物呀!
Cowspiracy 畜牧業的陰謀:http://bit.ly/cowspiracy0 (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives 刀叉下的秘密:goo.gl/WES3bI (Netflix)
Melanie Joy 肉食心理學:http://bit.ly/melaniejoytalk (Tedtalk)
感謝 純素為什麼 VEGAN TALK 翻譯
The Gamechangers 茹素的力量 (Netflix)
奧斯卡影帝「瓦昆菲尼克斯」震撼台下的得獎感言:http://bit.ly/qptalk (感謝 草獸派對 Taiwan Vegan Frenzy 翻譯)
找蔬食 Traveggo
夠維根Go Vegan
Peace And Yummy 和平與美味
forks over knives netflix 在 Rachell Tan Facebook 的最佳解答
Just last night I asked Sean, “Did you propose to me this year ah?”
And he was like “Honestly, I forgot”, and I replied “It’s ok cause I also forgot” 😂
Well thanks to iPhone camera album date I can confirm it happened this year... and it was on April fool’s day 😒 and the ring was too big (you can see it’s damn loose in the photo) and even till now I’m wearing it on my middle finger cause we lazy go resize 😅
It happened in Kagoshima at the beautiful Tadamoto Park filled with Sakuras 🌸🌸🌸 and @iluvnippon was really nice to pakat with Sean to secretly film the proposal, but the video is 0% romantic cause I asked “Huh is this a prank?” cause we’d watched @benranaway’s April fool’s video the night before so I thought Sean was pulling my leg also 🤦♀️😂
Ok we’re jokes. Bye 2019!
Oh and it was around that time we started transitioning to Vegan diet also! 🌱 my years and years of tormenting period cramps disappeared thanks to that, so it’s damn big news to me 😍🙏🏻
Please go check out “The Game Changers” and “Forks Over Knives” on Netflix ❤️
Hope 2020 turns out amazing for everyone 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻