逾二千人聯署【停止清拆 要求發展局將同德押列暫定古蹟】
#SaveTungTakPawn Stop the demolition Tung Tak Pawn Shop
即行動 → https://goo.gl/Hq93VV → 及廣傳!
1. 要求發展局將同德押列為暫定古蹟,停止清拆
2. 跟業主商議保育方案
3. 要求修定《古物及古蹟條例》,就古蹟評級立法,保育本土的歷史遺產
【尊重歷史立即停工 等待覆核同德押評級】
附錄:為1444幢歷史建築物進行評估工作的 專家小組成員名單 (2009)
Our demands put forward to the Secretary of Development, Paul Chan Mo-po are as below:
1) That the Hong Kong Development Bureau should temporarily list the Tung Tak Pawn Shop as a legally declared proposed historical monument and cease demolition work on the building
2) That the Hong Kong Development Bureau should engage in direct discussions with the property owners of Tung Tak Pawn Shop to formulate a mutually agreed plan for the conservation of this building
3) That the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance be amended to confer legal status and protection to historical gradings, so as to conserve the cultural heritage of Hong Kong
Please join us as we petition for the Hong Kong Development Bureau to take responsibility for Hong Kong’s precious history, antiquities, and historical monuments by preserving Tung Tak Pawn Shop – one of the last surviving buildings of its kind.
Jointly signed on August 10, 2015.
→ https://goo.gl/Hq93VV
→ more on twitter.com/gooddaywanchai
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