[Pastry News / 甜點新聞] the 1st issue of Youfood Magazine is now available! / 新飲食雜誌Youfood Magazine創刊(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
The first food magazine focusing on social networks and social influencers are now available in all the kiosks in France! This magazine tells you what's à la mode at the moment and where to look for those what are chic. It presents the best and the most interesting food throughout social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, and introduces social influencers that you should follow.
If you still remember, I was invited to a Saint Honoré tasting earlier. I am really honored to be one of the judges. Now you can find in it the details of the story and how we judge a good Saint Honoré ;-)
Envious? Don't worry, my own French pastry tasting classes in Taipei should come soon. Stay tuned.
還記得我五月的時候參加一個聖多諾黑泡芙品嚐會嗎?有追蹤我Instagram的朋友們一定也記得那堆我吃到差點暈倒的泡芙奶油山。現在你可以在Youfood Magazine這本雜誌上讀到那些我與朋友們用身材與健康換來的寶貴評鑑了!
昨天熱騰騰剛剛在法國上市的Youfood Magazine,是一本全新的飲食雜誌,它和諸如Fou de Pâtisserie、Fou de Cuisine還有@YAM等雜誌不同的地方呢?這是一本著力在介紹最新飲食潮流、社群媒體與社群意見領袖的雜誌。想知道現在在Instagram、Facebook、Youtube上面又流行什麼,要到哪裡、追蹤誰才能獲得最新飲食消息與創意,看這本雜誌就對了。
不想漏了即時消息,千萬別忘了追蹤我的Instagram @applespoon,每天的Stories還有更多要告訴你的!