"How we can face the future without fear, together" (“我們如何毫無恐懼的一起面對未來”)
就在連續兩天分享關於近代最有影響力的猶太拉比Jonathan Sacks 的書籍後,早上很難過的得知他於今天凌晨去世了。今年才完成兩本新的著作的他,雖然離開了人世,可是相信他的智慧與教導透過他的著作,可以持續的影響這個世界。
因為他的書還沒有太多中文翻譯,因此我用這一篇2017年的TED talk
"How we can face the future without fear, together" (“我們如何毫無恐懼的一起面對未來”) (有中文字幕以及繁體逐字稿)來分享給大家。希望透過這18分鐘的演說,看見這位溫暖的長者,只有說笑沒有說教,只有故事沒有規條,以及巧妙的文字運用,讓我每次讀完他的書都感到充滿希望。
“...a nation is strong when it cares for the weak, that it becomes rich when it cares for the poor, it becomes invulnerable when it cares about the vulnerable. ”
“當一個國家能關懷弱者, 它就會很強大; 當一個國家能關懷貧者, 它就會變富有; 當它能關懷脆弱的人, 它就會變得無堅不摧。 ”
#Jonathansacks #Rabbisacks #走過死蔭的幽谷也必不怕遭害
fueled中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
最近有很多法人舉辦科技方面的會議, 會在會議中訪問上市公司的高層. 可以到Seeking Alpha上面看一下訪問內容.
--DA Davidson’s 19th Annual & Software Internet Conference on September 9th
--Citi’s 2020 Global Technology Conference on September 10th
--Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on September 14
--Jefferies Virtual Software Conference on September 15
我快快地看了兩份(Docusign(DOCU)還有Crowdstrike(CRWD)), 也把重點劃了出來(並沒有翻譯成中文就是, 也沒有濃縮.) 有興趣的可以到部落格那邊的個股專屬標籤去找檔案.
DOCU: CEO有提到TAM, 市佔, 競爭環境, 國際發展.
CRWD: CFO專訪. 可以看競爭對手的狀態, 還有他們的業務模式. 感覺起來他們未來會切入OKTA這些公司的市場(做identity的.)
執行副總裁兼行銷和傳播長卡瑞爾(Brie Carere)表示,大型包裹、傢俱與高價位電子商品的配送到府業務量增加。她也說,超過65歲的消費者「終於上網」並且「從電子商務角度來看,我不認為(疫情結束後)這些購買行為會恢復到以往的狀態」。
以上文字來源: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8F%97%E6%83%A0%E6%96%BC%E7%96%AB%E6%83%85%E5%AE%85%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F-%E8%81%AF%E9%82%A6%E5%BF%AB%E9%81%9E%E7%8D%B2%E5%88%A9%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87-084745880.html
以下是財報內容中, 值得注意的幾段. 可以看到, 電商有加速發展, 而消費者本來花在服務業上的費用, 有轉移到物品(goods)的現象.
"The second and perhaps more profound trend is the acceleration of ecommerce. Pre-COVID, we projected that the U.S. domestic market would hit a 100 million packages per day by calendar year 2026. We now project that the U.S. domestic parcel market will hit this mark by calendar year 2023 pulling volume projections forward by three years from the previous expectation."
"Ecommerce fueled substantially by this pandemic is driving the extraordinary growth. In fact 96% of the U.S. growth is expected to come from ecommerce. While ecommerce as a percentage of total retail has declined from its apex in April, it remains elevated. Ecommerce as a percentage of total retail for Q2 calendar year 2020 is estimated at 21% compared to 15% in Q2 calendar year 2019."
"In the U.S., spending that would normally have gone into services has shifted towards goods with goods spending boosted further by pent-up demand. Retail sales are growing again year-over-year and ecommerce is building at holiday levels and of course, more to come on that in a moment. The service sector is severely impacted by the pandemic and higher employment rates continues to weigh on growth."
fueled中文 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的最讚貼文
《Devil May Cry 5》最新消息第二彈──更多遊戲劇情、武器、角色資訊釋出!
一顆魔界樹種子降臨並紮根地方城市Red Grave,開啟了惡魔對人界的侵略。年輕的惡魔獵人Nero與拍檔Nico一同乘坐「DMC Motorhome」趕到Red Grave抵抗惡魔的攻勢。失去了右臂的Nero將使用Nico提供的特殊武裝義手殲滅各種邪惡的惡魔。
Nico為Nero提供的義手「Devil Breaker」由於性能高而容易損壞,因此Nero戰鬥時會攜帶複數的Devil Breaker,每當損壞便更換。Devil Breaker的性能十分多樣,包括能操控電擊的OVERTURE和停下時間的RAGTIME。
除了Devil Breaker之外,會噴發火焰的機動劍RED QUEEN和威力強大的連裝槍BLUE ROSE亦是Nero的強力戰友。
《Devil May Cry 5》將於3月8日發售,亞洲版支援繁簡中文。
更多遊戲詳情可瀏覽官方網頁: http://www.devilmaycry5.com/
Latest Chapter in The Legendary Devil May Cry Series – “Devil May Cry 5” Arrives March 8, 2019!
Invasion of demons begins again when the seeds of a “demon tree” take root in Red Grave City. A young demon hunter Nero, arrives with his partner Nico in their “Devil May Cry” motorhome. Finding himself without the use of his right arm, Nero enlists Nico, a self-professed weapons artist, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms to give him extra powers to take on evil demons such as the blood sucking flying Empusa and giant colossus enemy Goliath.
Combined with melee attacks using his ‘Red Queen’ sword and the long range firepower of his ‘Blue Rose’ handgun, the power of Nero’s Devil Breaker arms add dramatic adrenaline fueled action to the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil that plays out in the streets of Red Grave City. With the arrival of Dante on his flashy motorbike, the pair of demon hunters are set to try and save the city and find out what’s behind this latest demon invasion.
Please visit official website for more game information: http://www.devilmaycry5.com/
fueled中文 在 【開箱趣】袋狼大進擊賽車:氮氣爆衝CRASH TEAM RACING ... 的推薦與評價
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