#活動攻略 #失智冬活 #塌縮點 #GFL_Guide #GFL_Singularity
簡單來說, 每走到一個分歧點,你必須選擇一條去走,然後走完了再回溯到起點走別的路線。必須走完所有的路線才能開啟下一章。
E1 有三條路線 (日戰)
E2 有四條(夜戰)
E3 有一條(日戰)
E1 : https://goo.gl/2tiZyb
E2 : https://goo.gl/yL1MEx
E3 : https://goo.gl/qJwkGY
- 限定打撈
- 物資箱的話,第一次通關可以獲得箱子,然後接后的打撈必須靠回溯,然而只有每日第一次的回溯才能有箱子。
- 隱藏圖
E1: https://youtu.be/Q13e48VAkCk
E2: https://youtu.be/9DSBKHIM3Vw
E3 : https://youtu.be/ddGlDdppeSk
- 隱藏成就
- 隱藏地圖的解鎖方式(親自打王)
E1 : 擊敗劊子手5次
E2 : 擊敗計量官2次 代理人1次
E3 :擊敗M16A1一次
- 六個隱藏成就
1)塌縮點 信使:戰鬥勝利情況下不進行任何一場戰鬥
2)塌縮點 底線升變 III:戰鬥勝利情況下利用人質梯隊消滅12支敵人梯隊
3)塌縮點 弱子死局 III:只佈置2支梯隊獲得S勝
4)塌縮點 底線升變 I:通關時佔領所有據點
5)塌縮點 最終手段 I:戰鬥勝利時場上所有梯隊彈藥為0
Finally finished with the normal maps guide
In simple words, each time you reach a splitting node, you have to choose one and go, after you finish with it then backtrack to the starting point for another route. You have to complete all route to unlock the next chapter.
My color sequence is: Red Blue Green Yellow
E1: 3 Route (Day Battle)
E2: 4 Route (Night Battle)
E3: 1 Route (Day Battle)
(Lotsa map have hidden method)
E1 : https://goo.gl/2tiZyb
E2 : https://goo.gl/yL1MEx
E3 : https://goo.gl/qJwkGY
- Exclusive Farming
- Rsc Box
You can get the box when you clear it the first time, then afterward's farming you have to depend on backtrack, and only the first daily backtrack can have the box
Most Efficient Box Farming
- Hidden Map
E1: https://youtu.be/Q13e48VAkCk
E2: https://youtu.be/9DSBKHIM3Vw
E3 : https://youtu.be/ddGlDdppeSk
- Hidden Achievement
- Hidden Map Unlock (Personally defeat them)
E1 : Defeat Executioner 5 time
E2 : Defeat Gager 2 time, Agent 1 time
E3 : Defeat M16A1 1 time
- 6 Hidden Achievement
1) 信使 : Under victory condition and not having to go through any battle
2) 底線升變 III : Under victory condition, use the hostage team and kill 12 enemy echelon
3) 弱子死局 III : Deploy only 2 Echelon and receive S ranking
4) 底線升變 I : Under victory condition and take over all nodes
5) 最終手段 I : When you win, all echelon on the field with 0 Ammo
6) Credit : Finish watching the winter event credit list
- Hidden Map and Farming is WIP