1970’s African batakari / fugu
Ghanaian smock
Hand woven
這件來自迦納的barakori Fugu smock,面料以手工或機械方式將數單位手工織條縫接而成,簡約俐落、色澤飽滿,領口處的白色繡線滾邊繡,胸前及背後皆有特殊刺繡圖騰,不同的圖騰都有各自的意義,甚至是袖子長度也有相對應的場合及身份象徵。織布紮實、垂墜度極佳,搭配30年代的法軍麻料軍褲、皮革編織鞋與編織草帽,雅痞都會的質感中帶點悠閒輕快的步調,配上一些藍調,走在街上都能隨意跟路人酌飲兩杯。
#hat Cavangh Boater hat
Made in Italy
#trousers 1930’s French Military Bourgerou trousers
linen herringbone twill
#sandals leather sandals
by @moss.archives
#folk #batakari #fugu #fugusmock #ghana #ghanaian #vintagefolk #kenta #vintage #military #wormholeshop #虫洞
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As a Ghana Armed Forces E- recruitment. Vacancy!!! Vacancy!!! Vacancy!!! As a Ghanaian, do you feel concerned about the security of the nation? ... <看更多>